Who: Antonio de Orduño, Roy Fokker
Where: Margaritaville
When: 19 April 2007
What: While relaxing on the beach, Roy gets a visitor.
Far from the hustle and bustle of the "civilized" world, awaits a fantasy experience on a tropical island paradise. The ocean laps at the beach in gentle rolling waves, the cool water perfect for surfing and swimming. Leave your stress and worry behind and indulge in the island culture. Year-round sunny weather and some of the most spectacular white sand beaches in the world. Imagine fragrant tropical flowers everywhere you look, romantic sunset views, gentle tradewinds, and the warm balmy days of endless summer.
White sandy beaches, pristine and pure beckon both sun bathers and beach bums, with plenty of hammocks to stretch out in for relaxing in the sun. There's a small seaside resort here, where the locals are friendly, and the major meals are cheeseburgers with french fried potatoes, big Kosher pickles, sponge cake, cold draft beer.. and that frozen concoction that helps them all carry on. Relax; enjoy the sunbaked senors and senoritas. It's the perfect place for you to be, from young ladies in bikinis or even old men in tank tops, whishing they were thin again. On occasion, a wild parrot can be seen flying around, trying to get a little bite off of a tourist's plate.
The only rule here is: No shirt, no shoes, no problem.
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Wasting away in Margaritaville.. actually, things would be quite normal if it were not for the large aircraft sitting in the sand. Supporting on two 'legs', the plane is tipped down with the nose almost touching the sand.
Next to the said aircraft is a figure, currently laying out and enjoying the kiss of the sun on his skin. This would be Commander Fokker. Stretched out, the pilot reaches over and takes a beer out of a bucket of ice and pops it open to take a drink, before setting it back to the side in the sand.
It is not often that people in knee-high boots show up in Margaritaville. Because Antonio de Orduno is not, in fact, a complete idiot, it will remain not often. Instead, he is wearing his fluffy white shirt, a simple pair of brown pants and a hat he may have, possibly, borrowed from a pirate. In other words, he fits right in with the crowd, except that his clothes are more expensive. Well, okay, no, but you get the picture.
While he has a goal in being here, Antonio is at present enjoying the atmosphere. He has made a note to have 'bikinis' imported to Theah. They are, obviously, the /best invention of the outside world/. That much he is certain of.
As he lifts up his beer to take another drink, Roy notes the floofy guy walking along the beach. Oh hey, he's seen pirates on this beach before - and usually - they are here for restaurant service, of course!
Sitting up a little more after he takes a draw from his beer, he sharply whistles. "Hey, waiter!" he calls out to the pirate. "When you get a chance, I want a couple of orders of the shrimp-ka-bobs, and a crab boiler." the pilot offers, just before he lays back down again on his towel.
Ah, life is good for this Sheep. A little surf lapping nearby. Ladies in swimsuits flaunting around the beach, chasing each other, giggling, or just checking out the guys. Guys doing their darndest to show off without showing off. The air is warm, aided by a Gulf breeze, and the sand keeps things cool.
Antonio looks at Roy. Hm...the voice fits the one on the radio. He walks over, allowing the rapier still at his belt to be more visible but not placing his hand on it - he is not /threatening/, just making it clear he's not waitstaff. "Sir. You're Roy Fokker, correct?" He pauses, turning to smile at one of the bikini-clad college girls - got to keep ready to be a Swashbuckling, Heart-stealing Hero at /all times/ - before turning back to Roy. "I've actually been looking to meet you."
"Yes, I'm Commander Fokker." the pilot responds, before sitting up to take up his beer and drain it back. One would think that this would give Antonio the advantage. It takes him a moment, and a grin at Antonio later as he notices where he's staring, tomake the connection.
"Aha, it's Tony, right?" Roy says casually, setting back down the empty bottle. "It's five dollar bucket beer night, you want one?" he asks casually, before lowering his sunglasses down his nose. "The view is definetly worth it." he thinks to add, as he reaches for another bottle.
"Yes, that's me." Antonio returns the grin. "I can see that it is. If you're offering, certainly I'll have one. Sitting on the sand, the swordsman takes a bottle, levering the cap off with a strong thumb. "You're the fiance of the lovely Captain Oaks, no?"
As Antonio helps himself to a beer, the pilot takes another bottle and Roy pops the top with a simple twist. As he takes a draw off of it, he twists his head to the side to peer at Antonio. "Aye, that I am. As she would say." the Commander offers with a rolling shrug of his shoulders.
"That is if you mean Captain Agrias Oaks of the Vanguard Detachment in service to the Interplanatary - I'm sure she gave you the whole spiel." Roy smirks. "I usually just cut her off and call her a hot knight. If the shoe fits." There's a short pause, then he glances back towards the ocean view.
"And she is a lovely lady. Headstrong, willful, but beautiful. Anyway, why are you asking?" Roy asks finally getting to the point. "I'm pretty sure if you're interested in a date, she'll tell you no. She is very much not the type to usually look for romance.. I am the rarest of exceptions."
