SGA - 05.04 - "The Daedalus Variations"

Aug 02, 2008 20:44

I enjoyed this episode. It was teamy and had alternate realities, which I always adore.

Poor Rodney dropping Torren! Somehow I can see this, and I did crack up at the comment about being dropped on his head as a child.

Interesting about the other SGA team dying. Makes you wonder what happened. Entropic Cascade maybe? But I guess they were jumping too fast for that to matter.

Those alternate reality bad guys looked kind of like the Borg to me. I was half expecting a Star Trek joke.

Teyla sure did learn an awful lot about the ship's systems didn't she? Was funny when she asked McKay if she could help and he brushed her off and then realized she really could help. I like those kinds of moments between them.

Sheppard talking to other self was pretty funny too.

Poor Ronon was so frustrated with the controls. The Chewie line really cracked me up. I feel like that some days myself.

And Rodney holding Torren at the end! And Teyla saying it suited him and the look on Sheppard's face... bwah! He only said it was scary because he's so scared of his feelings towards Rodney. He knows his heart lept when he saw Rodney holding that baby. *sighs*

sga s5

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