Who: Tepet Tilis Tirana, Cid Highwind
Where: IPA Medical Ward, The Hub
What: While Cid is recovering from his battle wounds, he's visited by a rather unique nurse.
When: Thursday, July 24
Look for: Totally not Disney princess antics, the healing power of smokes and yoga
Opening his eyes was the worst mistake he'd made since yesterday. Pale blue blearily took in the unfamiliar setting and squeezed shut again, the pilot emitting a groan usually reserved for those difficult mornings after a particularly rowdy night of heavy drinking. He glanced over to one side, then another. Huh. This looked like a hospital--
He winced as he tried to sit up, the tight bandages over his chest restricting movement but also concealing what burned beneath. NNNGH. MORE SEDATIVES PLEASE.
Definitely a hospital. At least he was alive, that much was 'good'. Except in the hospital, you couldn't /smoke/. And he didn't know how bad of shape he was in after Kadaj decided to slice him up. He could be stuck here for a while.
Previously, at a location somewhere else inside the IPA Administration building...
"So this is the newest from House Tepet, huh? I heard they're big on fighters." "Were. There was a battle and a good two thirds of their warriors got vaped." "Ugh. This one's a survivor, then?" "Nope, she's what they call a 'Found Egg'. One of their godlike types that they adopted from the peasantry to fill in the ranks." "So she's a good fighter, at least?" "Hardly. She grew up a farmgirl. They taught her how to use a bow, but she's still inexperienced. Her best skill is in... singing." "Singing." "She's a knockout performer, so I hear. She also knows a little first aid." "Uh huh. Singing and first aid. So much for giving her a field assignment to start with." "Well, we /are/ short on help in the hospital wing after that joint visit by Dr. Cox and Dr. House..."
Today, in Cid's room:
At first, there's a gentle knock at the door. Harmless, really. Before Cid can answer, however, the door bursts open and a young girl - no more than a teenager - all but leaps inside, landing with a twirl at the foot of the bed. Her golden blonde hair spins about her, billowing about, and there may even be a sparrow or two fluttering about her head before they speed out the open window. She's certainly not dressed like a nurse, not in that medieval blouse and skirt she's wearing. "Good morning!" the girl's voice trills vibrantly as she smiles brightly at her patient. A quick glance is taken at the nearest report before her voice perks up just a little more, "Captain Highwind! You're awake!"
Cid, who was previously contemplating the best way to close the window shades using only the power of his mind so as not to actually move, was, needless to say, less than pleasant with the knock on the door. He groans and rolls over, away from the door, preparing to curse a blue streak at whoever dared to knock when it flew open.
He looked down (more like squinted with one eye) and saw a young girl twirling in, accompanied by... birds? Wait... that's not right.
He blinked, and they were gone -- out the window, that is.
Cid's greeting is less than friendly. "Who the HELL are you?!" She doesn't /look/ like a nurse. Besides, wasn't he going to get to see Miss Sekuhara? That Mithra-catgirl-whatever she was?! Alas, no such luck.
If the birds were here, they would've dropped right out of the sky at that response. The young girl's eyebrow raises quizzically for a moment before she plants one hand at the hip and has the other wag a naughty finger. "Such language! There could be children present, you know! Though," the finger now goes to her lip in a thoughtful pose, "I really should have introduced myself sooner!" Stepping back, she takes the hem of her dress in hand and curtseys gracefully, "I am Tepet Tilis Tirana, Dragon-blooded of House Tepet and liasion to the Interplanar Peacekeeping Agency."
As her eyes reflect back on her poor bed-ridden patient, ancient magics begin to work their way through the girl. Subtly, in ways unaware to even her, her perception focuses on Cid, noting his aura and demeanor. Her own thoughts alter themselves, and after a conspiratorial glance around the room, she slides over to the door and closes it behind her before heading over to a nearby closet. A moment of rummaging later, and she produces from within a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of whiskey. "In case of emergencies," she nods to herself before whisking away to the bedside to offer these gifts. "Here, but don't tell anyone I gave you these!"
Cid rolls over again, facing the girl with a blank, mildly annoyed (or just uncomfortable, expression. The dark circles under his eyes only exaggerate his bleary-eyed confusion. There were a LOT of 'T's in that name. Triple T. Huh.
Come to think of it, he was parched. Tea would really be good right now. Nngh. But then, she presents something that he /really/ wants.
Namely, that pack of smokes. The whiskey is a nice touch, but he's feeling a little too groggy for that. Damn, he /really/ wants some tea. He accepts the pack with alarm, glancing at the door. "Wh--you're with the IPA too?!" He palms the gift and begins to pack it down, slapping the box into his palm gingerly, seeing as he's still healing.
