Galaxy Angel Omake Theater: Vanilla Pudding Surprise! Part 1.

Nov 08, 2007 02:25

WHO: Vanilla H, Milfeulle Sakuraba
WHAT: The Peyrot Brothers, believing Vanilla to be their mother, discover a rival for her maternal affections: Nano-Nano Pudding.
WHEN: Mystery Movie night
WHERE: Angel Room, Transbaal Space Station
WATCH FOR: NORMAD's fiendish plotting against his ultimate rival, Nano-Nano Pudding, and Nano-Nano's fiendish mistaking of NORMAD for a big pink marshmellow.

(NOTE: By special permission of Mint Blancmanche, the part of Mint in the following epic will be played by a handy inanimate object.)

It is a tense moment in the Angel Room of the headquarters of the Transbaal Space Army, where the Galaxy Angels meet! (cue the usual GA dramatic music!)

"It can't be! It's impossible!" declares the head of the Metropolitan Police, waving a hand. "All suspects were cleared of any charge! But... but how could this be, Great Detective Hercules?"

A little boy in short-pants and a bow tie adjusts his glasses. "Elementary, my dear Zenigata. Because the real murderer is... THE VICTIM!" A pint-sized finger shakes in the center of the screen!

"GASP!" gasps the Metropolitan Police Inspector, throwing an arm back as if to shield himself from the impossible truth.

"Kiyaaaaa," sighs a rather tall, lanky girl blonde sitting on the sofa, watching it all on widescreen TV. "Mysteries are just the thing for a school vacation! And that Detective Hercules is so dashing..."

Seated next to her, Apricot Sakuraba jams popcorn into her mouth. "Wah, I don't get it," she announces, lower lip trembling. "How could the victim be the murderer? It doesn't make any sense, Kahlua-san! Couldn't he have not paid taxes by just moving somewhere else?"

Meanwhile, across the room, two ominously observing eyes watch the scene unfold from next to the wall! "Who ARE they?" grunts Kokomo, scratching his chin and narrowing an eye. "Are they more Angels? That'd be bad. We already got enough trouble with the ones we got NOW..."

Malibu, leaning against the wall, shows no interest in the tableau before his brother. "Kokomo, it's probably a bad idea to get involved," he says, adjusting his glasses. "If they're mixed up with the Galaxy Angels somehow, it's better we leave them be. Besides, Major Mary wanted us to file these reports on the last Lost Technology retrieval! Well," he murmurs, scratching his chin. "Really she wanted Chitose to do it, but Chitose-san suddenly became anemic. Weird how that keeps happening when work has to be done."

"Oi oi!" says Kokomo, narrowing his eyes. "The redhead's got flowers in her hair! Just like Milfeulle! Hey, maybe that's Milfeulle's KID!" He snickers at the prospect. "I guess Vanilla ain't the only one who... who..." He trails off, coming back from behind the wall and looking down at the floor. Malibu joins him, the two sharing a silent moment, thinking about Vanilla H. "Mama," Kokomo murmurs.

Malibu adjusts his glasses again. "Mother..."

"Hey! It's the PicoPico boys!" says a third voice from out of nowhere, causing the two Peyrot brothers to jump in the air, waving their arms and letting out shouts of surprise. Standing there, smiling brightly, is of course Milfeulle. "What are you doing here? Do you want some snacks? Yay, I have more people to cook for!"

Kokomo shakes a fist. "O...oi! Don't sneak up on people like that! And our name is PEYROT! ... Wait, what kinda snacks?"

"We really should be going," says Malibu, rubbing a hand behind his head. "Major Mary gets very cranky when there's paperwork involved."

A bang and a scream comes from the room with the TV, where the case has gone to trial. *BANG*! goes the sound of a gavel, along with an incongruous jingling. "Objection OVERRULED, nya! I'm the judge, nya nya nya!"

"Ooooh," says the voice of Kahlua. "A judge gone insane with power! How will Attorney Basilisk Wrightson serve justice with so much against him? I feel faint..."

Poor Vanilla. Her room was no longer the sacred sanctuary that it had once been. No longer was it a stark, desolate wasteland of bad taste. The presece of Nano-Nano had forced a rather large change. The room was now colorful and bright, with a blueish-green paint job on the walls, a large tv attached to a Sewknee Praystation 3, the holiest of gaming consoles, and posters of cute, cuddly things all over. Nano-Nano had quickly realizes that since she is herself cute, everything around her should be as well. The only remnant of Vanilla's former sanctuary is the presence of the all-mighty Nanomachine, twirling in stoic silence, a sad reminder of what had once been a holy chamber.

