WHO: Kamina, Viral
WHERE: Sci-Fi Sector, The World of Spirals
WHEN: Sept. 9, 2007
WHAT: Kamina is his usual self on the Citizen's Band, and Viral from close to seven years later overhears. Things devolve from there pretty much as one would expect from a pair of at-the-throat rivals, with a twist--after all, being from his future, Viral knows something about Kamina that Kamina doesn't. (Includes ambient CB chatter, so while I recommend reading it, if you're only interested in the fight, you'll want to scroll down. Sorry about the delay on posting this,
WATCH FOR: Viral landing a four-hit +combo, and Kamina and his little buddy Simon's epic finisher.
You will now hear messages on channel .
Kamina says, "Though Simon..."
Simon says, "I DON'T KNOW!"
Kamina says, "That's a very good name! Use it well!"
Simon says, "... Uh."
Invader Zim says, "I am confused! Someone just tell me why these children obey the name of Simon!"
Shinji Ikari's teeth grind.
Kamina says, "Because he is the one who will break through the heavens!"
Invader Zim says, "I was unaware they could be broken. How is this done?"
Kamina says, "With his drill...Tch. How the hell do you think?"
Simon says, "..."
Catlike, Kerrigor mrrrrrls, once more sounding vaguely catlike. Almost kittenlike, "...Unpleasant... ...and amusing conversations."
Invader Zim says, "It must be a formidable ability. I simply say that Simon said to go randomly destroy, and they did so!"
Simon says, "Wh--this is one hell of a coincidence!"
Invader Zim says, "It was beutiful!"
Viral laughs unpleasantly.
Simon says, "And... don't tell kids to destroy things in my name, damn it!"
Kamina says, "Tch. What they hand out drills to kids named Simon?"
Kamina says, "GOOD IDEA!"
Invader Zim says, "Eh?!"
Toboe screams like a little girl at the sound of Kerrigor's voice.
Invader Zim says, "So, these children respect Simon, because he can break the heavens, and they follow his orders to the letter?"
Invader Zim says, "I must learn how to do this breaking of heavens..."
Kamina says, "Tch. Only Simon can do it."
Invader Zim says, "I must now go! I will build a device which will shatter the heavens!"
Kamina says, "Device?"
Kamina says, "Tch. Toboe."
Toboe meekly. "Yes?"
Kamina seems to come back to the subject matter at hand. "Why are you still not understanding this? DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU!"
Kamina says, "Believe in me who believes in you! As long as I believe in you, you can do anything!"
Human? Amaterasu says, "Oh dear."
Kamina says, "So that ...whatever the hell that thing growling earlier was, you kick its ass if he even looks at you funny! Don't back down and let them walk all over you."
Kamina sips audibly. Seems to be finally relaxing.
Toboe says, "But..."
Kamina says, "Tch."
Kamina says, "Who the hell do you think I AM?!"
Toboe says, "Lord Kamina?"
Kamina says, "YES. Now Who the hell are you?!"
Toboe softly. "Toboe."
Kamina says, "And whats the differance between us?"
Toboe says, "You are much stronger and is a leader."
Shinji Ikari says, "Well, Toboe never tried to punch Unit-00's head off with a drill."
Kamina Sound of someone being punched through the radio....Yes Loud. Yes you Toboe. Kamina's radio's dead.
Toboe says, "L-L-Lord Kamina?"
Kamina clicks on Leeron's radio. "THERE IS NOTHING DIFFERENT BETWEEN US!"
Toboe says, "AHHHH!"
Kamina says, "Anything I can do! You can do!"
Human? Amaterasu says, "Oh dear. You certainly are spirited."
Kamina says, "Pth. Of course I am!"
Kamina says, "I'm a man!"
Human? Amaterasu says, "I suppose you are also a magnificent warrior."
Kamina says, "Heh, Who told you that? Actually Simon is even better than I am!"
Human? Amaterasu says, "Many men who have the fire and spirit that you do funnel their confidence onto the battlefield."
Toboe says, "Lord Kamina is the strongest next to Tsume!"
Human? Amaterasu says, "I am certain you are an inspirational leader."
Kamina sound of someone being punched through the radio!
Kamina clicks on Yoko's radio.| Yoko says, "HEY! Stop breaking things, idiot!"
Toboe says, "Ah... Um... Miss Amaterasu?"
Human? Amaterasu says, "Yes?"
Kamina says, "Tell Toboe to stop making me punch him!"
Viral laughs again. "Looks like you're the same as always, eh, Kamina?"
Kamina is silent.
Toboe says, "Is there a chance that... The both of us could m-m-m-m-m...."
