Log: Return to Hostilities

Mar 15, 2007 12:33

WHO: Roy Fokker, Vincent Thompson
WHAT: After two rival units stop after a patrol to get a drink at the same place - things get nasty.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 14, 07. What is this White Day you speak of? Oh, a moon planet holiday.
WHERE: Sci-Fi Sector - Imperial Mos Eisley
WATCH FOR: The only good use of cola. Beware the nerd. Female Fokker? Roy getting away with the goose.

Sci-Fi Sector - Imperial Mos Eisley

Mos Eisley Cantina is a seedy bar in the infamous hive of scum and villainy on the desert planet of Tattoine. It represents, by and large, the worst of the galaxy after the Galactic Empire took over: smugglers, criminals, bounty hunters, and Hutt operatives alike mingle in here. No man is safe, and every man is armed.
However, even in a border world such as Tattoine, the long arm of the Empire can be felt. Stormtroopers stationed on the planet often visit the cantina on their off hours, to enjoy a drink and mingle with the locals. Their eyes prove blind, however, to the criminal element here, owing to the Hutt Syndicates' alliance with the Emperor.
Often times, music is provided by a live band, which stands in stark contrast to the fact that most in this run-down, seedy establishment keep to themselves - and wisely.

Ahhhhhh, Mos Eisley. A hive of scum and villiany.

It's like Vincent never left home. The mechwarrior's decided that, with all his HARD WORK swindling people out of money, it's time for a night out...and, frankly, he's sick of being on Zeon's fancy little asteroid station thing. Which is why he's made his way to Mos Eisley. It's out of the way, the IPA doesn't really do much here, it's got cheap drinks, and no one is running up and whining that he shot their neighborhood with a PPC and set it on fire.

God, miss /once/...

The Oberon merc is sitting at a table, a few of his other subordinates there, just enjoying a drink. Course, he's in his usual mechwarrior duds, and just chatting amiably with his various company commanders. Aerospace, Infantry, Armored. Gang's all here!

That doesn't stop the occassional patrol from arriving in the area, though. Such as the four men that are heading into the cantina at the moment. The one that is most distinctive though is the tall guy with the blonde hair.

"See, boys, told you this was the best place in the Galaxy for a drink." Roy says to his fellow Skulls. Trailing behind him is a few other pilots. One is semi-short, barely in the middle of his teens. A rountound fellow.. and a blue haired hippy looking guy.

You will now hear messages on channel

...Man, hippies are scary. Vincent's glad he's got his back to the door for the moment.

After all, he's just enjoying a drink. Watching his back is what his subordinates are for, after all! Of note, it IS a really good place to get drinks!

As for the company Vincent's keeping, well, there's himself. An absolutely massive sort with a weird tattoo down his face, along with a shaved head. A calm looking woman, red hair, decent figure, sharp looking Oberon Navy uniform (Vanguard dress uniform of flat black, but with blue trim instead of white). And a gruff looking sort with a couple of old scars, an eyepatch, and stubble.

Quite the motley crew. All armed, somewhere or another. And they've all got the same unit designator as Vincent...which is a white skull on a black background! Neat, huh?

Funny that, because they are the same patches on the sleeves of the flight suits of the men that just came in the bar as well. Except theirs are inside a circle, a marker of the Skull Squadron that they are most associated with, the VF-84.

"Order up, boys, the drinks for this round are on me for a patrol that was easy enough. I'll have a whiskey."



"Milk?" God, Max is such a weine.

Roy just sort of shakes his head at his fellow pilots. Like they never thought about drinking, ever. Or something.

To be fair, Roy, your OTHER TWO PILOTS are wusses too. Unless they're also underage. But that's just silly. You wouldn't be dragooning underage kids with too much angst into uniform, would ya? Course not. Ah well.

Oddly, the Vanguards are still ignoring Roy for the moment. Whiiich is when a pretty young female in a Vanguard uniform comes rushing in, accidentally bumping into GIGANTOR THE DRINKINATOR, afore looking around once she's past them.

"Captain Thompson! I got that report you wanted! Where are you?"

