Back home!

Jul 26, 2015 16:08

Whew! It's good to be home. Seriously. I did enjoy my vacay very much but I'm worn out for several reasons.

I had a blast driving. No, really I did. I enjoy the time and getting to see stuff along the way. Carter went with me, so we headed out last Saturday and made it up to Greenville, SC and crashed for the night. Then we headed on to Norfolk to see huntersglenn! Who was the most awesome hostess ever.

We didn't do a whole lot, but getting to hang out and watch a little Stargate and talk about fanfic was great fun to me! Also, we went to the beach and splashed our toes in the water one evening after sweating to death playing a game of miniature golf. lol. Carter and Cathy's son seemed to hit it off and Carter was eager to be home this afternoon to get online and see if they could hook up playing games at some point!

After that, I headed down to West Jefferson, NC to drop Carter off at my soon to be ex-brother-in-law, Steve's. They wanted to hang out together, so it was a nice break for both Carter and myself. I drove on down from there to Asheville, NC to see the sister.

Well, you already saw my post about the boyfriend, Michael. Ugh. And then Carter and Steve came down on Friday afternoon and we all went out to dinner that night and went bowling. It was a hoot. I couldn't bowl for crap but we had fun.

Then yesterday we went tubing along the French Broad River. OMG! That was so much fun! I wasn't exactly sure I'd be into it but I loved it. It was hot but the river water was cold and the inner tubes were great. They had backrests and a drink cup. Score! Plus you could pay an extra $5 and get a little raft to float your cooler and stuff in. So Sloane, Carter, and myself all tethered together with the cooler floater and sailed away down the river for three miles. It was so relaxing.

Bad thing was I was so worried about my face getting sunburned that I didn't apply my sunscreen to rest of myself like I should have. So I have these horrendous streaks of BAD sunburn along my shoulders and tops of my arms. But my legs are what's so bad. I did put the sunscreen on, but I guess because my legs were constantly dipping in and out of the water that it was all for nothing. So much for waterproof. Ack!

They hurt so bad. It's miserable. But early yesterday evening I knew it was bad. But I sucked it up and Sloane and I went out for dinner and then out for a few drinks. The drinks helped the sunburn too. *BG*

And Sloane goes on to tell me some rather interesting stories about the BF and how he's "moody". No shit! Really?! And she goes on to talk about how upset and stressed he's been lately and that he's not been being himself. And how she's just got to accept it. Uh, okay. If you say so.....

Otherwise, I am pooped. I've got clothes to wash, lidocaine spray for my legs, and some tylenol in my future.

After that I have to start looking towards writing. And not the fun kind. The school paper kind. Ack! Time to get crackin'!

vacation, life

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