Just in time for the trial to start, the doors slide open, revealing the terrific trio of Nano-Nano and Vanilla, with Normad being carried along as always. While Vanilla is content to walk like any normal girl, Nano-Nano is not! With a mighty leap, she lands on the back of the couch, perching effortlessly on its back, her tail twitching. "Hello, nano da! Rico and Kahlua are here! Hey! Hey mama, come say hi to Rico and Kahlua!"

Vanilla steps torwards the couch in silence, but Normad can't help but speak up. "She is capable of seeing them on her own, you know. Dear Vanilla has eyesight the likes of which you've never seen before! And furthermore...."

He is silenced as the cat-like girl suddenly leaps from her perch, grabs Normad out of Vanilla's hands, and starts gnawing on him. "You look like a marshmellow, you should taste like one!" Nano protests between bites.

Milfeulle, arms laden with a few shopping bags, stands there with Kokomo and Malibu, the PicoPico Brothers.

"Oi! That's PEYROT!" Kokomo replies angrily. "Wait, what did she call-*?"

"Hi, Nano-chan! Hi Vanilla-san!" says Apricot, holding up her hand and waving. "You're just in time for the good part! This lawyer is great! He's hot-blooded and full of guts!"

On the TV, Super Attorney Basilisk Wrightson massages his temples with his fingers. "My objection was overruled... the case hangs in the balance!"

In the audience, Great Detective Hercules and Inspector Zenigata clench their fists. "Fight for justice, Ace Attorney!"

And at this point, the door slides open, just like it did for Vanilla, revealing... Harvey Birdman! "Perhaps -I- can be of assistance!"

"Da-da-da-DA-da-DA!" crows Birdgirl, from one side.

"Who wants to bust this nut?" smarms Peanut, from the other.

"Ara!" exclaims Kahlua, waving to Nano and Vanilla, to whom she's been recently introduced. "Who, is the man in the suit? Who, is the cat with the BEAK?"

Apricot leans in next to Kahlua, squinting. "He looks kind of like that superhero who's a talk show host! Or a near relative. You and your mama are right on time, Nano-chan, I think this is where it gets really interesting! Oh, I wonder where oneechan is? She left to get snacks..."

Right by Milfeulle, the boys stare off into space, left eyes twitching. The screen freezes and turns negative for a moment, making the ominous Galaxy Angel *DOOM* sound that emphasizes dramatic events, before cutting to Milfeulle.

"Oh, you haven't met Nano-chan yet!" says Milfeulle happily, chatting away, oblivious to the boys' consternation. "She's Vanilla's cute little daughter! We met her on Planet Pico!"

Cut the boys again. *DOOM* Negative. Freeze. "D-d-d-d. D-d-d-d. D-d-d-d," says Kokomo, sweating profusely and stuttering.

"D-d-d-d-d-d-daughter," chimes in Malibu. His glasses crack. And somehow, moments later, they are inside the room, eyes huge, auras glowing, standing behind the H family.

"Hi everyone!" says Milfeulle, just as obliviously walking in with snacks and waving. "Look who I found outside! The PeroPero boys! They were too shy to come in and say hello."

On the couch nearby, Apricot cowers against Kahlua fearfully. "They're so scary!" whines Apricot in a whisper to Kahlua.

"Ara! Zombies!" says Kahlua excitedly, which means slightly faster than her usual lethargic, chirpy monotone. "I bet Ranpha-sempai made them, I wonder if she'll share the spell recipe..."

Kokomo and Malibu's faces are clenched with emotion. "M-mama," says Kokomo, clenching his fists.

"M-mother," whispers Malibu.

"I have a bad feeling for some reason..." Normad's words have nothing to do with the fact that he has become Nano-Nano's toy of choice. He was designed to defend mankind against danger, after all, and there is certainly an air of danger in the room! However, it is an air that both Vanilla and Nano-Nano seem unaware of.

"Snacks!" The concept seems to fill Nano-Nano with a ridiculously large amount of happiness. "Cookies and cakes, nano da! Auntie Milfeulle always makes the best snacks of all!"

Vanilla, naturally, says nothing at all. She has a hyperactive nanomachine colony and a talking plushie to do all the talking for her. Even if she wanted to, she probably couldn't get a word in anyway. She turns, silent as ever, torwards Milfeulle and her little entourage of would-be offspring, but turns back torwards the tv without a word. They may be scary looking to some, but this is Vanilla! Vanilla is a girl to whom fear means next to nothing.

