Hueco Mundo 'Infiltration' - Bad Moon Rising

Sep 15, 2008 00:58

WHO: Arken Bawlings, Ikkaku Madarame, Kazuma Torisuma, Klein Klan
WHAT: Midnight at the third base camp - an unexpected encounter!
WHEN Night of Sunday, August 14th, 2008
WHERE: Somewhere in Hueco Mundo
WATCH FOR: THE BEACON OF LIGHT! Bringing retribution to the unworthy.

He thought that he had recognized that sandal-hat. Or something like that - Kazuma couldn't say that h was terrible thrilled to be coming back to Karakura, given that he didn't exactly have a lot of fond memories here, and he had some other concerns as well. He was trying to help his friend Frozen out,k and at the same time there were other projects that he was working on... but here was a chance to also foil a plan that probably involved that gelatinous bastard Szayel, so he had ultimately been talked into coming along.

Of course, no one had mentioned the part about the cannon.

He was going to have a word with Greed about this sooner or later.

And so he'd been trekking across the endless expanse of Las Noches for quite a while now, wondering if he was going to see anything other than this endless expanse of grey, featureless sand. And so he trudges along, grunting every once and a while as he looks around. For those who had met him before, the young man looks rather different - two eyes, one a reddish brown, the other gold, instead of the one he had possessed earlier, and his hair has a massive shock of orange running along the right side, all the way to the back of his head, and a smaller white shock just above his right eye.

And there's the cursing. Raar. Raaar. Hate sand. Trudge, trudge, trudge. All the way until he almost stumbles across something, without having recognized it before he almost literally stumbles across it.

Klein is just outside of camp, tugging on a bandage on her arm. "It's not too bad," she insists to Ikkaku, in her small, juvenile form. "I'll recover in time, anyway. We have to help Inoue, right? I mean, she's obviously quite important to Kurosaki. She must be quite an interesting person, to-"

She stops and narrows her eyes, immediately reaching for that rifle of hers and slowly aiming it at the approaching Big Loud Guy. If he's not someone she recognizes right away, he's not someone she should trust in Hueco Mundo. "Okay," she commands in a low tone, "go ahead and identify yourself. -Wait a minute." Remembering her information from the dossier of known Syndicate files, her eyes widen.

"...What are you doing here?" For the record, Kazuma, this is a little pointy-eared midget with a gun.

"If you say so," the Shinigami nods, looking up from the headband in his hands. He carefully reties it onto his head, the light of the fire reflecting off of his baldness. The moon has the same effect, apparently. "Well, she is. She's one of Ichigo's friends, after all. Close and all that ju-"

Ah, distractions. Ikkaku tilts his head, ears almost perking. "Hn?" It sounds familiar, but he can see Klein's preparedness. He also reaches for his zanpakutou.

And then look who decides to walk right into their campsite. Is that...IT IS!! His eyes light up once he recognizes who the newcomer is, his face splitting with a grin mixing irritation and happiness. "KAZUMA!! Who would've thought to see you in a place like this!" Pause. Ikkaku glances over at Klein cluelessly. "Wait, you know him too?!"

Kazuma pauses for a moment, and he just looks down at Klan. Looks down at her! "" he asks all of a sudden. "What are *you* doing out here, kid?" he asks curiously. "I didn't think that they made Hollows that small. Or Shinigami." He leans down closer to Klan for a moment, and thinks. "...or wait. Are you that weird little vice captain with a different hair style and color from what you had before?"

HE pauses, before looking over at Ikkaku for a moment and grinning. "Well, I was wondering if you would be here. I heard some crazy thing about the Arrancar being up to some big evil plan, and they asked me to lend a hand, and one thing leads to another, and... y'know." He looks at the bald (yes, BALD) Shinigami for a moment, and then back down at Klan Klein. " is this that crazy little girl you brought to the costume ball last year?"

"CRAZY LITTLE GIRL!?" You get the impression Klein gets this a lot. She glares, fangs visible when she shouts up at Kazuma. "What's that about? Madarame, you know this guy? It's Kazuma, right, from the files?" She looks up between baldy and hairy, back and forth, eventually sighing and crossing her arms. "We're here on a mission, yes. Are you seriously just...wandering around Hueco Mundo on your own? Do you have any idea how foolish that is?"