Toboe says, "Eh? I am not making him punch things!"
Viral says, "You're as stupid as the last time I saw you."
Kamina says, "Tch. Well look who decides to show himself."
Toboe says, "You know Lord Kamina?"
Kamina says, "And you're uglier than I remember. I can smell you from here."
Human? Amaterasu says, "...Meet?"
Viral says, "I don't want to hear that from a naked monkey!"
Kamina says, "Heh, yea, sure Toboe. But it looks like the furries can use radios now....WHO THE HELL IS A NAKED MONKEY YOU F**KING FURRY!?!"
Toboe says, "Ah! Yes.... Ah! But I am sure that you can't as you are a goddess and all and I am just someone not worth looking at."
Toboe says, "Hey don't insult Lord Kamina!"
Viral laughs. "It's really been a long time, Kamina!"
Kamina says, "Eh? I guess I didn't run into your stupid face for awhile eh?"
Viral says, "--Why shouldn't I speak the truth?"
Viral says, "You could say that. How long has it been?"
Kamina says, "Month?"
Viral says, "...Only that? It seems like much longer."
Viral says, "Doesn't it, Simon?"
Toboe says, "You shouldn't insult Lord Kamina! He isn't a naked monkey! He is the strongest human around!"
Human? Amaterasu says, "I would not mind at all meeting you, Toboe. Hearing your world is devoid of plants, how could I stay away?"
Kamina says, "Tch. Month and a half. I've been cracking my knuckles waiting for you to show so I could knock those teeth in."
Viral says, "A human IS a naked monkey."
Kamina punches the radio.
Kamina static. More punching.
Viral says, "And if Kamina *weren't* an idiot, he wouldn't keep trying to punch someone who's not there."
Kamina clicks on Simon's radio. "Tch."
Han Su Li says, "That sound more like venting frustration."
Toboe says, "Ah... Really, Miss Amaterasu?"
Simon says, "Tch... Viral!"
Human? Amaterasu says, "Of course."
Viral laughs. "So, what do *you* think?"
Kamina | Leeron says, "Hmm. Well I guess this confirms the theory your attacks can't go through the radio...not that there was a question. <3"
Toboe says, "He is... Just getting himself warmed up."
Kamina says, "Tch, I guess not. Heh, Viral, I'm going to come kick that smirk off your face soon."
Toboe says, "I don't like you as you keep on insulting Lord Kamina."
Kamina says, "Toboe. Keep going."
Viral snorts. "Is it an insult if I'm just stating the truth? --hah! I look forward to seeing you try!"
Simon says, "I'm not... Damn it! What the hell are you doing here!?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "So, 'Viral'."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Your daddy was a shark?"
Kamina says, "Eh? Other Simon has trouble with Viral?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Or was it your mommy? Could you tell? Beastmen really get a raw deal like that."
Kamina says, "now I really have to kick his ass."
Viral says, "Why shouldn't I be here? --What?"
Han Su Li says, "As long he's not a Starfish."
Han Su Li says, "I'm cool with it."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Let me make it a little clearer."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Did your /mother/ jones for shark @#$@, or did your /father/ go for shark @#$@#?"
Human? Amaterasu says, "Such language, Mr. Seki."
Viral says flatly, "Neither."
Viral says, "I'm not part shark."
Kamina chuckles. "I guess those stories I put on the bathroom wall paid off."
Viral says, "This is *your* doing!?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Oh, my bad, the teeth and all."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Kamina gave us a picture of you for the Mithril Men's Room, yeah."
Kamina chuckles. "Even drew them a picture."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "Wonderful little rivalries... I love the multiverse..."
Viral says, "KAMINA!! I'll kick your ass!!"
Simon says, "He is kinda shark-y."
Kamina says, "BRING IT, FURRY!"
Viral says, "Just you wait, naked monkey!"
Nia says, "He is probably not naked."
Kamina says, "Bring those swords too! Gurren needs a new tooth pick!"
Nia says, "-Gurren?"
Kamina Bleeehh.
Viral says, "My swords are NOT TOOTHPICKS!"
Toboe says, "I will cheer you on, Lord Kamina!"
Kamina says, "Oh? I thought they were! Guess you're not using them right."
Kamina says, "Heh. I'll kick his ass to show you how it's done."
Nia says, "Well, good luck to you."
Viral says, "We'll see how you talk after I rip your throat out!"
Nia flowersmile.
Kamina says, "Thanks, cute girl! Simon, you're definitely marrying that one when we meet her!"
Viral says, "..."
Simon says, "Hey! I've got to kick your ass, too! And--uh..."
Kamina says, "Eh? I wasn't talking to you pal?"