"I'll agree on all three counts." Antonio drinks from his beer. "Personally, I - well, wouldn't express an interest, after she claimed to True Love. I may be many things, but I don't stand in the way. I came to ask if that was the case, actually. I was rather impressed by her when we met, you see."
Antonio pauses, and grins wryly. "Though I suspect she was rather less fond of me. I - stuck my foot into my mouth, and she wasn't in the best of moods to start."
"Oh, then you probably caught her not too long ago, or on Ivalice. Either of those could be sore spots for her. She's had some trouble on Ivalice, recently, and outside influences that she does not know of.. trouble her." Roy shrugs at that. "Can't really blame her for that, can you?" the pilot points out to the swordsman.
"True love?" Roy asks, blinking for a moment, almost owlishly. They had talked about their relationship alot, true. "I guess that would be the word for it - we have shared a blood oath and she has given me the gift that only a virtous woman can give. And in return, I gave given only myself in return. Wholly."
"On Ivalice, yes. Ended in a duel to surrender - neither of us was particularly harmed, mind you. I made sure never to aim for anywhere vital, and she did too, I believe..." Antonio sounds vaguely apologetic, but not /that/ much. "Very well, then - as I've assured that..." Antonio grins. "Might I ask you - do you ever fence with her? She told me something I find.../difficult/ to believe, that she never enjoys swordfights, even in practice. Never enjoys the adrenaline of it. It's a mindset I don't understand."
"Then she would have been telling you the truth. I am a novice in the sword - I had little need of them in my world." the Veritech pilot points over to the Skull One. "That is my horse and my sword, and I ride her into battle." Roy says casually. "But she has been training me in the use of the saber, since it appears these days that I am in more need of it than I was when I was just on my world."
"But to answer your question, when she trains, it is because she needs to stay in shape and in practice, or to help hone my skills. She doesn't do it for the mere thrill of battle." Roy chuckles. "Though sometimes she does it just to see what trick I'll pull out next since I am not your standard swordfighter."
"An amateur is often called the master's worst enemy, yes." Antonio nods. "I...hm. Very surprising, I'll say that much. I'll have to apologize, of course, when I next see her." The swordsman may be arrogant, womanizing - but he's hardly rude. "A very odd thing, these...robots? I don't know if I'd seen anything like it before I left Theah - they're all over the place here, however." Antonio drinks from beer in his hand for a few minutes after saying this, watching the girls on the beach.
"I'd never met a knight in person until I met Captain Oaks." Roy points out. "It is a two way street, these Gates. You may find mecha, as they are called, to be intimidating. I may find dragons to be the same way." The Veritech pilot takes another swig from his beer.
"Apologizing may be best - but I'd suggest not trying to make a pass at her. While I may be secure in where we stand together - she does not take lightly to such things. A lack of a sense of humor is an understatement with her. At the same time, she has a lovely laugh when it is found."
"Dragon...ah, drachen. Any sane man would, from what I've heard from Eisen." Antonio grins. "But I take your point. I'll be sure to do that...and, hm. You know, speaking of making passes - do you mind doing me a favor?" Antonio's grin is rather mischevious, as he continues to watch the girls on the beach. "A show duel - just the thing, you think, to make the lovely senoritas swoon?"
Roy's laugh is short. "A show duel? You have your way of impressing the women, I have my own. But as you have already heard, I have no reason to show off to these women, aye? I am a taken man, after all." As he drains down the bottle, he sets it to the side. "Ah, seems I am out of beer for the bucket." he says with a small tching noise.
"That, my friend, is why it's a /favor/." Antonio grins. "There are certainly other ways, of course. Since you decline...well, I'll find a guitar somewhere around here. Or come up with something else." The swordsman shrugs.
The pilot shakes his head, and looks over at Antonio. "You, friend, have a way to make a man feel guilty about such things." the Commander points out with a smirk. "My problem is that I have no weapon to use as such. My saber, as it were, is in the hands of my fiance to be tended to." he responds.
"Now, if you are speaking of a guitar, that, Tony, I can duel you in." the pilot winks. "Guitar playing is a hobby of mine."
"Is it?" Antonio grins. "Flamenco, tango, some ballads - I'm sure there's guitars here /somewhere/." Acoustic, of course. With the luck of Catering To Plot, a pair of surfers have left their guitars - both acoustic - on a nearby dune. Very nearby. As he stands to get them, Antonio looks back at Roy. "What are your specialties?"
"Oh, I actually have my guitar aboard my craft." Roy comments. "I always bring it here with me. The view and atmosphere inspires." The Commander of the Black Sheep rises, waving over a bikini'd waitress. "Two fresh buckets of beer, and an order of Cheeseburgers." the pilot orders, slipping her a twenty.
Then he climbs up the side of the aircraft and pulls out a battered black case, covered with the patchs and stickers of the various commands that Roy has served under - from the USS Lincoln, to the Kenosha, to the Prometheus and SDF-1.
As he opens the case and takes out the old acoustic guitar, Roy smirks faintly. "Bluegrass, country, rock and roll.. uh.. music from after your time frame." the pilot points out. "However, Agrias is an expert in the reed flute, and she has been sharing her world's music with me."