Still, Kazuma's not doing anything wrong or threatening her, so she lowers the rifle. For now. "I don't know him personally," she explains to Ikkaku, "but he's on file in the database. That's why I was on my guard."

YES He's perfectly fine STOP STARING.

Ikkaku jerks his head back, frowning greatly. Darnit, Kazuma still remembers that! At least it's better than seeing the Third Seat crossdressing. Recover! "Buh - this AIN'T my vice captain! She's..." Come to think of it, he doesn't know her name. Argh, what is it, Kleyann? He then shoots a look back at Klein, confused. "FILES, WHAT FILES?!? I NEVER SAW FILES! I'm not w- I MET HIM RANDOMLY!!"

A moment passes in silence. "...Oh." That explains it. Ikkaku grinds his teeth together, adding to the info the girl offers. "...I sorta hitched a ride with the rest of Ichigo's search and rescue party. And then we all split up after we saw the aftermath of...whatever happened back there," he explained, resting the sheathed blade on his left shoulder. And that somehow clicks with how Kazuma got here. "You didn't come here alone, did you?" he smirks, the tails of the headband hanging lazily in back. The light is still reflecting off of his head, too.

Kazuma grins, and walks past Klan - reaching down to fuzzle her head, and possibly losing his hand in the process. But he is brave! He will brave the terror of the Klan fangs! And he just likes kids, generally. "Well, if you've read whatever file the IPA has on me, then you'd know that I don't kick kids for no reason or anything like that, so no reason to get all up in arms or anything." Which was true! Kids who couldn't protect themselves should in turn be protected! r
Except Klein isn't a kid or anything like that.

"...what happened back there?" Kazuma asks, turning to look at where 'there' is. And he turns around, and... arg. Whatever light was beaming out of the sky here is hitting him RIGHT IN THE EYES thanks to Ikkaku and his INCREDIBLY BALD HEAD... and Kazuma suddenly has his jacket off, and he tosses it onto Ikakku's head. "I dunno what you mean man - I landed about five miles back that way..." He turns and points. "...and I've been walking this way. Haven't seen anyone else in the meantime." So at the moment, he IS alone. Intending to be so or not.

"I am not a KID!" Klein snaps at Kazuma, but doesn't quite bite down. She doesn't exactly want to aggravate him when he's not, technically, their enemy right now. She's angry, not stupid. Still, that hair sure is fuzzle-worthy. "I know that," she adds grumpily. "I'm on guard because I'm a soldier, and we're in enemy territory, and the rest of our companions are still asleep. Don't get cheeky, okay?"

She turns up to Ikkaku, with a dry expression. "You really should do some research sometime, silly. It doesn't take that long. -huh?" Why does Ikkaku have a jacket on his head now? Klein dutifully tries to tug it off with her little hands.

Madarame snorts, eying Kazuma suspiciously. How could he not know of the damage? "...So you were already out here. Then who else would be crazy enough to show up?" His gaze flicks back over to the girl, quirking a thin brow. Wait a minute. "But I'm not even a part of your gr-"

And then he sees a jacket up close and personal. "Agh!" He swears, the word muffled and obscured by the fabric as he struggles free. Ikkaku gasps, sending a glare in Kazuma's direction. "PAH! HEY! What was THAT for?!"

"So you got more people, eh? That's good." Kazuma grins - well, ti was nice that that Ikakku and this little girl weren't out here all along, but he wasn't sure exactly how much it was going to do for him personally. If they had a whole bunch of IPA goons around... well, Kazuma wasn't sure that he was going to be comfortable traveling with that sort of group, common enemy or not.

"Well, from what I gather Hollows aren't exactly the most subtle things around here, and I've not seen anything interesting around here so far. Just sand, more sand, and even more sand after that. Pretty dull overall."

He does grin at Ikkaku, before grabbing onto the sleeve of his jacket and pulling it off. "Sorry, thought I saw a tiny fly sized Hollow land on your head," Kazuma replies, in total innocence. "Wouldn't want to have it put a mark on that perfect, bald dome you've got going on there. So what damage, eh?"

"Okay, okay, we get it," Klein sighs, "Ikkaku is bald. No need to push the point, right?" So what if mentally, she refers to him as Bald Guy? That's Klein, she's allowed to make fun of whoever she wants! Except Sheryl and Ranka, because they're Kind Of Neat.