Viral cracks up again.
Kamina says, "What is so damn funny?"
Simon says, "... Shaddap, Viral!"
Viral says, "You're better off not knowing."
Viral says, "Unless Simon wants to tell you."
Simon says, "/No/!"
Kamina says, "Tch. Simon doesn't keep secrets from me!"
Simon sputter.
Viral laughs more.
Kamina says, "We're soul brothers! Through and through!"
Shinji Ikari says, "Um, it's not very, ah, nice to make fun of someone's relationship..."
Kamina says, "So I guess I'm seriously going to have to put an end to this because of that line."
Nia says, "Excuse me."
Nia says, "What is 'marry?'"
Simon says, "Don't worry about it, Nia!"
Nia says, "Alright."
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "I am also unfamiliar with this term."
Han Su Li says, "What term?"
Han Su Li says, "'Merry'?"
Kamina says, "Oh ho! Simon! You have a rival for her! And his name is Simon!"
Toboe says, "From what I gather, it's like choosing a life mate."
Simon says, "..."
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "Yes, this term. 'To marry.'"
Kamina |Simon says, "Aniki! It's not nice to joke about something...that personal!"
Kamina says, "Oh ho! He's blushing!"
Han Su Li says, "Oh, marry."
Simon says, "N-no I'm not!"
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "The selection of a mate? I see. Merely another term for a breed-pair, then. Thank you."
Viral says, "...Now that's just bizarre."
Nia says, "Oh, I am not going to breed right now."
Han Su Li says, "It's more than that."
Kamina says, "Eh? Breed? What the hell is that?"
Nia says, "To make a baby."
Kamina says, "YOU MAKE THOSE?!"
Nia says, "I am not going to make a baby rightn ow."
Lina Inverse says, "..........."
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "To breed. By the act of reproduction, to manufacture a child."
Han Su Li says, "...you know."
Ryoto Hikawa coughcough.
Kamina says, "NEAT! LETS GO MAKE ONE SIMON! My baby will kick everyone's ass!"
Nia says, "Oh, yes! Dayakka and Kiyoh are working on making a baby."
Lapis spits her drink
Han Su Li says, "I was about to explain it, but I'm going to gi--"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Kamina."
Lina Inverse cracks the hell up.
Toboe beams quite a bit as he knows something that Kamina didn't know.
Kamina says, "It will have Drill arms and---eh?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Let me tell you about the birds and the bees."
Kamina says, "Eh?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki grabs Kamina's ear...yes, through the radio...dragging him off screen for a moment.
Viral says, "..."
Lapis says, "Uh oh. Seki is doing That Talk. I should cover my ears."
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "Are you sure, Kamina? Drill arms are quite expensive and somewhat risky to install, especially when the subject is still a child."
Toboe says, "Eh? What's 'That Talk'?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki mutter mutter mutter, points at a few charts, opens up a 'Dynasts Gone Wild' magazene.
Nia says, "I think making a baby involves a girl."
Lapis hums the Neo-Zarth Anthem, her ears are presumably covered.
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "Yes, the process requires a male and female."
Kamina says, "YOU DO WHAT?!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki finishes his clever aside. "...and that's where babies come from!"
Lina Inverse laughs HARDER.
Kamina says, "So wait."
Kamina says, "I have to do that with Yoko?"
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "I recall a sermon I once delivered in my early times, as a lector, wherein I coined it the 'piston drive.'"
Kamina says, "She isn't going to make a very cool baby."
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, "I am particularly proud of that sermon."
Toboe says, "'Piston drive?"
Kamina transmits gunshots.
Toboe says, "LORD KAMINA? Are you alright?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki laughs like the end of an episode of Full House.
Kamina says, "Eh? Yeah...Ignore those. I think Yoko is pissed off. I doubt her baby making style."
Toboe says, "Lord Kamina has a mate? That is wonderful!"
Kamina says, "Eh? Mate?"
Kamina says, "I don't think I do that kind of stuff with Yoko."
Toboe says, "Yes... It sounded like you and Yoko were mates..."
Kamina all around Spittakes.
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Did you pay attention at all to my comical aside?!"
Toboe says, "Did... I say something wrong?"
Kamina says, "Toboe. Me and Seki are going to take you to make you a man..."
Toboe says, "Huh?"
Kamina says, "Just what I said. I'm going to make a man out of you..."
Toboe says, "... Why am I scared?"
Kamina says, "So Lets get down to business to defeat...The hun. Yea that's the ticket."
Kamina says, "Oi! Did you send me a daughter! WHEN I ASKED FOR A SON?!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Did they send us daughters when we asked...for sons?"
