WHO: Frederic Chopin, Alpha and various NPCs
WHAT: Chopin is out for a walk in France when he's interrupted by Yuki and her 'dad'
WHEN: January 11th, 2008
WHERE: Paris, France
Notes: (Chopin is such a good sport. Also my log posting skills are weak and lazy)
The Parisian winter finds itself damp and cold today, with its famed Tower half-concealed by clouds hanging low in the sky. Passerby do not linger long in the open, as occasional gusts that blow between stately buildings and elegant lamp-posts tend to uproot umbrellas from their grasps and tug hats from heads to throw them in a convenient puddle.
A haven, then, is this cafe, brimming with customers content to stand fashionably as they can in coats and scarves with their coffee, chatting in whatever spare room they can have in out of the unpleasant weather. One guest in particular had long since tired of the extremely close quarters and began to vacate the premises.
He had no umbrella but a long coat would do; the man clasped the brim of his top hat tightly as his cane clicked the paving stones, ducked into a side street where the rare gust did not bite so sharply and remained close to the building on his left, to avoid the rain.
All things considered, though, it wasn't as bad as winter gets.
Ah, Paris! City of Lights, Love and French bread! Delicious, Delicious french bread. There were a number of customers near the cafe, but Yuki and her entourage weren't among them. In fact, they hadn't even initially -planned- on running into Chopin. Yuki had been exploring for something interesting when she saw the Composer, and remembered the HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE thing he did to her. Laying his hands on her like that! Talking to her like he was her dad! Who did he think he was?
"Yuki, what's troubling you." A gruff voice speaks up from beside her, and she looks down to the dark suited man.
"I see that awful jerk that wasn't playing fair, daddy. The one who hit me!"
The dark haired man looks up, following her pointing finger (J'accuse!!!!), and frowns. "He was at the ferry was he? Let it go, Yuki, we have more important things to do."
"No! No no no!" Yuki protests, stomping her foot on the ground, "You're supposed to defend my honor, daddy! That jerk hit me and you're going to let it go? That's no FAIR." She turns her back, "If you dn't defend my honor, I won't help you no more!"
.... Alpha *siiiiiiighs*. "Very well, If I must do this to appease you." WOMEN.
Yuki turns back around and glomps her arms around him, "YAY! Daddums I love you lots and lots and lots!!"
"Quite." c.c Alpha snaps his fingers, indicating he was preparing to depart, as several white suited men rise to fall in step behind their boss and his 'daughter'. Yuki vanishes, presumably to appear to get the drop on Chopin in a surprise, later. For now, her 'daddums' was on his own, not that Alpha paid that much mind. It was a diversion from what he was doing, and the sooner they dealt with the naughty boy who touched his sweet ice angel, the better. So! Chopin may have his path abruptly blocked by a number of 'businessmen' in a moment or two. They lack umbrellas, but fortunately, are protected from the cold by heavy coats over said business suits.
At least in out of the wind here, Chopin no longer has to make a conscious effort to keep his hat firmly in place -- those could be expensive, especially in more modern areas where millinery was apparently some archaic thing people paid an arm and a leg for nostalgia's sake. How unusual.
What is more unusual would happen to be these very rude men blocking his path. "Excusez-moi s'il vous plaî--" automatically begins the composer, who comes abruptly to a halt - both in word and action - when he realizes these men aren't inclined to comply. Brows furrow. Funny. They don't look like your typical robbers, beggars, or general riff-raff. Too well dressed.
One need not understand French to translate the Polish pianist's meaning: that mildly reproachful expression, brief as it is, means he'd like to know just what it is they want so he can be on his way.
...They're not -Americans-, are they? They tended to be a bit odd.