"You aren't IPA? Huh, my mistake. Well, thaat's how I got information, silly!" She winks up at him cheekily, finally setting the rifle aside. "We're here to rescue a prisoner. We've been in here for quite a while-this is harsh territory, so if you just arrived, better be careful, Hothead."

The Third Seat frumps, continuing to glower at Kazuma once the jacket is returned. The corner of his mouth twitches, his frown turning into a dark grin. "You did /not/ just say that," he replies, only to switch his attention onto Klein. The nerve pulsates beneath his skin. "No, I'm not IPA, and you did not just repeat saying that, shorty!" he snaps, grinding his teeth out of habit. Grar. That's about as far as he'll go for now because he's probably being too loud anyway. Man, those guys must be heavy sleepers.

Well, the IPA probably learns to sleep through a lot of things. Kazuma, on the other hand, doesn't really care all that much about how well they can sleep through stuff, nor if he's going to be causing a problem. "Well, I don't have a lot that I'm doing right now, Mr. Baldy Bald, so if you want to go at it a bit, I don't see any problems with that." He grins, holding up his right hand and slowly clenching the fingers on it one by one. "You were pretty fun to fight last time, and I figure I could use a nice warmup before we get along to the main event for whatever freaks are running around here."

He does appreciate Klan's comment, but this is a thing between men! MEN! Who happen to both enjoy fighting just a littttttle too much right now. He does pause to glance at Klein, and asks, "You don't really need him for a half hour or so, do you?" he asks. Its almost like a little kid going 'pleaaaaaase?'

In the distance, through the shadows, a Hollow approaches. It leans forward, a slightly too long to be natural neck turning its bone white mask down to look down at them from a crevasse in the ceiling. It hisses, a little, as it studies its prey - waiting to strike, to drop below, and to consume them. It smelled them out this far. A mouth underneath the mask, partly down the length of that too long neck, opens a mouth of sharp teeth.

A pointed, pink tongue licks its teeth. It starts to fall downward; then, it vanishes in a burst of light.

The greatcoat-wearing, rumpled form of Arken Bawlings appears inside of the crevasse instead. He looks down through his wire spectacles, blinks as he sees the floor, and then drops down in between Ikkaku and Kazuma with a /thump/, his sword rolling off to the side.

"Ow," Arken groans.

"Who are you calling SHORT?" Klein barks up at Ikkaku, bearing fangs again. Clearly, this is a combination of individuals just made for getting along. But before she can start ranting or take a totally ineffectual swing at either Kazuma or Baldybald...

She stops and stares at Arken just felling one of those Hollows and then just FALLING in. That there is one of the first times she's really seen one, despite the location. And again, she can't help but be a little wary. The little(?) girl takes a step back, staring, and then finally speaks.

"You okay...?"

"YOU!" The Shinigami shouts back, baring his teeth. Yes, the situation devolved into a playground situation. NERVEMARK NERVEMARK NERVERMARK. Ikkaku's scary grin is starting to hurt his face, but the warm-up challenge is presented. He can't turn it down! Injuries, whazzat. "Yeah, it's been a while, you," he retorts, having no other insult to throw at the Alter User. "I don't mind that idea a bit." Klein is easily ignored, and if she actually did try hitting the both of them, he'd feel it. The sword is unsheathed, the bald Shinigami running through his shikai mode saying and having the spear ready for more action.

The sudden arrival of Arken just makes him balk, however. "What the-?!"

...damnit, just when things are getting fun, and it seems like someone else is just going to drop in and cause some trouble! ...or stop trouble from happening, depending on how you want to actually take a look at it. Still, its rather disappointing that this guy literally falls out of nowhere - and he feels, like Ikkaku and Klein, different than the rest of the pack of ghosts around here.

And Kazuma stares at Arken for a long moment, and just reaches over to poke him with one boot. Then a bit more of a shove. "Damnit, now the mood's ruined," he grumbles, wrapping both hands behind his head. "Troublemakers always showing up out of nowhere and getting in the way of things" He sighs, and reaches down to grab the new arrival by the back of his coat and tries to haul him up to his feet.

"Ow! Careful!" Arken balks, as he gets lifted to his feet. He kicks a little, struggling to regain his balance, and finally comes up and shakes his head. He dusts his coat off and looks around, peering at everyone. "There, I can get myself up. No need to worry." He rubs at the top of his head, and then peers around at Kazuma and Ikkaku, and then looks down at Klein. Great, he thinks, children.