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "I'm... just glad I get to enjoy humanity from an outside perspective."
Kamina says, "You're the saddest bunch I have ever met...But you can bet before we're through. Mister, I'lll Make a man outta you!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Be a man?"
Kamina says, "BE A MAN!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "As swift as the coursing river?"
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "Where is the music?"
Kamina says, "BE A MAN!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "With all the force of a great typhoon?"
Kamina says, "BE A MAN!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "With all the strength of a raging fire?!"
Nia says, "Mysterious as the dark side of pantaloons."
Kamina says, "...She's got it!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "She's a man!"
Nia says, "I am?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Or at least manlier than Toboe."
Lapis asides, "That isn't hard."
Nia says, "Hmm. Simon, apparently I am a man. Is that bad?"
Kamina says, "Atleast for now, I believe in my little brother."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Yes. Make Simon make you a sandwich."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "Oh by all the Charter..."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "And get your pipe and slippers."
Ryoto Hikawa says, "She sounds like a girl...."
Kamina says, "Oi, kid! She's a man!"
Nia says, "Oh, I don't smoke! I can't be a man."
Kamina says, "Smoke?"
Ryoto Hikawa jumps a bit. "Sh-she is?"
Nia says, "That is what you do with a pipe, unless it is a factory pipe."
Kamina says, "She is in her heart."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki puff.
Kamina says, "I don't smoke...."
Ryoto Hikawa says, "Well, it's the Future Century... it's okay to swing that way."
Han Su Li says, "...A job well done, huh, Seki."
Toboe says, "....."
Lapis says, "--Future Century?"
Ryoto Hikawa says, "Well, whatever it's called."
Lapis says, "What kind of mobile suits do you use?"
Ryoto Hikawa says, "Um. Personal troopers. Not mobile suits. Personal troopers."
Kamina says, "OH! I found a song for Yoko."
Toboe says, "... I guess that I am not a man then.."
Kamina transmits
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkJdEFf_Qg4&mode=related&search= Sauceror says, "--AURG"
Sauceror says, "MAN THAT HURTS"
Kamina says, "You can be Toboe!"
Toboe says, "How can I... When a girl is more of one then I am."
Effulgent Autem Wayfarer says, in Old Realm, "
Toboe says, "...."
Sci-Fi Sector
The Sci-Fi Sector is a category imposed on a number of planes of reality by the denizens of the Mundane Sector for convenience, and one often a little resented as implying the planes of the Sector to be fictional somehow. Domains within this Sector tend to be dominated by advances in technology considerably beyond that of most Mundane Sector planes, and very frequently these advances in technology have altered the face of society in these realms. Many, though not all, of the Sci-Fi planes have achieved space travel to varying degrees of practicality. Supernatural activity varies from plane to plane; some worlds are governed by very strict and scientifically comprehensible rules of physics, while others contain such elements as psychic powers, mysterious cosmic presences, and other such things.
The World of Spirals
Viral says, "So then, Kamina. Now that it sounds like you're done cheering on your subordinate, are you ready to fight me?"
Kamina says, "I was born ready!"
Viral says, "Hah! That's exactly what I thought you'd say!"
Kamina says, "Are you ready to get your face smashed in?!"
Viral says, "Don't get too cocky! You'll find I'm a little different from the last time you saw me!"
Toboe says, "Ah... Maybe you shouldn't do this now."
Viral says, "I'll meet you where we first fought. Don't keep me waiting!"
Kamina says, "Toboe. Remember what I said!"
Kamina says, "Believe in me who believes in you! *click*"
Toboe says, "Ah! Lord Kamina! Pleasae wait!"
Viral says, "Don't worry. I won't kill him."
Toboe says, "... Please let me come..."
Viral says, "...heh. If you want to come watch, I don't mind. But this is between him and me. If you come, don't you dare interfere!"
Toboe says, "....."
Toboe says, "But... I want to help...."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor mrows.
Toboe screams like a little girl!
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "...Only when you can withstand the terror..."
Viral says, "...Don't be afraid of a cat."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "Then you can go help your friend..."
The Oasis where they first fought. Kamina remembered it well. Not just for the tasty animals either. This is where Kamina met the one beast man who just refused to die. The Gurren Lagann waited in the clearing, crossing its arms as it waited for the typical jumping Viral enterance. "Tch, that punk is going to pay for what he said earlier, Simon."
"Aniki, I don't think you should underestimate him. I mean he's pretty strong and...I just have a bad feeling about all of this." He sighed, looking at the controls, not liking hearing that other Simon. It was weird. It sounded almost like him. "Do you think--"
Kamina interupted. "Nope! I don't let stuff like that get in my way when we're fighting someone like this." Kamina grinned widely, placing his shades on. Viral was going to pay...That stupid beastman wasn't going to be the death of him.
