Your mom is hot

Feb 25, 2009 17:29

WHO: Rufus Shinra, Cathak Meira
WHERE: Manse of House Cathak, Blessed Isle

Visiting the Realm can be a lot of work. There are many people who will want a visitor to come by, some who will say that they do, others who will not, and some who are important enough to warrant a visit. The IPA, thankfully, has some help in that regard - even if recent tensions have made a visit to the Realm a risky venture.

House Cathak, however, values its alliances, and Cathak Meira, mother of Cathak Lera and a retired General, is more than happy to meet with visitors.

The grounds of her manse have been opened up, for the first time since the confusion. The red-haired woman stands on the front courtyard, with a few of her house guards standing around her; more are at the huge, black and red metal gates that have been opened up for Rufus and his people when they arrive. Meira is offering a few simple things: advice, a bit of a who's who, and general friendly information. It might be useful for visitors to the Realm.

What she wants, however, remains to be seen.

Rufus Shinra had hardly come calling to the Realm half-cocked, despite the generally suddenness of his departure and it's ensuing announcement. No, this had been a long-calculated move by the President, the result of several months of intelligence gathering on an increasingly narrowing field of the worlds that could provide benefit to his company, and those in a most convenient predicament to do so. The fact that Zack had gone wild here..well, that just a coincidence. At least, it's what he would say about it.

What cultural and historical data had been available for Rufus' agents to come by in the time leading up to this occasion had been pored over with due diligence, leaving him with at least an idea of what he could expect. Still, the facets of a culture as old and complex as that of the world known as Creation (Particularly The Realm) could hardly be learned true in such a manner, no matter how much reading time he dedicated. Immersion was the only true method to gain understanding, and to have the best chance of survival among foreign waters he knew full well he would need the assistance of someone native to them.

An ally? Perish the thought. No..all he needed was one who may have a vested interest in his presence here, for the forseeable virtue. He had to admit this was one area where his connection to the IPA came in rare use; A diplomatic function on behalf of the organization provided excellent benefits.

Thus the President has arrived, striding past the imposing gates of the Cathak Estate flanked by his own dark-suited personal guard and having every reasonable expectation to be received.

Rufus found plenty of information, then. Proud people have a lot to say about themselves, and the Realm's are proud to an extreme at times. There were plenty of histories to go through, along with famous works and social gossip networks that one could get a hold of. It is easy to come well-informed and well-prepared, if one has resources (and needless to say, Rufus probably has lots!).

Meira looks up when the Preisdent arrives, looking at the guards with him. She is an old soldier, and the quality of his men interest her; the woman taps a finger against her chin, looking at Rufus with a thoughtful expression, before she starts forward. It is a shame that the President never met Lera personally; the semblance between her and her mother is notable. Meira opts for simpler clothes, now; an embroidered tunic, long and flowing breeches, and a belt with an ornamental sword make up the entirety of her dress.

She approaches the President and smiles, household guards following. She extends a hand outward. "Welcome to the Realm, President Shinra." She smiles, offering a handshake - a foreign gesture she learned. "I hope you enjoy your stay."

Shinra does indeed have extensive resources, many of them much more far-reaching than some would expect after the company's reputed 'demise'. Yet, like the fabled bird of flame and life, the company is rising from those old ashes into a form Rufus feels is more appropriate for the endless possibilities the gates represent. The fact that there some similarities between the basic social niceties of the Realm and the country of Wutai in his own world had given the President a decent edge in conversing with nobles who had in the first place enjoyed talking about themselves for the first day or two, but that would no longer suggice. He would need a deeper knowledge.

No doubt he would be moved to comment on the similarity between mother and daughter had he met the latter. Alas, despite oestensibly being here to negotiate her release, he had not had the opportunity. As such the young CEO merely smiles, inclining his head in polite reverence in taking the older woman's proffered hand firmly, impressed with the knowledge suggest by the gesture. This, he reasoned, was one of the nobility he'd been waiting to meet. "We are honored by the hospitality the Realm has shown us Madame Meira, particularly that of House Cathak in receiving us." Dressed in his own personal business suit of white bordering on albion, the President's mode of dress surely clashes with the motif of The Realm at large; Intentionally so, for there is no point in hiding his foreign status.

"Our stay thus far has been pleasant, and I have every reason to expect it will to continue to be so." His smile remains ever-present, absent enough of the typical corporate overture to seem surely genuine, "I am particularly looking forward to the upcoming events this weekend; I have never seen a, for lack of a better term." His bodyguards remain mutely impassive, displaying all the poise and discipline expected of a guard in any world. With their cut of hair, build and dress being so similar, it is difficult to tell one from the other.
Subaru Hoshikawa says, "Man, this is a fun turret defense game. Beat the linear missions and you get survival mode. Which is basically 'lay the best setup of turrets you can and let it go.'"

"Certainly," Meira says of her own generosity. She nods her head. She is not unused to seeing men in suits; there have been limited dealings with foreign companies, largely to provide little luxuries for bored Dynasts. They often make a show of coming here - but her impression of this one is different. Rufus, after all, brought soldiers with him, and soldiers speak of military capacity.

