So I mentioned before that I got a new phone, right? Well, it's taking some serious getting used to! Going from an Iphone to an Android platform is way more intense than I expected.
I know it's a good phone, all the reviews are positive, it's just.... ugh! It's frustrating when you want your old phone back in some ways. But I do have a cool "live wallpaper" that has the Atlantis Stargate and a shimmering event horizon, sweet! And I've managed to find most of my apps that I had on my iphone, with the exception of the checkbook register one and there isn't the same app on Android. Bummer. I found one that's just okay, but I'd rather have the exact same one. Oh well.
Today is my 16th Wedding Anniversary! Can you believe it?! I can't. Time flies and boy does Craig deserve a medal for putting up with me. :D
Speaking of Craig, he's decided he can't go to the Chicago Con after all. *sniffles* Most likely the guys will be coming home from Afghanistan that weekend and he will have to be in Texas to meet them.
But we may have a backup plan!
huntersglenn may be able to go in his place and take his ticket! Yay for that! I hope it all works out, it would be wonderful to see her again and hang out together at the con.
Is anyone watching Saving Hope? I can't quite decide if I like it or not. I mean, yes the eye candy is nice of course, but the show itself I'm not totally sold on. Although watching it last night I did get emotional and tear up at the end.
Anyway, hope everyone is well and staying cool in the heat!