A short, adult survey

Jul 25, 2009 09:45

Because I'm trying to find ways to NOT study right now. I just spent about 4 minutes looking at my programs menu to locate my LJ app, so I figure I must REALLY need a break.

Snaffed from starrfire

An Adult Survey - Be Honest.

1) Ever Been To A Strip Club?: Yes.

2) Ever Been To A Bar?: Yes.

3) Ever Been Kicked Out Of A Bar Or A Club?: No

4) Ever Been So Drunk You Had To Be Carried Out Of Somewhere?: No, but I have stumbled a few times

5) Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: Yes.

6) Thrown Up From Drinking Too Much?: A couple of times. Once I believe saved my life! If I hadn't, I'm sure I would have had alcohol poisoning.

7) Had Sex In A Car?: *hangs head* yes.

8) Had Sex In A Park?: No

9) Had Sex In A Movie Theater?: No

10) Had Sex In A Bathroom?: Yes

11) Had Sex At Work?: No.

12) Have You Ever Been In An "Adult" Store?: Yes.

13) Bought Something From An Adult Store?: YES.

14) Have You Spent Over $100.00 In One Visit To The Adult Store?: No.

16) Is There Anyone On Your Friends List You Would Ever Consider Having Sex With And Who?: Actually no. I love you guys, but you are more like my brothers and sisters, so..... ewwww no.

17) Have You Ever Had A Threesome?: Yes, it was fun!

18) Are Your Breasts Real?: Yes!

19) Have You Ever Kissed A Stranger?: A stranger, no. Someone who was strange? Now that's a different story :D

20) Does Anyone Have Naughty Pics Of You?: I sure as hell hope not!

Now go and answer these yourself!


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