Vincent just sighs, muttering something about 'blondes', and waves a hand lazily at the young lady.

"Over here, Katrina." ...hey, is that...Nahhhhh, couldn't be.

What would Roy Fokker be doing in here? Must be someone else!

Anyways! The Klutziest Vanguard nods decisively, scampering over to Vincent's table and handing him a sheaf of paper, the Vanguard leafing through it and muttering a few curses now and then.

"Damn Zeon pukes. Meh. A contract's a contract."

Dum de dum dum.

Roy is bumped into. As he starts to get annoyed, he realizes what just bumped into him, and his eyes rise a little. There might be a little pinch on said clutz's rear as she scampers away.

And with that, he goes back to his beer.

That is until Max blinks in confusion. "...Zeon?" he says in confusion, glancing over towards the table, and then turns his attention back to Roy. "Uh, sir?" the pilot asks, adjusting his glasses. "This may not be the best time for stopping for a drink, so how about we just finish what we have and leave?"

Roy looks confused. What, did you see a wicked hot chick or something, Max? Ben haws, "We haven't even gotten here and Max is already to go!" he crows. "I bet he's all a flustered."

Rick smirks. "Knock it off." A little too close to home, perhaps?

Roy just shakes his head. "What is it, Max?" he asks, trying to follow the younger pilot's eyes in the mostly empty bar.

...Well, Vincent was reading through his report easily. And then he shrugs, setting it aside for the moment as he stands up to get another round for the Vanguards. Which means he's standin' up, that oh-so-visible Skull on his shoulder, as he meanders towards the bar. And then pauses as he glances at the newcomers to the bar. Let's see.

Silly uniforms. Skull patches. And they're lead by Gigantor. Vincent's eyebrow twitches.

He just grumbles under his breath. "You've got to be kidding me. How the hell is it I can't even get a drink without some jackass like Fokker showing up?"

Vincent grabs his second round, then stalks back to the table, thumping down at his seat and sipping his beer, grumbling something to the other Vanguards, who turn and start eyeing the Skulls. Not a very friendly look, either!

And Katrina apparently didn't notice any pinching going on, so, eh, life is quiet in the bar, for the moment!

"What the hell, Thompson." Roy says with a sad shake of his head. Poor poor imposter Skull. Draining back the first shot of whiskey, he orders a beer. Apparently, backing down is not the commander's mind at the moment.

Rick peers at Vincent, then gets it. "Oh, are those the fakes you were telling us about, big brother?" he asks, oblivious to how loud he is. Not that it matters.

"Yep." Roy says in an easy drawl. "But they won't be bothering anyone." he says with a small smirk as he lifts his beer and even dares to nod towards Vincent as he takes a drink.

"He already knows who the superior squadron is, after all."



Vincent calmly sips his beer, an eyebrow twitching, before he drains the thing in one shot. Then, just as calmly, simply pulls out a sidearm, flips the safety off, aims one-handed, and blows the hell out of Fokker's beer, afore holstering the sidearm again and standing up.

The Merc glares at Fokker, the Vanguards standing up behind him, as Vincent just points a gloved hand at Fokker, eyebrows narrowed.

"I'm sorry, Fokker, I couldn't hear you over the sound of your loudmouthed rookie. Did you have something you wanted to say to my face, or were you going to just giggle with your knitting circle?"

Yeah, No Blasters, whatever. It's not a blaster, it's a handgun that works from a chemical reaction that shoots bullets, not lazers!

Congratulations, Vincent, you killed a beer. You're an ace now.

As the glass shatters, Roy gets beer on his nice flight suit. Oh great, now Agrias is gonna wrinkle her nose and make him wash that outfit twice.

He rises to his feet and glances over at Vincent as he approaches. His hands brush away some left over glass and beer. "What, you couldn't hear me over your boyfriend whispering sweet nothings in your ear?" he asks Vincent flatly.

"I said you fly like you look. Fugly. And hey, you know what else.. ah screw it."

Roy throws a quick right cross towards Vincent's jaw. "Let's roll Skulls!" he barks.

Vincent shot first.