He eases up, gritting his teeth and looks around for something to use as an ashtray. There's a cup, so he slides it closer. Cigarette in mouth, he looks at the girl and tries again.
"...Thanks. So, what are you doing in here, besides bein' a bad influence?" Heh. Bad kid. Looks innocent enough, but what kind of good kid would give a man a pack of smokes in a HOSPITAL?! Let's not even ASK how she got hold of the whiskey!
As the girl studies his psyche by less-than-conventional means, she discovers a few things about him:
Cid Highwind's a determined, driven man who has clawed his way from failure to achievement. He's rude, loud-mouthed and cantankerous, but has a heart of gold... fiercely loyal to his friends, but tends toward 'tough love' tactics than outright affection. He denies, even to himself, that there is one who he is intensely in love with. He carries a paternal kind of charisma, being a natural, if impolite, leader. While he is prone to outbursts, his years of experience lend themselves toward better judgement, which he sometimes ignores, but imparts the wisdom it brings to others. He's also sexist.
He does NOT like long walks on beaches.
"....Got a light?" Hey, its a long shot, but can't smoke without fire.
Whoops, not whiskey but tea! Tirana's cheeks take an embarassed flush and she stashes the bottle back in a drawer. Tea, tea, where's the tea... Not here, she'll have to come back for it as soon as she can. "Hm? Yes, I am with the IPA, if that's what they are called here." She would show off her badge, but now that she thinks about it, she might have left it in another room. Or that cute little chipmunk ran off with it.
Wait. Did he just call her a... "Bad influence!?" That embarassed blush only grows now, and she meekly hides her hands behind her back as a slippered foot toes the ground, "I know you shouldn't be smoking in here, and it's not good for your health, but you really looked like you could use one... Just don't tell anyone! Its my first day here, and I don't want to get kicked out for breaking rules!" A pause. "And, um, I don't have a light. I'm not fire aspected!" So much for that great first impression, now she came across as a rule-breaking little wuss.
As for what she read out of Cid, she also realizes that she's dealing with a commoner. Being a Found Egg, and not a born Dynast, Tirana didn't think much of dealing with the working class. At least, not until she discovered she was godlike. Still, there's another dump of shame on her for not playing the part of a Dragon-blooded, though she rationalizes that away by noting that Cid's a nice guy at heart and, for better or worse, she'll be working with him here.
He's totally not Prince Charming material, though. More of a comedic sidekick, actually.
Cid smirks at the girl, not unkindly, but unable to help himself. She was pretty adorable, and even a grumpy guy like him can't deny that. "...I won't tell. That is, if I don't get caught." Wink. "So what are you doing here at the hospital? Aren't you a little /young/ to be working in a place like this?!"
Prince Charming, Cid is not. Comedic Sidekick?! Well, maybe part time! He does share the Main Protagonist role with Cloud Strife, however... filling in when the wannabe-SOLDIER was in a catatonic state from Mako Poisoning. But if you ever asked Cid about gods, he'd laugh. Or tell you he /was/ god, then laugh some more.
Its funny how some races consider other species or beings to be lesser in some way, then take on a supportive role or position of servitude. Such as working for the IPA. Or being a nurse. It was also funny how some of said lesser beings continued to act like assholes, even after being taught a lesson or two (hundred) in humility.
"Hmm." No light, huh? He looked around then pointed to a pair of dark green pants folded up on a chair. He gestured toward it, "Bring me that." Inside, there's gotta be a lighter. PLEASE LET IT BE SO.
"Young?" Tirana never really thought of it, too busy as she was dispensing cheer and happiness to all the patients of the medical ward. Now that he mentions it, however, she does recall all the doctors and nurses being rather older and taller than her. "I guess, but where I come from, sixteen is not that young at all! After all, my House felt I was old enough to go out, find my handsome prince, and make my mark on the world," she nods resolutely as she fishes through the pants pocket.
And lo there was fire. The girl stares at the odd contraption for a moment, scratching her head as to how the thing actually works before handing it over to the engineer. He should know, after all. She stands back to await the magic of SCIENCE, fidgeting her hands behind her back nervously. As much as she's in awe of the fantastic worlds the Gate has provided for her, she also more than a little overwhelmed. Even with all the Awesome and How The @#$# Did They Do That of Creation, there's things that still make her go 'whoa': Like a firestick that you can hold in a hand.