No, not American! Korean men they are! "Your pardon," Alpha replies to Chopin, adjusting his translator until it rests just -so- on his collar. "You are the one they call Chopin are you not?" There is no smile to accompany the words - just a cold, cold stare from beady little eyes, his hands tucked into his pockets for warmth. "It would seem you have made quite a mistake recently, pseudo composer." Gasp! How rude, he's even questioning the legitimacy of your identity! Honestly, the nerve of some people. "I would not ordinarily bother myself with the likes of you," you are BELOW heem, inferior creature, "But my young charge did insist on this. I must make amends for the wrongs you have done." He steps to the side, as the man on his right steps forward, cracking his knuckles.
Not your average mugging, no.
Ah. Orientals. Chopin knows only a few things about them: they come from the Far East, and supply the world's trade in fine silks. But Orientals never stomped all over Poland in his history, so that's a relatively hopeful start.
He is Chopin, but does not respond, regarding with closed sobriety the man addressing him.
Not a hot-blooded individual, at least in terms of having a temper with people, the pianist's stare, however, might as well have been as chilling as Yuki's presence might have been in a once warm room. Like meets like, apparently; Alpha's chill stare is met with equal measure, albeit in this case, it's for the barb.
"Wrongs?" The man to Alpha's side steps forward, and his intention is absolutely clear. With a quiet *thwip!*, the composer's slender and elaborate cane is brought up, point facing the center of the approaching man's chest. "I warn you, I will defend myself."
He takes a step back, retreating, perhaps. Into the shadow cast by the wall in this narrow street.
PERHAPS He is! But that shadow he's retreating towards is occupied, as it would seem - and that space he draws near feels a lot -colder- than the temperature of the city. In fact where he had been standing moments before is downright toasty in comparison! If he suspects that it might be Yuki standing there, he'd be right! Because the ice queen leans forward to reach and ..
Tickle Chopin's ribs of all things. "Goothcheegootccheegooo~~!"
Alpha facepalms, even as his companions move forward to Chopin's retreat. "Yuki. What are you doing?"
"Oh, I couldn't let daddy fight for me all by his lonesome! What kind of a doting daughter would I be? Besides, I'm all squishy giddy that you're actually going to fight for my honor!" She bounces a bit on her toes, and then -looks- at Chopin, smug and cheery as anything.
Alpha, meanwhile, only smirks, "Do attempt to do so," he tugs at his sleeve. "If you know not your wrongs, then allow me to enlighten you." While the gruff fellow on the right reaches forward to grab Chopin by the front of his coat.
"You struck my dear little girl."
When one considers the fact that this gesture is a lot like being splashed with icy water, the startled, "Gh!" that Chopin utters with a start is a lot less undignified than might be expected. Let it not be said that he failed to find it appropriately unpleasant. It was.
Furthermore, it explains just what this Oriental and his henchmen meant by 'wrongs'.
The look he gives her is no short of incredulous.
Then, to Alpha: "...So this one's yours?" could not possibly sound more disapproving or aloof. Oh, he's well aware of the danger, but he's also spent enough time in the elite social circles of Paris to know people can smell weakness a league off, and won't hesitate to exploit it once discovered. He'll bare his throat to no dog, even if it dresses like a man.
Chopin's eyes narrow. "Yes, if this is your ward, I did what you should have done years ago." It is at this point that he reaches quickly out to grab a fistful of Yuki's shirt, intending on shoving her in front of him, right into DEAR OLD ALPHA'S ARMS.
As for him, he intends on backing up quickly, cane raised on now cold-numb fingers.
Apparently that look Chopin gives her is terribly, TERRIBLY funny! The girl actually breaks into laughter even as the composer speaks to Alpha again, "I look after her for someone, yes. But that is not your concern -" Alpha breaks off, frowning, "Were you worth my time, I would -" Would catch a daughter! "AC-" The man abruptly catches Yuki, who -GLOMPS- her dear precious father.
... Who laughs, swinging the girl around so he can fix at look on Chopin again, "What was that you were attempting to do? Perhaps to have her drain me as she did you and your little friends? My apologizes little composer, but I am immune to her tricks."
"Technically, it's more like, I don't use them on my daddy - you, however," Yuki flicks a hand outwards as Chopin backs away - a patch of ice forming on the ground directly behind him. Stop backing away, she wants to plaaaaaay! "I demand an apology! You don't get to mandle cute little me you old fart." Hmph! And he did it twice no less!