"Well..." He trails off. "What brings all of you to this..." He sniffs. "...less than pleasant place?"

Klein can tell when she's being looked at with disdain, and she crosses her arms, huffing. "Captain Klein Klan," she introduces herself flatly, "IPA. We're here on a mission. What about you? Did you get shot through a cannon, too, like Spiky-Hair here?" She jerks a thumb at Kazuma, somewhat dismissively. "Did you see what kind of monster that was? I have my suspicions, but..." She turns to Ikkaku for confirmation.

His disappointment isn't hidden, either. "Che," Ikkaku frowns, stabbing the point of the spear into the sand while Kazuma went to pick up the body. He then thumbs back at Klein flatly. "What she said." Painted eyes glance over at the monstrosity that Arken brought with him unintentionally. "Hollow. No doubt about it. There's probably more out there, that's for sure," he confirms with a nod. And hopefully they do run into more. It'll make traveling more interesting.

Less than pleasant was a good way of describing this place, Kazuma could agree with that. On the other hand, he didn't know who this guy was - maybe some sort of Hollow spy or something! After all, he did happen to turn up somewhat conveniently. Kazuma does raise one hand, running it over his hair. "Hey, don't go confusing me with Rukia's boy toy! My hair isn't spiky!" It isn't! He has a bowl cut when he's not using his power!

"Anyways, I came here looking for some good fights, and giant evil soul sucking ghosts seem like a good place to find a battle that's not going to be boring." Saving innocent people was also on the agenda, but Kazuma isn't going to make a comment on that without being pressed a bit. It would ruin his image.

He does turn around and *points* at Ikkaku. "This isn't over yet, you know." Point! "We'll settle things some other time. When there's no kids around to misunderstand what we're doing." That comment is punctuated by a glance at Klan, whom Kazuma has no idea is not quite as young as she appears.

"Hmph. I just thought to replace the creature's location with my own." Arken lets out a laugh, and then looks at Klein. He gives the girl a little bit of a sour look, before he shakes his head and lets out a sigh. His arms cross over his chest - before he spies his sword on the ground. He hurriedly yanks it up, and then sheathes it back at his side. "I was--well, it was a tactical decision. But we're all here for the same reason, it would seem. Rest assured, now that I'm here, I'm more than prepared to handle whatever should come our way!"

(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Tch... I'm already tired of this place."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "It all looks the same."

"Whatever," Klein sighs at Kazuma, a little too grumpy to be polite. He called her a kid! AGAIN! She's going to pick him up and throw him later.

"So you're here on the same mission, too?" The Zentraedi raises a fuzzy blue eyebrow skeptically. "You're here to rescue Inoue too. That seems awfully generous of you, Mr. Stranger and Mr. Syndicate. I mean, I won't turn down help, I admit. Buuuut you'll forgive me for wondering about this. Even if I can't imagine why else you'd all be here in the creepy land of the dead..."

Rukia's...boy toy. That one's gonna take a while to get out of his head. Ugh. Ikkaku shakes his head, groaning. "Yay. Good and all that crap," he replies, giving Arken a flat look.

What, hey! He should be the one pointing at people! Not to be outdone, the Third Seat points back at the Alter User, almost ready to bite off his head. "Of course we will! After all of this is over! Man to man!" Hey, he doesn't know how old the girl is, either. That'll be surprising, wouldn't it? Seeing Kazuma bodily thrown by Klein will amuse him, at least. Soreness and other unpleasant feelings come back from all the moving, reminding Ikkaku that he should stop and rest. "Ow."

(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Well... The sooner we're out, the better!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "...yeah, this place is pretty du-WAIT A SECOND."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "YOU!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "What?!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Like... right there!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "You!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Oh. Yes."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "What?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "You didn't notice?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "He is right here in front of me."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, " am I supposed to keep you people with the weird names straight?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Alright, you're Coat Man. That'll help."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "My name is fine!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "And an annoying small girl and a--I am not!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "I am Captain Arken Bawlings, of the mighty ship Cresthammer."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Captain Coat Man."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "I am not... Coat Man!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "...."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "What the hell are you two talkin' about?!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings whines. "Tierine, tell him I am not Coat Man!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Sorry, just had Captain Coat drop out of nowhere onto me."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Oh, so you found each other? Good, try to stick together."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "I--well, if I must."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Where are you guys?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, " the desert."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed sighs.
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "The flat. Grey. Massive. Featureless. Expansive desert."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "So you ain't near the fortress, then?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "Well, you have a nice coat..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, " well--that's true, it is nice."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "...but I'm still not Coat Man."