Also, the sparrows have returned to the window, perching on the sill and chirping as their little heads swivel about. Tirana tosses them a tiny wave before returning her attention back to Mr. Wizard's science act.
Cid begins to wonder just what kind was in his IV. He gives the sparrows a sidelong glance and then leans over, cupping a hand over the cigarette and...
Flick. An orange glow illuminates his face as the flame is touched against the end of the cigarette, then vanishes. He put the lighter in his hand and leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment, then letting out a stream of grey smoke. Fuuu.
"....That's /just/ what I $&**ing needed." LANGUAGE! "So you're lookin' for Prince Charming, huh?" Weren't all little girls?! "Good luck with that." Its no business of his, but GOOD LUCK. There were plenty of princely men who would charm the pants out of any girl. But don't expect them to stick around or have any other redeeming qualities. Of course, given her curse, even the perfect boyfriend would have a little trouble sticking around... c_c;
"So, while looking for this Prince Charming... you work at a hospital?"
Wide eyes of turqouise sparkle in excitement. There, he's lifting it now! She takes a quick breath, holds it, waits for it, and... there! There it is!
A younger Tirana would've clapped her hands and asked for him to 'Do it again!', but the older and more refined version clasps her hands and smiles appreciatively. She ignores the language, as it seems the good captain is a coarse one too and that's just the way he is. The sparrows may or may not be coughing, however. "Actually, that's what the nice lady at the information booth called him when I described him to her. A man of noble birth, noble personality, and noble intentions, one who can fufill my dream of true love~"
Her gaze turns to the window, and she leans over the foot of the bed, her hands still clasped together. A musical number was all set to begin, but Cid's last words break through with a harsh dose of reality. "Oh! Er- well, you see, as a member of House Tepet and the IPA, I have my duties to perform. Among those is tending to the sick and wounded." She blinks. "Oh! I was so caught up on my silly dreams, I almost forgot!" A hand reaches over and places itself on Cid's arm. For that brief moment, the girl concentrates, and if he does't flinch away, he'll feel slightly better. As if any infection that had been fighting his system was suddenly washed away with a cleansing light. "There! Can't forget my nursing duties now, can I?"
Cid begins to glances around the room in ever-increasing confusion as he can almost hear an orchestra swelling to accompany a song when--it dies. He eyes the cigarette suspiciously. Shrugging, he takes another drag off it.
"...Heh." The laugh is sarcastic, but not necessarily directed at the girl's reaction. Its just that he's heard it before. It was in every movie involving girls and love; they all wanted prince charming and there was ALWAYS one waiting for them somewhere. It was pretty funny, when you thought about it.
Well, at least in the Multiverse, she might have a chance. Noble birth kinda narrowed things down a bit though...
But still, there's something about the kid that's just... well, /charming/. He can't help it, but the pilot is finding himself actually liking the teenager, rather than just finding her annoying. This Tepet girl was kinda like Yuffie, but with less thievery and more feminine qualities.
A hand is placed on his arm, he looks down in alarm, then opens his mouth to object. "O-oi! What the he--Huh?" He begins to feel... different. Something in his wounds begins to feel... lighter. There's less burning and itching. Its like something reached in and took the poisonous fire from his injuries and cooled it.
"...Magic?" He asks, wincing as he realizes his wounds are /still there/ and stops poking himself immediately.
"Infection Banishing Prana," Tirana states matter-of-factly, words recited over and over and over again in her crash training course. "I guess you could call it magic, its just a fraction of the power a Dragon-blooded such as myself can eventually wield. I'm not strong enough yet to completely mend your wounds, but you won't have to worry about infections anymore," she nods with a soft smile. "You shouldn't poke them though, that would hurt!"
Not that such advice stops her from checking Cid's bandages, making sure everything is still clean and not in need of immediate replacement. These newer wraps - bandages of SCIENCE - aren't that much different than what she's used to, and in time she gives the engineer the clean bandage firm nod of approval. "There! All set! Now, I know I'm forgetting something- Oh! Your tea! Did you want anything with it? Lemon? Sugar? Milk? Whiskey?"
"Infection... wait, /prana/?!" In fact, nevermind. Cid waves his hand dismissively, indicating that his question is completely unnecessary. It worked and it was /like/ magic. Good enough for him! He looks up at the dragon-blooded and cocks an eyebrow. Don't poke. It'll hurt, she says. No kidding.
"....Hey!" Cid objects, twitching as the girl INVADES HIS personal space and inspects his bandages. He won't object violently, of course, since hitting girls was NOT COOL or MANLY and besides... she was kinda adorable. Like Zack, it was /really hard/ to be angry at him, because of that natural charm.