Apparently that look Chopin gives her is terribly, TERRIBLY funny! The girl actually breaks into laughter even as the composer speaks to Alpha again, "I look after her for someone, yes. But that is not your concern -" Alpha breaks off, frowning, "Were you worth my time, I would -" Would catch a daughter! "AC-" The man abruptly catches Yuki, who -GLOMPS- her dear precious father.
... Who laughs, swinging the girl around so he can fix at look on Chopin again, "What was that you were attempting to do? Perhaps to have her drain me as she did you and your little friends? My apologizes little composer, but I am immune to her tricks."
"Technically, it's more like, I don't use them on my daddy - you, however," Yuki flicks a hand outwards as Chopin backs away - a patch of ice forming on the ground directly behind him. Stop backing away, she wants to plaaaaaay! "I demand an apology! You don't get to mandle cute little me you old fart." Hmph! And he did it twice no less!
Outnumbered by men of questionable morality. ...Check.
Unreasonable ringleader with no qualms whatsoever with approaching with thugs in a civilized city. ...Check.
Yuki. A problem of its own class. ...Also check.
Having taken an account of his present circumstances and finding them deeply unfavorable, Chopin decides it is most prudent to simply make his escape. His foot, taking a step backwards, skids sharply on the ice patch that had appeared behind him, and makes that option fairly difficult.
"I refuse. How dare you mistreat that little girl." His tone is sharp, a little lofty. "Let alone all those innocent people! Have you no shame, no conscience?" The tip of his cane clicks down on the ground, hard, emphasizing the sternness of his manner. "You will accomplish nothing. I simply refuse to give you the satisfaction of an apology you are not owed."
Yuki's mouth makes a perfect little O as Chopin refuses - REFUSES her! But she is momentarily appeased when he skids slightly. So shocked is she that she has to take a second to respond to his stubborn response! Really! I mean.. just.. OOH!
"Then I guess we'll have to -beat- an apology out of you." Says one of the thugs, sneering as his friends start to circle, attempting to surround the composer. This may be a bad idea on their end, but they think he's just a puny composer! Even if Yuki did tell them that he tasted different.
Recovering herself, Yuki huffs! "Little girl?" Yuki leans on Alpha, "Little girl - what little - Ohhh! Wait, do you mean the airheaded little blonde Frenchie? Or do you mean that snooty little Asian girl?" She snorts. "What do I care about the affairs of people like that? They're just useful tools, is all - I'm above such things as shame and conscience. A shame you mortals allow yourself to be dragged down by such though."
Frederic remains still, resolute, standing tall. It is when one of Alpha's thugs speak and resume his approach that he turns to glare at him, to ask very, very mildly, "Was I speaking to you?" He -will- defend himself, and this would hardly be the first time he's had to, since this dream began. Fueled by his cold outrage, reawakened by the mere memory of what took place on that ferry, he moves, cane cutting the air to the flutter of his long coat.
"Remember your place, you foolish creature!"
The pianist has pride in his country first and foremost, his work, and himself follow. The decision he made he feels firmly was the right thing to do -- it was his obligation to show the girl the error of her ways, and if she resisted, then he would find another way to get through to her, or stop her from harming anyone else. As for these thugs, and her guardian...
He had no problems employing physical force in self-defense. The swing of the cane through the air arcs, halts, redirects in another direction, diagonally, then cuts back horizontally, flicks skyward--all the exaggerated gestures of a conductor directing his orchestra, and all the force of a swordsman.
The 'Was I speaking to you?' actually catches the thugs off guard. Because... well.. No he -wasn't- speaking to them, and they were sure that superior numbers might be greater than superior intellect. Regardless, Yuki doesn't seem overly concerned - except when Chopin speaks. "Foolish? Who are you calling FOOLISH you -"
"Yuki, that's enough." Alpha interrupts, his eyes narrowing at the composer as he swish-swishes his bato-- cane. "Stand back."