Yes! It is an accurate description of what Ichigo is! And it fits better than most of the other things that Kazuma can think of to describe him at this point.

Kazuma points at Ikkaku EVEN HARDER at this point. Why? Because damned if he's going to let some bald death god OUTPOINT HIM. He doesn't know that he's going to be bodily thrown around by Klein later on, but DAMNIT, LIKE HE'S GOING TO LET THAT STOP HIM! A man has his pride, and he's not going to let someone who could give a bowling ball competition on the lanes talk him down! "Right then! Until then, we'll see just who manages to destroy more of these damned hollows out here, and then..."


And he turns around and POINTS at Arken. "YOU!"

Pause. And some sub vocal communication. And finally Kazuma says, "Right then. Captain Coat and I will try and help you out here. As long as we've got plenty of Hollows and Arrancar to romp all over, we'll work with you guys! Keep em coming, and we won't get bored!" He doesn't even pause to ask Arken if those are acceptable terms to him. After all... this IS Kazuma.

(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Fine, fine."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "...Captain Coat."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Kazuma. Captain Coat. Can you see it from where you are?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "No!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "I don't know."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Great."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "The glare is making it difficult to see very far."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, ".. the glare?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Off of this guy's bald head."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "... Captain, you're bald?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "...I wish."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "What, you been wearin' a hairpiece?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "No!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "He's not bald."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "My hair is all there!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Then he'd be Mr. Captain Cleaner Coat Man."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "I..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "So who's bald, then?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "And that takes too long to say. But Mr. Baldy Bald Ikkaku Death God Guy."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "... eh?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma sighs. "Just a sec."

"Yes--well, I'm glad we settled that!" Arken says, with a sigh. He shakes his head and crosses his arms, before he looks around for a moment. He winces a little; something he hears over the radio begins to worry him. He scratches at his chin and then paces around. He keeps walking - but the walking eventually turns into stomping and his eyebrow starts to twitch, as he looks about. He looks at Ikkaku and then at Kazuma. Then he looks back at Ikkaku.

He holds a hand up, as if to stop the glare, and glowers at Kazuma for a long second as he looks off in the horizon. He winces some.

"We need to find a fortress," he tells the others.

(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "It's a bald man. With a sword."

Kazuma Torisuma pauses suddenly, and pulls out a cellphone.

Points it at Ikkaku.


"Sorry 'bout that, they just won't believe how bald you are," he says, turning away and punching something into his phone.

(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "And a blue-haired child."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma uploaders an image of Ikkaku onto the syndicate message board.
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "... ... ... wow."

"Oh, splendid!" Arken interjects. "They will need an example. It is really quite impressive, but hard to believe."

(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "He's really bald, ain't he?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Exceedingly."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "Uh...yeah, I guess he is."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "His head is so reflective..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "I seen some bald guys, but that's amazin'."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "I bet if we had it on our ship we could use it to light our way through Wildspace, Tierine!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "We would just shine a light off it and it would be like a beacon!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "Where would you put him?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kalas says, "...Wow, that's the baldest bald guy I've ever seen."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Probably up front..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Ain't it, Kalas?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "I sort of want to poke it..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kalas says, "Yeah, really. It's like, the moon, or somethin'."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "To make sure it's real."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "-- hey, if you got a light, maybe if you shine it on 'em we can see you from where we are."

Klein looks between Ikkaku, Kazuma, Arken, and again, and again, and again, and again.

"Doofuses," she sighs quietly, before shrugging. "Fine, fine, we'll find a fortress. But our allies are still asleep! I'm not leaving them yet. I'll let them know we've met up with some, um, help. But we'd better be able to trust you, Kazuma, Captain Coat!" It's an easier name to remember. "No funny business out here, okay? You don't wanna deal with me when I'm in a bad mood!"

Says the runt.

"...And what's with the cell phone?"

(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Oh! I could do that with a simple spell!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Alright, good. Tierine, help me take a look to see if we can spot it."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "The bald?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "The reflection, yeah."