You miss Vincent Thompson with your YAY YAY, TIME FOR Punchies! attack.


Vincent casually darts his head to the side, snorting at Roy, as the punch goes whistling by. Vincent, of course, responds how any well-meaning and gentlemanly merc would.

He slams a combat-booted foot down on Roy's own foot, then attempts to slam a fist into his gut.

A fist wrapped around a roll of one credit coins. Heh. Wonder when he had slipped his hand in his pocket, anyways.

He ignores Roy's taunts for a moment, barking an order at his own crew.

"Martinez, O'Riley, Wolf, let's rock! Get the little flyboy pukes!"

The Vanguards clear the table, and charge the Skulls, with Katrina sighing and pulling out a small earpiece, idly scanning for local police bands...

Vincent Thompson hits Roy Fokker with his Vincent Also Used Dirty Tricks First attack.
You take 17 damage.

The heel against his foot causes Roy to grimace. And the punch is a nice touch, too. Roy doubles over for a moment, wincing painfully. "Is that a roll of coins in your hand or are you just happy to see me?" he asks with a snort and small cough.

Dixon and Hunter go left to engage Martinez and Wolf. In the meantime, Max.. is just standing there. Hookay. Maybe you shouldn't provoke the hippy.

Roy's hand grabs along the bar, and grabs one of the glasses of cola. Flinging it up into Vincent's face, he tries to get it into the pilot's eyes as he prepares to counterattack.

Needs to catch his breath first.

You stun Vincent Thompson with your DRINK PETITE. GO FOR THE EYES! action.

...Oh bugger.

Vincent grunts, reeling backwards and trying to shake the cola out of his eyes.

"GAAAAH! What the hell?! DIET COLA!"

The Merc yells at the Cola-Drinking Skulls at large...


Well, Dixon's dance partner is Wolf. Who's the ex-Elemental. He's only too happy to play. Martinez, the armored company commander, also charges Hunter. As for O'Riley...well, the aerospace captain just sighs, and sits down at the bar, idly ordering a drink and nodding at Max cheerfully, Katrina sitting down next to her. The ladies aren't getting too involved unless someone orders it, or Max tries to make a fight, y'know, full of uneven cheating. Cause you always know it's the Weird Haired Guys who are the most dangerous.

Vincent Thompsons yells at the Skull Squadron with his WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! attack. But otherwise does nothing!

Dixon isn't that much of a finese fighter. He's more of a straight brawler. That's why he throws a clumsy haymaker at the massive mound of muscle that was riding up in front of him.

Hunter stares for a moment as Martinez comes charging at him, then steps aside to try to knock the armored commander into a table, "Ole!" he calls out like the little smart ass that he is.

Roy doubles up both of his fists into a pile driver and slings them at Vincent's jaw as he snorts. "They're able to kick your ass any day of the week, Thompson!" he yells back, "Unlike your band of has beens and never will bes!"

Max is watching the door. He knows what usually happens at these things.. and someone's going to have to drag out the Skulls. He assumes the two ladies will be doing the same.

He just doesn't know how TROOPS here work, yet.

You critically strike Vincent Thompson with your Pile Driver! attack.
Vincent Thompson is no longer stunned.

There's a loud cracking noise, and Vincent's sent flying back by the piledriver. Right about then, he clears his eyes, and then glares at Roy.

"Huh. I almost felt that. You been actually doing some of your own work for once, Fokker?"

Meh, Spiteful? Vincent? Nah.

Instead, he just casually slams a strong right hook right towards Fokker...

Annnd the fist's just a bit short of his face. When it opens, releasing a handful of salt and pepper into his face. Turnabout is fairplay!

Dixon and Wolf are well-matched, as Wolf ignores the minor pain of the heavy haymaker slamming into him and attempts to simply pick Dixon up and chuck him into a nearby table.

Martinez charges right by Hunter, shoving himself off the table as he comes back at Hunter with an elbow aimed for his chest.

O'Riley just sighs, and calmly sips her drinks. "You know, I really do wish they'd chosen a different day to do this. I was just here for the drink. Ah well."