"Whyyyyy?" She pouts, all but -whining-. "That's no fair -"
Alpha reaches forward, grabbing her by the shirt and YANKING backwards, "Forget not that you started the incident on the ferry without my approval. Let Keiichi and his men -" There's a sudden gurgled noise; someone got a LEETLE too close to that baton of doom. Alpha pinches the bridge of his nose. "Good help is so hard to find." He murmurs.
Wisely, Keiichi and the other thugs do not attempt to grab the stick from Chopin's hand - one does, however, have a nightstick, while a third is just now putting on a pair of brass knuckles with Love and Hate engraved on the fingers. "Grab 'im!" Keiichi orders, moving to dart behind said composer and seize him by that dangerous arm of his. He can't attack if he's being held, right?
It's not a conductor's baton! It's a *cane*.
It's true!
Subvocalizing -something- (in truth, his radio is indeed hidden inside the shell of his non-functioning and gutted pocketwatch, while the microphone itself is cunningly hidden in the golden brooch upon his coat) as he trains that fragile-seeming cane on each in turn, watchful. But keeping an eye on three men while trying to also keep aware of Yuki and her guardian's location proves to be more than a mortal man can handle; he is quickly caught, struggling momentarily.
"Didn't I make myself clear?" Allow him to illuminate each of you! "The sun rises, and the shadows take flight!"
It's a good thing he chose to step back into shadowed ground. "Crimson Blaze!"
The effect is sudden; the two standing thugs who -aren't- holding the pianist are about to get very toasty. Hot flames rage, bursting out of the air immediately surrounding the two. It can be put out if one is fast and focuses only on the task, but that probably doesn't help the heat any.
But you were swinging it like a conductors baton! Nonetheless, the sudden explosion of FIRE on the two thugs takes them by surprise and they quickly jerk backwards, dropping their weapons. Organized they are not - perhaps foolishly they start to strip off their burning coats, swearing loudly and stomping on the apparrel. When THAT doesn't help, they proceed to drop to the ground.
Stop Drop and ROLL. They have momentarily forgotten about the composer, but the fellow trying to keep a hold on hiim doesn't. In fact, he aims a blow at the side of his head with that nightstick, "You better not try that again you magic using freak!"
Yuki on the other hand, has quite the reaction to the sight of fire - she looks downright TERRIFIED, backing up to cling to the back of Alpha's shoulders. "D-..daddy, can we go home now? .. p...please?" ;.;
"In a moment." Alpha replies calmly, apparently unconcerned with the -terror- that the girl had to the fire. And why shouldn't she be afraid? Fire > Ice! That girl will melt down to nothing if the fire is hot enough. ;.; But Alpha has found what he was scrounging for - his fingers curl around the gun in his pocket, but he doesn't yet draw it.
It's all your imagination! (Or rather, all Chopin's, but that depends on whether or not he's convinced he's dreaming that day. Occasionally he waffles on the topic.)
...Alright yes, he is waving it around like a conductor's baton.
He hadn't taken into account the nightstick, instead depending on the show of flames to dissuade further attempts to continue this useless battle. He regrets it now, and will sorely regret it tomorrow, when he has time to have a massive headache.
A short cry and he slumps, dazed. There is even, quietly, a small groan before he shakes his head in a half-aware attempt to clear it. That will join the other experiences today under the category of 'unpleasant, do not do again'. He is vaguely aware that Alpha's hands are in his pockets still and that this might imply something concealed, like a weapon, but all he cares the most about right now is preventing his thug from hammering him again.
"...a hard... lesson," indistinctly utters the composer. Gathering himself, he gives his head another shake, noting to his dismay that his hat was knocked to the ground. And strides one step forward in a surge, if only to bring himself just within that beam of light that cuts dimly through the street. "Legion Fulminante!"
The brilliant crackle and flash of lightning is probably visible from the main street beyond this narrower one, bringing with it the smell of ozone. For, you see, while it isn't as lethal as a thunderstrike, being diffuse over a large area, it is nonetheless a shocking experience to get caught in a cloud of electrical discharge.