"There are many kinds of parties. This one will be something I think you are familiar with, though maybe more opulent - some very bored and rich men have little else to spend their money on," she explains. She turns and starts walking down the red stones lining the path to the manse itself. She motions ahead, for him to follow with her, with one hand. "The result is an impressive level of excess. Of course, that is not the focus."

She looks sideways at him. "Many come to such events, and not just for the wine or the food or the entertainment," she says. "Valuable things can be found there, you see."

Rufus had brought more than just armed guard; He'd arrived to the Realm aboard The Ascendant, an airship requistioned from the World Regenesis Order for this particular occasion. Hardly an unreasonable or difficult request when the 'anonymous donator' funding the entire organization was none other than himself. That and the squadron of fighters escorting him had surely raised the eyebrows (Or even the hackles) of an interested party or two, but the President had remained understated as possible in his arrival, demanding no fanfare beyond what had been freely given. He wished to make it known that he was here for business, not pleasure.

Where the matron leads the President shall follow, nameless guards treading silently behind at a comfortable a pace; a minor gesture orders them to fall out of listening range. All good relationships began with trust, after all.

"The unfortunate excesses of wealth due tend to manifest as such no matter where one is, I fear." The President will lament in agreement, though his face never loses to faint traces of his comfortable smile, "Even then, I can only imagine the..value, as you put it, that shall be present there. As a diplomatic representative of the IPA, knowing what and whom to look for shall no doubt be essentialy to success of my mission." Rufus already has his own thoughts and theories of course. What he's looking for here, what he's hoping Meira can grant, is confirmation.

The household guards fall in after Meira and Rufus. The former General looks sideways at the President, and then nods her head to him. "Naturally," she says. "There will be many there. Thanks to some of our... peculiarities, people who do not mind sending their men to kill one another will be sharing wine and insults. Both parties of the recent unfortunate events in Juche should be present, of course. This would include Mnemon... the leader of the House of the same name, and the one who imprisoned the legionairres we attached to the IPA."

She hardly feels the need to point out that this includes her daughter.

"You will need her to have any hope of success here. The other faction could only hope to take them with military force, which is... undesirable, of course," Meira says. She starts up the steps; as she does, some of her men rush ahead and open the silver-lined double doors leading into the manse itself. "However, you will need to impress her... /and/ not anger the other forces in doing so. A bit of a tight rope, is it not?"

Rufus shall pace in even stride with Meira, taking care not to fall behind nor to step ahead of her but to remain on equal footing. A slight incline of his head affirms the President's awareness of the shifting moods and facades worn by the upper echelons of Dynast society, "Of course, violence must be presented. A terrible business, that." It was certainly unique in the sense the scale and overture..but he'd found such courtly intrigue was not uncommon among landed aristocracies. The Rufus who was so used to the presumption of power, coercion and fear would not have been prepared or willing to mingle in such affairs, but the man who'd been pulle from the smouldering wreckage of his own towering fortress had learned several important truths since then.

"Madame Mnemon, yes, I have heard as much.." Eldest surviving child of the missing Scarlet Empress, and head of the single most powerful noble house in the Realm, both in political and military might. Of course, like the status of Cathak Lera, such facts hardly need be mentioned in present company.

"It sounds like a precarious network of pins and needles." Rufus agrees, glancing briefly at the Matriarch as they enter the Manse proper, "Though while I am loathe to boast of myself, I think you will find me an adept social acrobat." A finger taps at the side of his cheek in though, "Still, the predicament begs the question: What -does- impress the Madame Mnemon?"

"Mnemon would never admit to such, and this is why you will not hear it elsewhere. She is a proud woman," Meira explains, walking and crossing her arms behind her back. She leads the way into the manse; a massive hallway plays out before them, leading deeper into the home. There are suits of armor, swords, and more decorating the hallway and making it accessible here; she walks past them, and turns into a smaller door.

Inside is a lounge. Plush chairs and sofas are there, and servants stand by with trays holding glasses and jugs of chilled wine for their enjoyment. Meira helps herself to a chair and rests back into it.

"The proud are not immune to flattery, though. You will need a gift - something exotic to this world, yet practical. Something that will both astound Mnemon through its glory, yet present a use - whether simple or grand - that will make her look at you and know that you are a man who is worth her consideration," Meira says. She tilts her head to the side and then smiles. "Something impressive. Do not opt for mere ornamentation, though--that would insult her. Too transparent."

"Pride is such a nebulous quality." The President shall observe nearly as an afterthought, seating himself in a chair opposite Meira as soon as she takes on herself, "Nonetheless, I am not without my own...perhaps I could reach a common ground with her." His mind shall wander to the accoutrements he had brought with him, "Still, you are correct. Her attention will need to be gained before there is even any hope of that." The question was what? Materia was not dissimilar enough from what this world called hearthstones to be considered impressive, and few had effects that the Exalted could not achieve anyways, according to research. Technology might perhaps be the answer..and he'd be remiss if he hadn't already considered the prospect of trade.