Toboe says, "That wasn't nice..."
Toboe says, "But cats are scary!"
Viral says, "Don't be a coward."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "I'm not in a nice mood... I'm reeeegrowing my body..."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "But, if you want to help your friend... go."
Lina Inverse says, "Speaking of cats...we've gotta talk about this whole Bright whatevers thing sometime."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "I would be honored, miss. I felt your power even from where I was fighting... you command incredible magic."
Lina Inverse says, "I sure do!"
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "I'm sorry if I have misplaced your name... I am Kerrig, last survivor of my world and retainer of the Abhorsen."
Lina Inverse says, "Lina Inverse, genius sorceress! <3"
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "I pleasure, miss Inverse. I look forward to our further discussions."
Lina Inverse says, "Soooo do I."
Oswald growls.
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "Did you put the fires out, Oswald?"
Oswald says, "Accursed beast... even now you cannot simply have the decency to be SILENT!?"
Lina Inverse oohs. "...grouchy."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "There is little to do beyond soak the energies of your world's death into myself, Oswald... and use the Life Energy I stole from you in our battle to slowly regenerate my body. I only just regained consciousness a little bit ago..."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor says, "Though, one can lay and watch the pretty little souls go by all day... and wonder at their stories..."
Not *this* beastman, no.
It's not certain whether this Kamina is the real one or the fake. Logic says that it can't be--but Grey Wolf told Viral that the nature of the Gates is such that it links not only worlds to worlds, but eras to eras, and stated that he knew a woman from a thousand years before his time and seven years after, both from his world. So then, it *could* be him. But whether it is Kamina or it isn't is irrelevant now--because he's gotten Viral's blood boiling, and he never did truly settle things with him.
The first thing that Kamina and Simon will notice about Viral's Gunmen, if they are in fact observant enough to notice at all, is that it looks...different. It doesn't have that scythe jutting out of the head anymore, and it's got four arms--one pair hanging at its sides, another pair crossed over its chest.
"So you didn't run away after all," Viral sneers, watching the Gurren-Lagann carefully as he approaches, stopping a fair distance away from him. "Very good, Kamina! But I've got a question first. Simon--I know you're there too." He smirks, a touch bitterly. It's been a long time, and it's weird to see his old helmet again. By this point, though...it doesn't matter to him if he gets it back. It's a relic from an age that's lost. Though that doesn't change the depth of the humiliation he felt... "What do *you* think about the other Simon?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Obviously I'm going to have to stop being nice about this shit."
Han Su Li says, "Does that guy ever shut up?"
Oswald says, "Peleps Kaizoku Seki."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki puff. "Y'all brought this on yerselves."
Oswald says, "Help me find a way to shut this thing up... Please."
Kamina says, "It's fine!"
Han Su Li says, "Vicious beating to the face failed?"
Oswald says, "He didn't have a face when I was done with him."
Sleepily catlike, Kerrigor chuckles softly, "I need more sleep anyway..."
Han Su Li says, "Hm. Problematic."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Okay. Get one of your Syndicate mad scientists to screw with your radio, so it'll have a filtering device."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "You know what he sounds like, so you can just edit him out when you need some peace. Simple."
Oswald says, "..."
Oswald says, "Not the method I'd prefer, but it could work."
Han Su Li says, "That's--uh. A pretty good idea. Nice one, there."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Well, the fun way didn't work, so I figure short term gain should be the perogitive until you can discover real weaknesses in your enemy's armor."
The Gurren didn't budge as the new and improved Enkidudu approached. It merely kept it's arms crossed, ready for this fight. Kamina laughed as he heard Viral start to talk. Run away? Not in his vocabrulary. "Tch, I'm not going to run from a ugly bald furry like you." Kamina grined in his cockpit, uncrossing the Gurren's arms.
Simon, on the other hand, seems abit unsettled when Viral addresses him directly. He almost hit the roof as Viral seemingly read his mind. He wasn't aware Viral even noticed him until now. It was him and Aniki who were dire enemies. This wasn't right at all.
"SIMON! Answer him. You don't need to be afraid of a guy like this." Kamina grinned at Simon through the intercomm system.
"I, I don't know him that well I'm afraid. He has my name right?" Simon attempted to straighten his voice.
"Heh, Just the kind of answer I would've gave as well. However. His name is Simon which means a whole lot more than your lame name!" The Gurren Lagann was ready for this. Even if Viral was a freak and sprouted new mech arms.
