Well another week seems to have flown by, without any say so from me. Hmpfh. Really, life should consult me on these things.
It's been a busy week. Training a new girl at work (who I think is really going to work out, yay!), birthday parties, and even a swim party for Carter's baseball team. He never ceases to amaze me either. I tell ya, I've never seen a 7-yr old that can just come up with the stuff he does.
He's never actually swam before, so I was trying to coax him into the pool on the deeper end and float with a inner tube. Well, it just wan't going to happen. Oh, he got in the water on the shallow end and splashed all around, but he wouldn't float or let his feet off the ground.
Bless his heart, he got so nervous and he finally just looked at me:
"Momma! Momma! Can you wait just a minute? I need to tell you something." *he's VERY serious here*
Me: Okay.
"Did you know that water can kill people?" *did I mention how serious he was?*
Me: Yes, I know.
"Well, I don't want to be one of them!"
Me: *dumbfounded* You won't be, I promise.
I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry because he was SO serious about this. It was no joke at all to him.
And then I found out that my nephew was in a car accident Saturday night. He's fine, thank goodness, but it totalled his truck. He was changing a CD apparently and ran off the road and hit a culvert. I think that in trying to get back on the road he turned too hard and the truck flipped. He was a bit banged up, but overall fine. Scared everyone though, that's for sure.
What else... oh, I just posted Part 3 to my story. *pats self on back* And I know
lmichelle599 you said you were shying away cuz it was darkfic. But I just wanted to let you know that I returned the fic favor. *g* You know what I mean. ;)
What else.... hmmm, dunno.
Will catch up with LJ today! It's my mission in life. Seeing as how the new girl will have my computer, I can play on one of the other ones, woot!
*hugs flist*