"...You done--huh?" Tea. That's just what he needed! "...Uh, just tea." No milk, sugar, whiskey... nothing. "Thanks, Triple." He says, resuming smoking. Triple?? Apparently his nickname for her, whether she wants it or not, since he can't remember her whole name.
That natural charm, and that it could've been that grizzled old witch at the monitoring station that could be checking your wounds, Cid. Old woman smell. /Old woman smell./ Tirana smells of a fresh forest breeze mixed in with various berries, which may not smell nearly as awesome as rocket fuel but it still beats Old Woman Smell.
Enough about smells, as the Exalt heads for the door, pausing at the calling of her name. Or what she thinks is her name. "Triple?", she inquires at first with a curious glance back towards her patient. She's Tepet Tilis Tirana, the noblest of nobles of her realm, so noble she even got a new name out of her adoption! Any commoner not referring to her by her full name could face shame and scorn - if not worse. "Now that you mention it, it is triple, isn't it? Its cute!" She giggles softly, then escapes out the door with a lilt to her step.
Cid is currently smoking and enjoying this far too much to notice. Also, it would be creepy of him to sniff at a young teenaged girl. Even if they smell pretty and girly and everything! He's 34 years old! D: And TOTALLY not Prince Charming, so he's safe.
Then, she's out the door. He puts out a hand to ask a question, but then she's gone. He smirks. "Weird girl..." And unforgettable, to be honest. The engineer leaned back and put the cigarette out in the cup and stuffed the pack between the mattresses. Saving THOSE for later!
34? That would make him more than twice her age. He's old enough to be her father! She already has three: One lost, one she can't go back to, and one that's just happy to have another Exalt in the family. What's one (or a few) more? Tirana's never known a man like Cid before, hanging around him could be an interesting new experience. He's already teaching her new words!
The thoughts of making new friends cheers the girl up even further, so much so that when she returns, she's already starting to quietly sing a song:
"Hate is very very bad
We should love instead
Open your heart to the yummy light
And lift your weary head" o/`
There is now a squirrel, two chipmunks, five sparrows, a robin, and a chocobo head now peeking in at the window.
Aha, yes. Cid Highwind probably isn't the best person to leave your young and impressionable with. He didn't really censor his language by much, and he was definitely unafraid of being a bad influence. He also has no problem telling people not to do things he does, even though it meant not practicing what he preached. It was cuz HE SAID SO, DAMMIT.
At the sound of the song, Cid turns back at the door, one eyebrow raised in that same look of confusion that keeps reappearing on his face this whole time. His head quickly snaps toward the window as more animals start peeking in. What the hell?!
Before accepting the tea, Cid rudely interrupts the song /again/. You can practically hear the record squealing. "Quit it."
"I like furry furry-"
Not only does the melody stop, so does every sound in the room, the voices outside in the hallway, and even the guy mowing the lawn outside. Nothing but silence for a moment before there's a cough from the window. "Wark!"
Dejectedly, the animals scatter back outside, but not before the chocobo sticks its tongue out at Cid. "I- I was just trying to lighten the mood," a dejected Tirana says quietly as she slides the tea and saucer over towards Cid. Her hands disappear behind her skirt as they commence fidgeting again, and she tries not to look too disappointed. Maybe a little old rustic wisdom could help: "A song in your heart keeps you going the whole day!"
At first, the silence is welcoming, as Cid takes the tea. Then, he realizes that it's the kind of silence that only comes when someone has done something -very wrong- and everyone is staring at him disapprovingly, even NATURE. Now, Cid's not one who normally cares about what other's think of his behavior, but this time, he turns a faint red and struggles with embarrassment.
JESUS, Cid! Way to make the girl feel bad! What an asshole! D:
".......Sorry." He coughs once, then takes a drink of the tea. AHEM.
Ah, it seems Cid is well-versed in other old rustic wisdom: A simple apology can brighten the rest of the day. Tirana clasps her hands again and curtseys, "Perhaps next time, I'll have a song you'll find more acceptable?" It was rather silly of her to sing the Happy Healing Song around someone who isn't Happy to be Healing. There might be someone else here that would know the right song to put Cid into a better mood!
Mission received and accepted.
"Hmm. It looks all my duties here are finished. I shouldn't dally too long, there are other patients who need my help too!" She curtseys again, though her smile is now tinged with sadness. If only she could be there all the time for all the patients who need company! Sniff. Then again, not all the patients will have her smelling of burnt tobacco. Eww. "If you need my services again, just ask the nurse's station and I'll be right here!"
Tirana needs her tag added!