"You're in no position to talk about being bald, naked monkey!" Viral snaps back, the crossed arms lashing out to hold their fists at his sides. From inside the cockpit, the beastman grits his teeth, then forces his temper back, fingers untensing slightly on the controls. He hadn't been aware specifically that the young Simon had been worried about older Simon, but he knows if he'd encountered his younger self, he'd be asking questions.
It occurs to Viral that that could yet happen. He's got mixed feelings on that.
Shoving those thoughts aside to focus on the battle, the dirty blond hmphs. "You're right. It *does* mean a lot that he's got the same name." Viral's lips pull back in a sharp-toothed, humorless smile. "Well then, Simon, since you're that uncertain, let me ask you something that you CAN chew on. If Kamina died..." In a flash, the twin blades are drawn and Enkidudu is charging the Gurren-Lagann, opening with a double slash at the enemy Gunmen's arms. "WHAT WOULD YOU DO!?"
Viral misses Kamina with your Psychological warfare!? (Although that's not really Viral's intention) attack.
"Tch. Shut up, you confused Furry!" Kamina retroted right back, balling the Gurren Lagann's fists. He isn't going to take this from no damned beastman.
The question stunned Simon. What did Viral know that he didn't. Aniki...What would he do? He couldn't go on without Kamina. He wasn't strong enough. Kamina was the only one keeping him afloat. Could he? Without Kamina. The spiral power starts to go down as Simon's psychological state starts to go down, the spiral power no longer at max.
"SIMON!" Kamina takes control of the mech, quickly bringing up the Gunmen's arms to block the swords from doing anything to the more vital parts of the mech. "Tch, TURN YOUR MIND OFF AND FIGHT, DAMNIT! CIRCLE CORE DRILLAAAAAA!"
Kamina gets a glancing blow on Viral with his CIRCLE CORE DRILLAAAAAA! attack.
Even if he might not win, even if this might be the real Kamina and young Simon from another time, even if victory is as all-but-impossible as it ever was, Viral will continue to fight...for who he once was, and for whom he is now. Even if Kamina doesn't know the truth, *he* knows who he is, and that's good enough for him.
The beastman snarls as his swords impact against the Gurren-Lagann's arms, sparks flying orange as they slide upwards. He can't do any significant damage, though, because before he can try slashing forward again, those all-too-familiar drills come slashing out towards him.
"Dammit!" he swears--but they aren't as strong as usual. Enkidudu's armor crunches under the assault, but the Gunmen otherwise holds up quite well. Leaping backwards to increase the distance, Enkidudu opens fire with a barrage of missles from its detractable shoulder cannons. "What's the matter, Kamina!? Or do you really think that hard head of yours will let you smash through every wall you come across!?"
Viral hits Kamina with your OVERDONE MISSILES MEME attack.
Even if Kamina knew this was Future Viral...Even if Kamina knew his days were numbered and that he would leave Simon and the others alone, he would keep fighting right now because of who this was. It didn't matter if time had changed this person or if maybe they could be allies in the end, right now Kamina was going to knock the life out of this beast man. The Gurren Lagann shook widely as the missiles hit it. The Shields weren't working. Simon...What was with him right now?
"Aniki..." Simon said staring at Viral's Gunmen with wide eyes. Why did he believe him? Why did Simon sound like him? Why wasn't there someone like Kamina showing up as well?! "..." He tried to keep his mind focused but it wasn't working.
"SIMON! Damnit! Get a hold of yourself otherwise we're going to let this bastard win." Kamina gritted his teeth as second wave of missiles hit. "You bastard! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! PUNCHAAAA!!" The Gurren Lagann's fist flew full force at Enkidudu's face.
Kamina gets a glancing blow on Viral with his He thinks he's Viral Of course PUNCHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA attack.
That's exactly what makes Kamina Kamina--that insuppressable will to fight, because that's what a true man does. As the years and battles passed, when Viral looked back, he started to respect the kind of man that Kamina had been... Of course, meeting him all over again has changed all that, but not entirely. Once you strike a match, you can't unstrike it. Viral's not the genocidal soldier he once was, and he wouldn't want or ask Kamina to fight anything but his hardest. Although they're more in line now than they would be in any other era, for right now, they're still enemies.
Viral snarls as the Gurren-Lagann's fist impacts against the Enkidudu, but his movements are slow, and the drills aren't coming out; it's not the powerful blow it could have been--that he's used to. Is this a fake after all? Or is it because of Simon? Viral, who was never truly present for any of Simon's episodes after Kamina's death, has no idea as to the true depth of the boy's dependence on his 'brother', but...