Good thing they weren't carrying lightning rods! But when Chopin steps forward to bring forth lightning at his whim, Alpha backs up a step, moving away from that electrical discharge - but only just! His thugs aren't quite so lucky - just as those charred fellows are getting to their feet again, they get caught up right in the center of that damnable discharge. They have the worst luck EVER, because THEY go down just seconds after the hit. THe nightstick wielder on the other hand, doesn't have much more luck than that - but perhaps his scream of pain (how unmanly!) covers up the sudden -bang- of Alpha's gun going off, aimed at the composer. Or The Hat. But! Does it hit while he's distracted?
One might think a burst of electricity like that might put Chopin himself in danger, but the funny thing about it is--it never harms someone the composer considers an ally. Funny how that works. But then again, one supposes in a dream one can do just about anything. Therefore, Chopin doesn't really think about that all that much.
Saves him headaches.
As Legion Fulminante goes off, Chopin tugs one arm free, reaching down to retrieve his hat, where it had fallen to the damp pavement when he was struck earlier by his assailant's nightstick. That is when the man behind him screams, a gun fires, and a bullet snaps through his sleeve. This startles a pained cry out of the composer, who clasps his arm, his cane held in the crook of the other.
A moment later, he sends Alpha a sharp look. "You DARE?" Although his arm is bleeding, he grasps the handle of his cane and points it towards Alpha. Is he so fearless as to stand against a man armed with a gun? ...Perhaps. "You've only witnessed the tip of the power contained in my melodies, consider Yuki my hostage and lay down your arms, or your ill-behaved child -- and then you, sir -- will learn just how cruel my fury is!"
...It's a bluff, but a fairly good one.
It's not like he could run away in time to avoid a bullet in the back, at this point.
Magic is weird that way. Or maybe it's the dream. Alpha doesn't look pleased or disappointed that he didn't manage to shoot the man fatally or anything. Rather Chopin's look to Alpha - well he's mildly surprised that the Composer doesn't run even /after/ being shot at.
"I am impressed, Mr. Chopin. YOu have guts to not backdown when you stare at the barrel of a gun. Had you any -worthwhile- talents, I might consider hiring you on - if only as one of Yuki's toys."
Wait, wait. Yuki is his hostage? The ice princess sighs, shoulders slumped, "Oh fudge, I hate it when I'm taken prisoner. It's always bor-"
"Yuki." Alpha looks over his shoulder, "... think about what he said for a second." Because there's something seriously wrong here. He glances at Chopin again, "Let me get this straight so we both understand each other." He jerks a hand back at the girl behind him, "Yuki. That girl behind me. Is -your- hostage." He is silent for a second, "Are you not aware of the definition of 'hostage'?"
Yeah it IS a good bluff. But it only works on half of the people it was meant to. In fact, if Alpha wasn't such a tighta$$ he might have laughed, or played along just for kicks. Yuki would have! "A question for you," Alpha says abruptly, while considering if Chopin /can/ make good on his threat. "What makes you think I won't shoot you where you stand?" Again, that is.
"I would sooner die, Monsieur," and he might very well (sooner or later), but Chopin -- perhaps arrogantly -- simply refuses to lie down and submit now. Meanwhile, a dark bloom spreads along his sleeve slowly. He'll have to take care of it, and soon. There is still light here, he'll take advantage of it momentarily.
As Alpha works out the terms of Chopin's bluff, he nods soberly.
"Do you really think," he replies coolly, "That something so paltry as distance would disadvantage me? Monsieur, you are a fool. Having seen what I can do, will you so eagerly gamble away the life of your precious ward?"
He is not truly such a cold man that he would try to kill an errant child, but he's hoping the oriental man would not wise up to that.
"If you are as much a fool as I expect you to be, you would. However, I am not so unreasonable as to think my impression absolute. If you possess more intellect than you seem, you won't," he says, "Because it would cost you that very precious girl. Your only safest course of action would be to leave and perhaps count on catching me unaware at some other advantageous time. Are you really a gambling man?"