Okay, so maybe it's true, but it's the last thing he wants to keep thinking about! THANKS KAZUMA. The POINTING continues, Ikkaku trying harder because he CAN and WILL outpoint that guy! So what if his head's shiny and hairless! He's just awesome like that! And sexy! (*shot*) He'll beat Kazuma if it comes down to hacking Hollows!

Ikkaku shoots a look at Klein. "I ain't a doofus," he mutters. He'll go with the plan in the meantime. The sudden flash then makes him sputter, painted eyes squinting before processing what Kazuma just said. ".....YOU...!"

(Enter cursing off to the side here.)

(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "Okay, let me see..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "There's a lot of glitter if you go far enough out. Or I've got stuff in my eye."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kalas says, "Hahaha, is his head really shining?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Still can't see it yet..."

"Hey, that's just how it goes," Kazuma comments as he finishes uploading the image of Ikkaku to the Syndicate BBS. Yeah, so Greed can't figure out just what this guy looks like, so... FINE! He's telling the truth, Greed literally can't believe how bald Ikkaku is! Well, he can now! BEHOLD THE POWER OF PICTURES.

Kazuma throws a glance over at Klein, and grins. "Don't worry, we're not going to double cross you or anything." Says the guy who probably wouldn't double cross you - but at the same time, most people who actually would double cross you would say that they weren't going to double cross you, so that sort of made actually saying that you were going to do it a bit of a moot point.

Of course, at that point he is suddenly confronted by a sputtering, cursing Ikkaku, and Kazuma grins, putting the phone away. "What? I mean, now that they know what to look for, our allies will be able to find us easier. Strength in numbers, that sort of thing. Just make sure you keep watch up someplace high, Ikkaku - they'll be able to spot the gla-erm, you'll be able to spot them coming easier!" Yeah, Kazuma might need to run around a bit after this, especially if Ikkaku starts chasing him.

"Oh, we should do better than that," Arken says. "Here, let me try - I think I know exactly what this situation calls for!"

The man steps over, his greatcoat fluttering a little, as he holds a hand out. Arcane words and secret languages are whispered, the spellcraft making his words carry that slightly unnatural reverb gifted to them only by the arcane. Unfortunately, he ends the spellcasting with a slightly too high-pitched, "Presto!"

Then, a bright light shines off his hand - itself nearly blinding - and then reflects up high into the sky as a pillar of light.

"Perfect!" Arken says, proudly.

(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Can you see us now?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "Man, that's a great idea."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "I think every Hollow in a hundred miles will be able to find where we are now!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "Normally my eyes are /really/ good, what's wrong - oh, hey, is that you?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "It is! The bright light!"
(Fac-Syndicate) C.C. says, "....."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Can you see it?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Uh... I hope that's you and not, um, Hollows."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "That can see it."
(Fac-Syndicate) C.C. says, "Think of it this way, if one can see you, everyone can see you."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "I see something!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Alright, I see you guys. We're to the.... .... which direction are we from 'em, Tierine?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Hm... That is true!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "Uh..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew sounds sheepish. "Left?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Go left!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "...wait, which left?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Our left."(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Your left or--I don't know which left that is!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "...."

Klein rolls her eyes. She's not even touching that cellphone thing. But then there's that blind light, and she shields her eyes, snapping at Arken. "Hey, hey! Careful with that! What are you doing!?" She doesn't flip out or anything, because, well...

Well, she's just gonna leave that to Madarame. It's bound to happen sooner or later, isn't iT?

(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "Look, do you want me to throw some fire up or something to signal?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "No, Tierine, we're too close to the fortress."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kalas says, "Oh man, it worked?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "It must have!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed hmms.
(Fac-Syndicate) Kalas just cracks up.
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "His head is bright."

Ikkaku seethes, a deathly glare thrown at the other three. "...Yeah, yeah, I get you!" he yells, throwing his arms up and letting them drop quickly back down to his sides. Again, he pauses, making a face. "Hold up, wha- "


The Third Seat's lower eyelid twitches as he GLOWS. "......................"

The next scene consists of Ikkaku doing something similar to Donald Duck's temper tantrums. The light will be dancing now.