"I understand that the Realm presently suffers problems from dissidents and rebels in it's outlying territories, many of them directly under the governance of House Mnemon.." Rufus begins, prussian blue eyes wandering freely about the room's decor, "..not to mention beings worse yet still. I happen to have experience in dealing with such problems, myself." He'll set his gaze back on the sequestered IPA affiliate's mother then, his head tilted slightly to the side, "I would not bo so arrogant as to offer advice..but perhaps a taste of what aid Shinra could offer in quieting such trouble. After all, we are all better off when there is stability, worlds being connected as they are." Even if that was viable however, there was still the matter of what to offer..

"A wise idea," Meira concedes. She looks at Rufus and nods her head to the President, before she leans backward. The servant pours two glasses of wine; she takes hers, but doesn't have a drink immediately. A second is offered to Rufus quickly. "It would impress her with military prowess and set up a strong relationship for the future. Just as well, she could make use of it. You would need something impressive, of course..." She smiles. "But I trust you have something suitable, President?"

Rufus takes his glass as well, likewise deferring not to drink at the moment. He will however let it swirl in the glass with a few gentle motions and allow the fermentation to breathe, admiring the no doubt high quality of production. "Oh, I suspect I have something that will catch the madame's eye, assuming it already hasn't." There was an additional reason he'd played down his arrival to the capital after all, banking on the notion that the best way to become noticed was to try one's best not to do so.

"I would be in remiss in my duties as a guest of course if I did not wonder if you desired something of me aside from the release of Mnemon's prisoners. I will be putting a potent advantage in her hands after all, hardly warm news to rival houses." It's a fair question he thinks, considering that of all he's analyzed thus far of Dynast culture would suggest this an excessive measure simply for one daughter. But then, perhaps it was a matter of honor.

Meira looks at Rufus, wondering for a moment. He is observant, she notes, and shrewd; both are good qualities, if he is to keep dealing with these people. She folds her hands over one another. "My concern is that this civil war is brought to an end before it begins," she states, plainly. "The Realm has larger concerns - and I've one child who drew her Second Breath. However, I lack the faith in diplomacy that some in the IPA would have. I believe that the presence of power can inspire wisdom."

She leans backward. "Mnemon's claim to the throne is, at present, the best. I do not want that claim doubted, and despite the... unfortunate circumstances at present, I want to keep my power attached to hers. My daughter was engaged to a member of her House - which is in question now. If I can get her free and insure Mnemon has the power needed to cement her claim and stature, then I stand to gain." She nods her head. "And none of us gain if there is a war. So, if she has such power, it will force the bolder Houses there to reconsider their position and fall in line with the new order."

Rufus shall nod slowly at Meira's explanation..this was a level of openness he had not expected from The Realm's nobility..but then, he was dealing with a former General. While he finds nothing unquestionable, the matriarch's motives make sense when weighed against all he knows of the current situation. For now, he'll base his next actions on the woman's words. A risky maneuever..but then, so was this entire visit. "There is a time for diplomacy, and a time for...other means." The President simply lets the implication of that hang in the air; He is by no means unprepared to take more direct courses of action when they become neccessary.

"Of course where the status of the Realm is concerned I should certainly wish to see the success of the former. I can assure you the IPA has no more desire to see this world fall into a state of civil war than it would of any other land, for we place a high value on order and stability. I will do my utmost to see to the peaceful release of the IPA operatives, including the young Mistress Lera." And, with luck, he'll achieve his own objective along that way. "To the success of our mutual goals, then?" With a smile, the President shall raise his glass.

Meira smiles at that. She holds the wine glass up towards his when he offers the toast, and then nods her head. "To the success of our mutual goals," she agrees. She takes a long drink from the glass and then nods her head, putting the cup down on the endtable near her couch. "I think we can expect to do well here, then. Make certain to pick a fine gift--but I think you understand quite well the sort that is needed." She smiles. "I will be at the party as well, of course."

Though he's never been one for the excesses of drink, Rufus will take a similarly long sampling of the wine once Meira has met his toast, letting the glass rest upon an adjacent table when finished. "I shall look forward to seeing you there, then." His smirk shows in full force, eyes shining with equal parts confidence and ambition as the CEO's mind mulls over an idle detail or too, "My assistant, Marianne Kouzuki, will be in attendance with me as well. She's quite taken with the local fashion here, I don't suppose you could spare a handmaiden or two to help her locate something proper?"

Meira looks up at that and nods her head. Someone from another world, perhaps, she thinks - she isn't certain, especially given the variety of names from their world. "Certainly," she says. "I will have two of mine sent with you, along with a suitable range of garments to try on. It should be no problem, and we have quite a large wardrobe. I think we can find something that she would enjoy."

Rufus Shinra nods, glad to know he won't have to take his assistant on any personal shopping errand...he could nominally have one of the Turks do that, but they were occupied in the North, at the moment. "Many thanks, I am once again humbled by your generosity." He'll casually eye the time..plenty still before his next appointed task, "Now then, if you don't mind, i'd like to know a bit about your daughter.."

rufus shinra

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