"I'm Viral, the beastman! And what about you--is that all!? You've gotten WEAK, Kamina! Or maybe I've just gotten too strong for you!?" he snarls, lashing Enkidudu's right leg in a sweeping low kick at the Gurren Lagann's legs. "Or else--"
Viral misses Kamina with his !capoeira attack.
The punch hits the Enkidudu and there are no drills. Why are there no drills, Simon? Kamina growls and keeps trying to get a hit in, clenching the controls until he bleeds. He wasn't weak but..."Tch, you'll regret those words you, fucking furry!"
Simon looks down, wondering what he should do. Then Viral says the wrong thing at the wrong time...."Aniki isn't weak...Aniki is the strongest guy I know and I won't let you TALK ABOUT HIM THAT WAY!!!" The spiral power hits critical as Simon clenches his controls, grinding his teeth together. He won't let his brother die. Not here. Not Anywhere.
Kamina saw the rise in power and grined widely. "Lets get him, Simon! GURREN DRIVE CUTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The fist flew toward Viral's mech, continuously growing to knock the opponent far away.
Viral breaks Kamina's combo.
Well, crap.
Viral screams as the suddenly reversed Gurren-Lagann's fists impact into Enkidudu, smashing armor plates like they're jelly and impacting one of the arms, leaving it useless. The brothers' attempt to get him further away works, as the Gunmen goes flying--but in midair, Viral launches a flurry of high-speed discuses, impacting against the enemy Gunmen's punches and giving him a chance to land more or less on its feet. The white machine stumbles, and Viral knows, *knows* that now that it's come to this--
But he laughs, and snarls, "That's--" Another barrage of missiles, and he starts charging back in, swords flashing. "MORE LIKE IT!!" He attempts to slash at the G-L's arms. "Show me! SHOW ME YOU'RE THE REAL THING!! If you're a fake--" In his last move, if he manages to get that far, Viral will attempt to drive both swords into the Gurren-Lagann. "--I'LL RIP YOU APART!!!"
Viral juggles Kamina with his Over six years gone combo.
Viral juggles Kamina with his Over six years gone combo.
Viral juggles Kamina with his Over six years gone combo.
Viral juggles Kamina with his Over six years gone combo.
A Fake? WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK HE IS, VIRAL?! Kamina bites down hard on his teeth, grinning wildly. "Tch, atleast I know you're not a fake, Viral. I'd know that stench anywhere!!!" The Gurren Lagann is tossed around by the missiles, falling backwards just as the blades hit the frame. The two scream as the sparks to fly. There is only one way out of this. The Gurren Lagann pushes itself back, standing near the Enkidudu. "Simon. Let's end this."
Simon nods, matching Kamina's grin. "PERFECT UNIFICATION OF THE HEART!" The Gurren Lagann, rips off its Sunglasses and attempts to knock Enkidudu into the air. "BROTHER SEE EYE TO EYE, ENDING UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPA!!!!" The red mech sprints and if the white Gunmen hits the air, attempts to upper cut it out of the sky. Kamina starts, "WHO THE HELL...!?"
Simons continues,"...DO YOU..."
They both end,"THINK WE ARE?!?!"
Kamina hits Viral with his BROTHER SEE EYE TO EYE, ENDING UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPA!!!! super.
Viral has been knocked out!
Viral doesn't KNOW who he is. That's why he's here right now! ...no, that's not quite true. He's known since he shouted with him on the Citizen's Band: this is the real Kamina. It's not a fake. This is the Kamina whom he fought six years and some-odd months ago; this is the Kamina whose death he witnessed, though he didn't realize he'd fallen there until much later.
Enkidudu rips the swords out of the Gurren-Lagann, and inside, Viral sneers, heart soaring at the sheer intensity of this battle. This feeling, this heat... "What's the matter!? I expected more out of you, Kamina! Out of BOTH OF YOU!!"
But then the two 'brothers' begin to shout, and Viral's yellow eyes widen as he realizes what's coming back towards him. Sheathing the blades in a flash, he whips out Enkidudu's left arm and errects the shield to block the shades--
And it's ripped through like it was no more than paper, the shadesmerang bouncing Enkidudu into the air. "What--!?" Viral gasps, the mech flailing wide-eyed and gape-mouthed. The last thing he sees before his Gunmen nearly has a hole punched through it, wrecking its mouth and sending it careening down to the ground where its legs are crushed beneath it, is that red fist coming towards it, drills whirring away.
