Vancouver Con - Day 2

Apr 09, 2009 15:01

Yes, I'm finally getting it in gear....

Where was I? Ah yes, day 2. Day 1 can be found here because I know there are a few posts between this one and that one.

David Nykl
Day 2 started off with David Nykl on stage. David is made of awesome. He was so sweet and so funny. And yes, I'm one of those fans who went "Holy Crap! he doesn't have that accent?!" I was shocked to learn that like McGillion, his heritage is the same as his character but he doesn't speak with that accent in real life.

David talked about Vancouver a bit and things to do and see. He said he really wants a SGA movie, of course, but he doesn't know anymore than we do.

Someone asked if he thought in a battle of wits if Zelenka or McKay would win. Well, of course he grins and says he would! Someone in the audience twittered Hewlitt and told him this, so Hewlitt twittered back and said "Radek who?"

This cracked everyone up of course. And David got all giddy and said that everyone should twitter DH and the audience was all for it. David was grinning, "Okay this is great. The power of the people!" And told everyone to twitter DH and say, "Rodney who?"

From what I've gathered, David Hewlitt got totally bombed with messages on twitter. That was pretty classic.

He was asked if he really cursed in Czech and he said yes he did. That the American and Canadian censors apparently don't care. So he joked that he was teaching people to swear in another language. He also joked that Czech is the only language where you can have a name without a vowel.

When I got his autograph he asked where I was from and I told him "Mississippi". He smiled and said, "Aw, really? Okay, I'll try to speak slow for you." I laughed and he reached out and touched my hand and said, "I'm just kidding". I told him I knew. :) And then he asked if I was getting to see any of Vancouver and I told him yes and he asked what all I had been to see. He asked if we got to go up Grouse Mountain when we went to the Suspension Bridge and I told him sadly no. He said he really recommended it, that it was worth the trip. (He mentioned this on stage as well I believe) So now I need to go back to Vancouver so I can follow David's travel tips. :D

Dan Shea
Next up was Dan Shea. That man is just a ball of energy! I don't think I comprehended 70% of what was said. He was talking so fast and moving so fast that I couldn't keep up. It was SO difficult to get any pictures. (and someone talks about that later, btw)

But he talked about all his stunt work and mentioned a really funny and LONG winded story about working on the set of one of the Fantastic Four movie "Rise Of The Silver Surfer". There was a long tunnel shot and he was stuck in a car, trying to stay awake as they got ready for the shot. Everyone had to pee and everyone is trying to stay awake because they would be fired if they fell asleep. Everyone was hyped up on caffeine. Well we all know what effect that has on the body after a while. And there is no where to go!

So he rolls down his window as they start moving along and gets this mist in his face. And yeah, they are in a tunnel so it can't be rain.... Ewww! lol.

Connor Trinneer
Next came Connor Trinneer. Now this is one man who REALLY looks even better in person than he does on camera! Wow! I was completely taken back. And he was such a sweet guy.

He talked about Enterprise and SGA. He mentioned it was his first all Stargate convention so he wasn't sure what to talk about. There were a mixed variety of questions. And someone had to ask about fanfiction, of course. And the lady went on and on about how there was this great AU of Enterprise fic out there, complete with graphics and music. I think she said that Trip was actually Captain in this series too.

He seemed intrigued by it but you could tell he had that look on his face, like "Shut up, you aren't supposed to talk about it". And when she said it played the music and stumbled Connor just blurted out, "You mean Happy Days, right?" To save the poor woman from herself. Honestly. I told Craig, some people can't take a damn hint. You. Don't. Talk. About. Fanfic! And you certainly Don't. Bring. Up. Copyrighted. Stuff. On. The. Internet! Even after Connor saved this woman I don't think she got it.

Someone asked what they thought Michael planned to do with Teyla's baby. And he laughed, "I don't know. Love it, nurture it." Then grinned and shrugged, "Take over the world."

He got asked about fighting with Jason Mamoa. Connor said that Jason could kick some serious ass! He gave props to James Bamford, of course. And he told a story about how he had to leave early one night during filming to catch a flight. He said that he found out that right after he left Jason cracked the stand-in right in the face and the guy was apparently pretty bruised. Connor was like, "yeah, and THAT'S why I'm glad I had to go!"

Someone asked about whether Michael was really dead because we never saw that body and Connor said yes, he was. The fall was too far. But we all yelled out about cloning and he just shrugged.

He also talked about how he got the part of Michael. That he saw the part and asked his agent to look into it. His agent came back and told him that the producers said it was his if he wanted it. Very cool!

He said there were some big differences between the Enterprise sets and SGA. SGA was more laidback and fun and joking. He talked about filming one of the Enterprise episodes.. (forgive me, I have watched it but don't know the actual episode name) where he was having the baby with Topal. He mentioned that he was actually really choked up filming it because he'd just found out that his wife was pregnant that morning.

Connor also said that if you ever had a scene where you needed to cry and couldn't get it going. he found that vick's vapo rub right under the eyes would work. Yikes! I bet it would!

Teryl Rothery
Teryl! What can you about her that isn't fabulous? She is so cute! And she looked SO different with the hair up and the glasses. She talked about the usual stuff with Janet being killed and being sad.

She got choked up a bit when she recalled the story of how she found out Janet was killed off and she went to the producers and wanted to know why they dind't kill someone else off. Like General Hammond. She was like, "Oh wow, I just got all choked up thinking about that because I really did say it at the time." I know she and Don Davis were really close.

Teryl got asked about her time working with Tom Jones oh so many years ago as well. That was a kick and she always has fun with the fans, hugging guys and saying they will be in trouble with their wives, lol.

After she got off stage Craig said someone should have asked her if she could see Russia from her backyard. It took me about 20 seconds to get it and I died laughing. She really did look like Sarah Palin with that hair and those glasses.