Vincent Thompson misses Roy Fokker with his Turnabout is Fair Play stun.

Dixon goes flying through the air with the greatest of ease. He lands on a table, shattering it with his weight as it collapses. The big man rises from the ruins, grabbing a table leg and charges at Wolf, swinging it at him heavily.

Hunter whoofs as he catches the elbow in the gut, stumbling backwards. He's also distracted by the fact that Roy had to go and drag Minmay into all of this. The pilot steps forward, trying to throw a roundhouse kick at Martinez.

Roy doesn't fall for the feint, bringing up his hand to shield him from the salt and pepper. "Really, copying me that way too? Lame!" the pilot shouts as he grabs at the proffered foot and tries to fling Vincent to the floor.

Max in the meantime, finishes his milk. "I imagine that the authorities will be here to break this up soon. We may want to expedite their departure at that time?"

You miss Vincent Thompson with your Toss! attack.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Dixon swings and... action.
You miss Vincent Thompson with your Hunter kicks! action.

...Bah. Screw trickery and deciet! Vincent settles for good ol' brute force. Okay, and a little trickery. I mean, after all, Vincent's feint didn't work, so while Roy tries to grab his arm...Vincent sidesteps, whipping a hand up and attempting to crack Fokker in the face. Hopefully giving him a nice black eye.

Wolf lets out a grunt, stumbling backwards as the table leg slams into him...and the Elemental grumbles, as he glances down at his side. "You may have popped a rib. How annoying." God, when the Clanners bred those Elementals, they appear to have done it right. The genetically enhanced infantryman attempts to grab Dixon by his face and slam him into the ground, after that!

Hunter's kick is calmly caught by the old veteran mercenary tank commander, veteran of a number of brawls, who then simply pushes up and back, trying to unbalance Hunter as he kicks his other leg out from under him, trying to slam his head enroute to the table enroute to the floor.

O'Riley shrugs, enjoying her drink, and nods lazily.

"Well, yeah, that is likely. It's nothing we haven't dealt with before, anyways, and there's usually a contingency or two." Katrina, for her part, hmmmms, and, as Max and O'Riley are talking...attempts to pinch Max's butt. Just because, apparently.

That's right. The Vanguards have a female Fokker.

Vincent Thompson hits Roy Fokker with his FIST, MEET FACE attack.
You take 21 damage.
Vincent Thompson successfully targets Roy Fokker with his Wolf Faceslams... action.
Vincent Thompson successfully targets Roy Fokker with his Martinez cheats... action.
Vincent Thompson successfully targets Roy Fokker with his And Katrina's A Female Fokker... action.

Oof! The fist catches Roy across the jaw.. you gotta reach higher than that, shorty! The pilot stumbles backwards, rubbing at his jaw after he realized that he missed the person he was trying to toss.

But now that they are in danger close, Roy doubles up both of his hands and brings them together. Vincent should know this tactic. It nailed him eariler. But instead of swinging, Roy snaps out a sharp kick at Vincent's knee. "Admit it, Thompson, you're just a frigging low rent ripoff!"

The table leg breaks across the Elemental, but instead of taking him out, the large pilot slams his hand over Dixon's face. He lets out a sharp cry as he's slammed into the ground, head cracking against the floor. His hands reach up, trying to claw at the elemental's face.

Hunter's head bounces off of the table. He gives a wince of pain as he sweeps out his leg, trying to drop the man on his back.

Max gives a startled noise as he's pinched and moves away from Katrina a bit. There's someone else he has in mind.. and you're probably not it, sorry. "..eh, heh, whoops." he says, finishing off his milk. Please no more pinching.

You get a glancing blow on Vincent Thompson with your Walk This Off, Funbag! attack.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Dixon claws ineffectually! action.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Hunter is a janitor, sweep... action.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Max scoots away~ action.

Katrina sniffs unhappily, and pouts. "Awwwwwwwwww. Why'd he move awayyyyy?" Sad Giant Schoolgirl Eyes.