"...." From inside the cockpit, Viral is still, blood running down the side of his face. The source of the wound disappears in a flash, but...the blood itself remains. He chuckles lowly at the feel of it running through his hair, and slowly, slowly...he relaxes his grips on Enkidudu's controls. "...so it *is* you. I had a feeling that was the case..." Viral shuts his eyes and tilts his head back, the glitter on one last functioning visual screen showing the Gurren-Lagann above him. Perhaps they will try to finish him off. He won't try to stop them; he can't. He knows he's lost. "...It really has been a long time...Kamina."
The Gurren Lagann lands over the Enkidudu, both pilots breath heavily. The red mech was smoking as the energy started to dispell. It was over. Just like any other time right?
Kamina grins and leans back in his chair. He could do anything with Simon at his side....In a way, he was starting to realize that he might not be able to keep doing this on his own. That punch he threw alone almost cost him big time. Also there was something different about Viral now. A man knew who he was punching and this...didn't feel like Viral. He wasn't as...It just wasn't him. Kamina knew it wasn't somehow. Something had happened to this jerk.
Simon looks down at Viral's mech, wondering if this was the end of the feud...But also why Viral told them Kamina would die.
Kamina breaks the silence finally as he hears Viral speak. "Eh? Who the hell did you think I was? Tch, There's only one of me and Simon so you better stop talking like a dumb animal...Oh wait, heh." Kamina laughs rudely at Viral down on the ground. "And quit talking like we haven't seen each other in years. It's embarassing." The mech reaches down and takes one of the sword, starting to pick its teeth. Way to spoil a moment, Kamina.
It is then, Simon chimes in. "Viral...What did you mean before?"
"Probably just talking trash." Kamina keeps picking at the Gurren's beautiful smile.
Simon looked at the panel. "No! Seriously, Who is Simon and why did you ask me what I would do?!"
Kamina fell silent and dropped the sword, frowning slightly. Simon was right to ask. This didn't feel right at all.
It really was ironic. Kamina...he really hadn't changed at all. Of course he wouldn't have; to him, it had been only a month since the last time they'd fought. For him, it's been... Viral smiles a bit, ignoring the Gurren Brigade leader's insults for the moment, resting a hand on top of one of Enkidudu's controls. /We've been through a lot together, haven't we? Sorry to keep putting you through all this, Enkidudu./
This placidity comes to an abrupt end when Kamina goes for the toothpick. "HEY!! Dammit, put my sword down!!" Viral snarls, sitting bolt upright as Kamina...well, did exactly what he said he would. Still! He'd forgotten how much Kamina's blase attitude pissed him off! He settles grudgingly when Simon addresses him, glaring at the sight of the Gunmen above him. Looks like they sensed it too... He's sure his era's Simon sensed it as well.
"Hmph! So you're going to believe with a beastman tells you, Simon?" Viral chuckles at that, bowing his head slightly...and then he looks up again, eyes narrowed, deadly serious.
"Do you really want to know?"
Simon sighs and thinks about it. "I don't think I'd take just anyone's words." He looked to Kamina on the view screen who seemed to be deep in thought. He was just as spooked huh?
Kamina glared down at Enkidudu, smirking. "Viral is alot of things. A fucking stupid furry who can't decide if he's human or not. A smelly idiot who doesn't know when he's outclassed but....He doesn't lie." Kamina crosses his arms and looks back to Simon. "Just ask him so we can go."
Simon blinked and sighed. He was now somewhat scared to ask. "I don't know if I want to."
Kamina looked down to Viral one last time. "Tch. Who the hell cares. Even if he could tell me what to do to avoid dying or whatever he is going to tell us...That would just make me want to do it more. I'm not going to let anyone or even Fate keep me off the path we're on. If death comes, I'll spit in his face. Let's go, Simon" The red mech is motionless for a moment before starting to walk.
Simon looked back with wide eyes. Something wasn't right. Did Aniki notice?
Kamina kept the Gurren walking, not looking back. "That wasn't Viral..." That was all he said.
"You're pretty cocky, aren't you? I didn't say you *would* die, I asked Simon what he'd do *if* you died." Viral's irritation is clear through his voice, considering the insults Kamina piled on his head (and Yoko would most certainly have words with Kamina about how fragrant *he* smells), but he does appreciate one thing: that Kamina recognizes he's not a liar.
At this point, it doesn't matter. They won (as they always have), so it's within their rights to ask or not ask. If at any time they *do* ask, he'll tell them the truth. Until then...he'll simply say nothing. It's as easy as that.
"It looks like I've survived another battle with them..." he murmurs, leaning back in his seat. Viral will eventually get Enkidudu moving again, somehow; he did it at the fall of Teppelin and he can do it again. But while this fight has been no less humiliating than their previous ones...somehow, the immortal beastman feels--satisfied.
"...heh. What a farce," he murmurs, and stands up to start getting to work.