Celebrity Cabaret
David Nykl came out to do the cabaret, which was surprising. I guess he did it because he wasn't able to attend the Cocktail party. Not sure. But anyway, he was so cute in his hat and jacket!

He came out on stage and said that he was curious about fanfiction and that he had even begun writing some of his own under a pseudonym. So he whips out some book (I'm not sure what it was) and says he's going to read some of it for us.

He asks for volunteers from the audience and gets one girl and one guy. (THE most obnoxious guy at the con, btw). They have to act out exactly what he says as he reads it. LOL! It was hilarious. They were looking into each others eyes, etc. Holding hands, longing looks, etc. All the corny things we read in the stories they were having to act out.

David was laughing as he was reading it too.

Next came Connor Trinneer. He walked out munching on some potato chips and wanted to know what David was reading because from back stage, watching the 2 people it looked, well "interesting". The look on his face was priceless. Puzzled and amused at the same time.

So he and Robert Picardo did a reading act. It was neat. They talked as though Connor was a writer, pitching a story idea. They both had great facial expressions and voice inflections. Very cool.

Dan Shea came out running around in between everyone as well. I don't remember if it was one of these moments or when he was on stage earlier that he talked about his nicknames for the guys on SG-1. Big Boy is RDA, Stinky Brown Boy is Chris Judge, and Shankster for Michael Shanks.

Robert Picardo came back out on stage and showed us this short film of a character he does "Ask Alfonso". OMG! It was so funny. He was an italian gigilo. I was laughing so hard I was crying. Words can't describe, you have to go see it for yourself. It's on this website called Acme Brand Comedy.

Then he goes on to show another short film about a skit he did where he talked about how much he does for fans and how far he will go. Again, very funny stuff!

My Fangirl Squee Moment
After the Cabaret was over I had only a few minutes to haul ass up to my room to retrieve my Cocktail party ticket. realize that there are only 3 elevators in this whole hotel and hundreds of people trying to use them at one time.

So I manage to make it up, grab my ticket and race back to the elevator and slam on the button. I'm tapping my foot, praying the elevator to hurry up and it finally dings. Door opens and I race inside, barely noticing that a guy and a girl are standing there. I look over and hit the 2nd Floor button. I see the guy peripherally and can see him watching me.

So I look over and... OMG! I litteraly grabbed my chest and said, "Oh My God! I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you at first." He looked a bit startled at first, like I may freak out on him and then smiled. THE Smile. Yes, that one. The one with the dimples and twinkling eyes that Beckett smiles. The one that makes me weak in the knees.

Paul: No, it's fine, don't worry about it. How are you? Are you having a good time?
Me: (totally petrified but trying to sound cool) Yeah, I am. It's been a lot of fun so far.
Paul: Good, that's good to hear. So, is the Cabaret show still going on?
Me: No, it just ended.
Paul: Oh, ok. So what's going on then? Is there anything else happening?
Me: Yeah, the Cocktail party is about to start (I wave my ticket)
Paul: Oh, cool. And what floor is that on?
Me: It's on two.
Paul: Okay, great. Thanks.

About that time the elevator opens on 3 and a bunch of people pour in and I get shoved back next to Paul and his girlfriend. Eeeeh! Btw, his girfriend is very pretty.

Two comes up and opens the door and I have to raise my hand and yell out that I'm getting off on this floor and Paul yells out, "Yeah me too!" And we get out and go our separate ways. *sighs* My heart was pounding in my chest!

Late Night Cocktail Party
And here is where, of course, Creation has to show they still know how to frack things up. How can you sell a pre-determined number of tickets to an event and NOT have enough seats. *facepalm* Same thing goes when they run out of the stupid complimentary gift (which I did get, btw. A pretty nice tote bage with SGA logo on it).

So they were scrambling to add tables and such to the room. Paul did stop by with his girlfriend. :) I was watching them from my table, and I came to the conclusion (and this is simply MY conclusion peeps, not fact) that she is in fact pregnant. She was wearing a tight shirt and seemed to have a slight pooch in her belly. She also didn't drink anything but water.

Paul drinks Johnny Walker on the rocks, btw, if anyone cares to know. :) I happened to be up at the bar getting a Mai Tai at the same time he was getting a refill.

Teryl didn't get to make it, nor did David Nykl. But Gary Jones showed up in place of them as well as Dean Haglund. Paul mingled for a while but he left before he got to my table. :( I did get a sneaky pic of his ass as he walked by *coughs*

Gary Jones told us a funny story of how he and Kavan Smith were coming back from a con overseas somewhere and got stuck in the Miami airport. When Kavan saw what gate/terminal that their flight was going to be on, Gary said he flipped out and was like, "NO! We cannot got to B22! It's horrible, it's like being stuck nowhere" Apparently there's nothing on that terminal. No shops, food, or anything.

So they actually left the airport, rented a car, and drove around Miami and then came back and booked a later flight!

Connor Trinneer talked about his family and said his son's name is Jasper and that he's 3? I think? Anyway, there was another lady who said she had 3 kids and he said no he was happy with just the one! The lady said accidents happen and he said, "No, no they don't! Daddy's firing blanks now." We all cracked up at that. :)

Dean Haglund is a trip. Being a fan of X-Files too, that was great to get to see him. I have a funny picture of him I am going to post as well.

He was laughing and carrying on with Gary. I was SO tired that I didn't get to keep my eyes open by the time Robert Picardo came around, so I missed him. I crawled into bet at 1:30 I think? After 2 drinks and full day I was exhausted. I barely remember going to bed.

Next post will be about Saturday!

gary jones, paul mcgillion, vancouver '09, robert picardo, connor trinneer, david nykl, dean haglund

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