(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Hm, that must have made him angry..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "Who?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, ", its like one of those raves at this point. Why didn't you just turn his head into a disco ball, man."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "It's more complicated. Ah, well--we made the man whose head we are using as a beacon angry, and now the light is sort of...moving around a lot."
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed grunts. "If you guys make enough of a light show it'll keep the attention off of us so we can move in a little easier.
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "What? Well, we could do that. His head /is/ very reflective..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Tierine! If you have to save the girl instead of me, you had better--"
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings pauses.
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Nevermind."

Ah, man - Kazuma is willing to give Ikkaku a hard time, but from the sudden rarrr rarrr flip out! that is going on over there, he's willing to bet that Arken might have managed to push Ikkaku just a little too far. And he comments, absently, "Well, things aren't going to be boring for a little while. I'm willing to guess that every Hollow in a hundred miles can see that - and probably all the ones at that Fortress thingy as well."

The Alter User grins at that. "Means that we don't have to worry about any sort of boring, sneaky entrance now. Just full up, straight on, knock down anyone who comes at us."

(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "...what?"

"I needed to create a beacon," Arken explains, with a polite smile as he looks at Ikkaku and considers this. He looks angry; he steps backward, and then looks off to the side a little nervously, and then looks at him and...

...points at his big, shiny, bald head.

"Your head is very shiny," he finishes.

(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "N--Nothing!"

Kazuma says, "Exceptionally so."

Klein stares. Stares. Staaaaaaares, and takes a far step back.

"Great," she sighs. "We're really going to attract attention now-probably away from Tegawa and Kurosaki's teams, too. Which will make things easier for them, but for us..." She glances back at her sleeping comrades with a frown. "Well, you new guys had better live up to your word and be able to face these Hollows and Arrancar and worse. Because we're gonna get 'em, sooner or later..."

(Fac-Syndicate) Tierine Mayhew says, "...okay then."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma knucklecracks. "Well, looks like this is going to be pretty fun."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "Well..."
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "I expect we'll have every Hollow they can throw at us coming down our throats sooner or later."
(Fac-Syndicate) Arken Bawlings says, "I better prepare for a fight!"
(Fac-Syndicate) Greed says, "You boys be careful-- so who's that Baldy, again?"
(Fac-Syndicate) Kazuma Torisuma says, "I hope your fighting skills match up to your ability to make a show, Captain Coat."

Great, he's a decoy. He works so well as one. And with Kazuma and Arken both agreeing that his head worked wonders, Ikkaku fumes, the glare not dying down. Oh, the things he can say and the things he can do, but he'll settle for destruction on the rescue path. "Fine," he says, sauntering over to grab his zanpakutou.

Roaring in the distance. A clear sign that they have, indeed, been spotted. With this, Ikkaku smirks. "Not a problem."

...Does anyone want to wake the others up for that?

Kazuma cocks one ear, listening to the roaring in the distance. "Pfah. That's not even a good warmup. I don't think we need to wake anyone up for that sort of small fry," he comments, flexing his right hand. "Nah, let em get some sleep so that we can have some help for when things get really exciting."

There was probably some other poor group of adventurers who ended up in a situation like this. It probably happened a couple weeks after 'They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!'

Kazuma can't think of anything that would be much more fun than this, at the moment.

"Well... we do what we have to," Arken concludes. The dark-haired man frowns, before he reaches his hand down to his side and looks at the direction that the roaring came from. The swordmage doesn't like that at all. But, he thinks, it might be sort of fun - more fun than being fired out of a cannon (he is the ship's captain, after all!). His teeth grit together.

He draws his sword, and then nods his head. "Looks like! Let's get on with it, then."

============================= Rumors and Hearsay =============================
Message: 11/3 Posted Author
Mysterious Beam of Light! Mon Sep 15 Kazuma Torisuma
While not many people travel to Hueco Mundo on a regular basis, there are a few who pass through - and rumors that a mysterious beam of light suddenly shot into the heavens of this normally dark and forbidding realm last night, before suddenly dancing around. Its unknown what this beam of light represents. Some theologians speculate that it means that a Hollow somewhere has managed to ascend to Nirvana. Others theorize it is perhaps some new weapon for Soul Society. One particularly brave soul claimed that it was none of the above, and was in fact Crazy Ivan unleashing a new advertising campaign from his mask, attempting to show the local Hollows that his prices were so low, they really were crazy.

kazuma torisuma, ikkaku madarame, klein klan, arken bawlings

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