However, Nano-Nano seems to take an interest in the two. "You two look sour, nano da. Sour like a pickle. And everyone knows the best pickles are the sweet ones! Nano-Nano is a sweet pickle, nano da!" And then with a twirl, she goes pack to her perch on the couch.

Meanwhile, Ranpha Franboise and Mint Blancmanche sit in the announcer's box, calling the action!

(*NOTE*: By permission from Mint Blancmanche herself, who is buried in schoolwork, the part of Mint will now be played by Milfeulle's Fake Novelty Mint Head. Now back to the drama!)

"You could cut the tension with a plastic knife!" shrieks Ranpha Franboise. "Kokomo and Malibu Peyrot, with a rival to Vanilla's maternal affections! What do you have to say, fellow commentator Mint Blancmanche-san?" Ranpha, wearing a microphone, turns to face Mint! Who just sits there, with fake arms and legs taped to her central pole.

Ranpha darts her eyes back and forth, then leeeeans over to pull a string attached to the Mint head's fake ears. *twitch* *twitch* "Minto-san is speechless, ladies and gentlemen! And now a word from our sponsors." She riffles through a wad of papers. "Blah blah blah, save time and money, blah blah blah... oh forget it. This is boring! Come on Mint, let's find some studs!" She grabs the Mint head by the attached central pole, knocking the fake arms and legs free, then gets up and stalks off. "Yoohoo! Boys! Hey, maybe we'll find some hot guy with a fake novelty Takuto Meyers head, ha ha ha!"

Scene cuts back to the action, with Kahlua taking off after Ranpha, holding out her arms. "Wah, Ranpha-san! Minto-san! I want to make zombieeeees...."

Apricot perches on the edge of the couch, waving her arms after her. "Kahlua-san, come back! Don't leave me alone in this dangerous situation! And, and who's going to explain to me what happens in the rest of the movie? Wah, it's too complicated!" She clenches her fists and shakes her head back and forth.

Milfeulle walks up and puts a hand on Apricot's and Nano's shoulders. "Don't worry, Nano-chan! I'll make some great TV-watching snacks. And don't worry either, Rico-chan! I know exactly what's happening. Let's see..." She turns to the television set, squinting, and watching for a few moments. "... Oh! There's about to be a giant robot! And his little friend, who's really a walrus, and they have adventures and save the princess from the evil factory where they make dangerous toys!"

Apricot widens her eyes, turning to the TV. "Really? How exciting!"

And then of course there are the Peyrot brothers. Looking ominous above Vanilla and Nano-Nano, auras glowing, quivering with ill-defined emotion. And then...


The two of them lunge forward, clasping Nano-Nano and Vanilla in a group hug, their young bodies trembling with emotion. "We're so happy!" wails Malibu, embracing his new family while he's choking back tears. "Now we're truly a family! We're like a peck of pickles!"

"Mama!" wails Kokomo, hugging. "You've given us a little sister! Don't worry little sis, I'll beat up any guy that makes you cry!"

Little does Ranpha know that, somewhere out there, there is indeed someone with such a mask! But to get to him she'll have to defeat 8 elemental themed robots and then square off against their mentally challanged creator. Only then will she be able to find the Fake Novelty Mint Head's true fake love!

Meanwhile, back in reality, Nano-Nano and Vanilla suddenly find themselves assaulted by the rest of the 'family'. Her face, of course, remains expressionless. Nano-Nano's, of course, does not. She looks more then a little confused. "Huuuuh, nano da? Sister? Who's your sister?" She can't even point at herself confusedly, she's too busy being group-hugged.

The only one that seems to understand is Normad. "Hoo hoo hoo..." His electronic laugh is sinister. It's sinister-ness is dampened somewhat by the fact he's lying discarded on the ground after Nano had tossed him aside. "Don't be so certain she can be trusted! Dear Vanilla, she's been different ever since that girl came back with her. Its almost as if she was controlling her, and changing her to become her mother! I have done what I could to halt her progress, but alas, I have been unable to save my dear Vanilla from her. I'm a disgrace....I...don't deserve to be near her.."

Vanilla is, of course, ignoring him.

And sure enough, soon Ranpha stands in the middle of the Dodecamasupangelhedron, outer space's #1 combat arena in 12 galaxies! "Let's get ready to RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMBLE!" declares the announcer, throwing up a tentacle, as the crowd of sixty gazillion screams in anticipation!

And taking to the ring, the galactically-famous Eight Elemental Robots of Android Kung-Fu! Such as FIREBOT! "I'll burn you good, robo! HYAR!"