Alpha, to note, is not normally a fighter. He actually prefers not to dirty his hands, but considering Chopin has effectively taken out the men that he'd brought with him - hmph.
"What'cha gonna do, Daddoo?" Yuki wanna know!
Alpha ignores the girl. "Distance would not inconvenience one who commands the elements as you do -" He gestures with the gun, "But nor does it inconvenience me." As for the life of his precious ward, Alpha only shrugs, "Yuki is well aware of circumstances of a hostage situation. I would kill her myself, in such a case."
"Eh, I've had a good run." Yuki remarks brightly.
"You hold me to morales and values that I do not have, boy," Alpha draws back the hammer of his gun - or starts to. The steady beat of a helicopter's blades slicing through the air, and Alpha looks upwards. Perhaps Chopin's 'suggestion' of retreating and ambushing him again another time isn't half bad! "It would seem that my time in this plane has drawn to an end - and yet, I must thank you for the valuable information you have shared."
"Do I still have to be his hostage?" Yuki also wants to know this.
Having exhausted his desire to bluff further, Chopin only narrows his eyes in disapproval, slightly shifting fingers on the handle of his raised cane to strengthen his grip. A darted glance sent to Yuki does little to reveal his surprise to hear her nonchalance. What kind of man is this, that he instills even in his ward such a disregard for personal survival!
He reflects on her comment of other people - as tools, as /food/ - and suddenly finds it no shock at all to hear that the girl herself may be little more than a useful convenience for her 'father'.
"No," replies Chopin, as for whether or not she remains a hostage. "Leave with your guardian. We'll settle this another time."
As for him, he'll remain until they depart, and if they leave their men behind, well, his next course of action is clear. Chopin is, after all, a compassionate man - and they are only mercenaries.
Awesome, she gets to go free? Unharmed? Away from that nasty fire-casting fellow? But but.. hrm. Ironically if he had insisted on it, she might have gone along with him just for fun. It's not like she couldn't just teleport to safety again anyway. Right?
"Really?" Yuki bounces a little on her toes, "Ohhhh! You.. you!" She steps forward, only to vanish and reappear behind Chopin - but there is no energy sucking sensation, though it /is/ still pretty chilly there. And she attempts to throw her arms around the composer and plant an icy kiss upon his cheek, "You're so darling! I almost feel bad about trying to drain you that night on the ferry!"
Well, if Chopin manages to dodge this invasion of his privacy, Yuki doesn't mind much. Instead she fang-grins, wiggling her fingers afterwards, "Toodles honeycakes!" And off she goes, skipping towards Alpha, "o/~ La lalala lala o/~" What? She was having a good day! Daddy was playing along with her today.
A ladder is tossed down at this point, rope, which Alpha seizes in order to climb up to the helicopter, wind whipping around his hair and clothes. Apparently he doesn't think Chopin is going to attack, as he doesn't even have his gun facing the boy any longer.
The mercenaries - are totally left behind. They are loose ends though; they'll be dealt with later, mark my words! Chopin is a compassionate sort though - their confusion at him healing their injuries will plague their nights sleepless. JUST AS PLA*bricked*
The composer is stunned by Yuki's capricious and mercurious demeanor, but moreso at the display of affection. He draws back, putting a hand to his now cold cheek with a startled, wide-eyed stare. "..." What did she call him?!
Not as planned!
The short version of the aftermath: Each fallen thug in turn would be healed, informed that they've been abandoned, and that they now have a choice.
They could go rejoin their employer, or take advantage of being 'written off as a loss' and go to make a new life for themselves somewhere, anonymously. Chopin would fail to press charges or take them before authorities and consider the matter resolved.
But if they come after him again... "I will not be so soft-hearted. Please choose wisely." A tip of his retrieved hat -- his arm since healed, if sore, and still wearing blood on his damaged sleeve -- and the pianist is on his way.
To the Hub, because it is -much- safer there.