WATERBOT! "Splish-splash, I'll be takin' a bath... in your BLOOD!"

EARTHBOT! "The Earth will quake with your destruction, rrrrrrumble!"


LIGHTNING-BOT! "Ooooooh, shhhhh-shhhhocking!" He kind of prances a bit. "I'll give you such a zap, you tramps!"

The Mysterious Masked Smoke Robot! The smoke comes from his cigar. Although he looks more like a bending unit with a cape and spandex. "Bwah ha ha ha ha! I'm just a gutsy robot from the wrong side of the tracks who wants to get my kids back."

And last but not least - the Dreaded Roboko! "Piko-piko-piii! I-am-Roboko! If-you-smell-what-Roboko-is-cooking!" Her arms wave menacingly! Curiously though it looks like her plating is made of cardboard.

From the stands, there's a small group that appears to be cheering Roboko rather enthusiastically. One of whom is surrounded by a veritable menagerie of animals. "Let's cheer for Serizawa, Inugami-kun! Isn't this exciting!"

The boy whose arm she suddenly clutches adjusts his glasses indifferently. "How did you convince me to come out here, anyway...?"

In the face of all this horrendous terror, inside the ring, Kahlua puts her hands against her cheeks, darting her head back and forth worriedly. "Oh dear," she worries. "Do you really think we can win, sempai?"

Ranpha smirks, heh heh heh'ing, hands on her hips. "This isn't even much of a challenge, K-chan. They're lucky Forte isn't here, aren't they Minto?" The fake novelty Mint head's eyes glow in affirmation. Ranpha's smirk deepens. "Then let's get this done! HAAAAAAAAAAH!" With a roar, she raises the Mint head like a weapon and charges at the enemy! There's the sounds of furious violence! And then Ranpha flies over Kahlua's head, crashing against the backdrop and flopping to the ground, face twitching. "I should never have underestimated," she grunts, struggling to raise her head, "the Mysterious Masked Smoke Robot...." The Mint Head clatters to the ground next to her, ears looking noticeably droopy.

But then, from out of nowhere, a new challenger takes the ring. "Grraaaaaar!" says Godzilla, waving her foam-rubber claws! Curiously there is a face that looks remarkably like Yuzuko Kurosu's face poking out from inside Godzilla's mouth, but there you go. "We'll settle this once and for all, Roboko! Graaar!" Lightning flashes behind her.

"Ara," says Kahlua, turning from side to side. "This is so exciting!"

MEANWHILE! Much hugging is going on at Angel Room! "Oh, this is so cute!" says Milfeulle, clutching her cheeks at the scene taking place. "I hope my children love me as much someday!"

She leans against Apricot, who is also clutching her cheeks, and the two say at the same time: "Will we ever be brides...?"

As the gush, Kokomo points to himself for Nano-Nano's benefit. "Me! I'm your big brother, Kokomo! Vanilla's going to be my mom in the future! Don't forget, I'm much cooler than Malibu, he's like a total dork!"

However, the hugging is interrupted as Malibu suddenly recoils from Vanilla and Nano-Nano as if stung. "Wh-what? Is that true?" Malibu lunges forward to grab NORMAD, picking him up and staring. "Is our little sister really controlling mother's mind?" The rational part of Malibu doesn't want to believe it - but then again - who knows where this girl came from, or what the alien technology of her homeworld is capable of?

"HEY!" Kokomo throws a protective arm around Nano-Nano, waving a hand. "Don't listen to the pink chew toy! He's tryin' to drive this family apart! Don't worry sis, big bro's got your back! Don't worry, mama, I'll protect this family with my life!" He puts a fist over his heart.


Next Episode Preview:

Ranpha Franboise, Kahlua Marjoram and the Fake Novelty Mint Head sit at a table across from three strapping young military officers! ... Well, actually two strapping young officers and a Fake Novelty Military Officer Head, it's eyes gleaming. "Hee hee hee, isn't this fun!" giggles Ranpha, batting her eyes coquettishly.

"B-but sempai!" says Kahlua, raising a finger. "Wasn't there supposed to be an age limit on this group date?"


Until Ranpha's eyebrow twitches audibly.

Followed an instant later by the incredibly resonant *THUD* created as the Fake Novelty Mint Head's face impacts squarely with that of Kahlua, knocking the latter senseless to the ground. "Oopsie!" Ranpha chirps innocently. "I think Mint's a little drunk, isn't that right, Minto?" The Mint Head's eyes swirl from down on the floor.

vanilla h, milfeulle sakuraba

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