Wolf, for his part, grunts and backs off, blinking rapidly, trying to get some blood out of his eyes, then grunts and tries to punt Dixon away with a large foot. Martinez is slammed into the ground by Hunter's leg sweep, landing on a bottle and wincing. Oh, that'll leave a mark...good thing he's got some light body armor underneath. Just a simple vest, really...In revenge, he tries to kick Hunter in the knee as he rolls away and back up to his feet.

As for Vincent...he grits his teeth as Roy slams a foot into his knee, hissing slightly, and then drops down, clutching the knee. Well, so much for not letting it show how much it hurts...He glares up at Gigantor, and then..


With that exclamation, Vincent lunges up, trying to slam a double haymaker uppercut into Fokker's chin.

Vincent Thompson hits Roy Fokker with his Primal Haymaker Uppercut attack.
You take 19 damage.
Vincent Thompson successfully targets Roy Fokker with his Wolf Punts... action.
Vincent Thompson misses Roy Fokker with his Martinez goes long... action.
Vincent Thompson successfully targets Roy Fokker with his And Katrina pouts at Max! action.

The massive punch slams against Roy's chin, almost causing him to bite the tip of his tongue off as he's hit hard. He spits out a glob of blood as he stumbles back into the action, charging at Vincent and attempting to slam him against the countertop. "I won't go that easily!"

Dixon gives a sharp cry of pain as he feels several of his ribs crack. He probably won't be getting up for the next little while. That one he most definetly felt.

Max is still some distance away, smile smile. Glasses glint.

Hunter bounces on the balls of his feet, avoiding the kick at him, moving in closer towards Martinez as he does so. While he has the height advantage over the tank commander, attempts to drive the palm of his hand into the back of his head and take him out.

You critically strike Vincent Thompson with your Vinny + Counter, OTP! attack.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Hunter: KARATE CHOP! action.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Dixon: Just lying here. action.
You miss Vincent Thompson with your Max: Beware the nerd. action.

Well, OW. That was kinda painful. Vincent grunts as he slams against the countertop, casually grabbing a nearby empty bottle and attempting to slam Roy upside the face with it. BACK OFF, GIGANTOR!

Vinny's trying to get some breathing room.

Wolf hmmphs as he looms over Dixon, looking menacing...and then calmly kneels down, slamming a fist /through/ the floor next to his head. "In the Clans, I would be within rights to claim you as my Bondsman and servant, Freebirth. You're lucky I'm no longer in the Clans."

And, with that, of all things, Wolf calmly pulls a small (Well, compared to HIM) medpack off his belt and casually starts first aid. He's just weird like that. Course, in the Elemental's mind, it really wasn't a fair fight...hence the free first aid!

...well, not quite free. Roy's probably going to get a bill in the mail.

Martinez grunts as that Karate Chop slams into his head, deciding that he might just go for a little nap for a few moments here...

As for Katrina, she stands up, hmming as Max tries to look ominous...and then schooches forwards, peering into his face. CUTEGIRL STARE ATTACK, NERD

O'Riley just sits and snorts as she watches the Chaos.

Vincent Thompson misses Roy Fokker with his BOTTLE TO FACE attack.
Vincent Thompson successfully targets Roy Fokker with his Wolf: Weird Clanner action.
Vincent Thompson successfully targets Roy Fokker with his Martinez: Just a lil' nap... action.
Vincent Thompson misses Roy Fokker with his Katrina: IN UR SPACE, STARIN' AT UR NERDZ action.

Roy catches the bottle aimed for his face out of his periferial vision. Roy's eyes widen as he catches the wrist of the mercenary and turns it. "Oh, I know you did not." the Veritech pilot growls as he swings bottle around, attempting to bring it upside Vincent's own head instead.

Dixon can't really fight being.. first aided? Weird. Yay, first aid pack! He'll just be down here.

Hunter, in the meantime, moves Martinez towards the big guy and drops him, stumbling back and holding his midsection.

Max.. is immune to cute girls, it seems! Either that, or he's too busy paying attention to the fight to make sure noone dies at the moment.

You critically strike Vincent Thompson with your Hitting yourself, lawl~ attack.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Dixon: . o O (I'd take you, Katrina. <3) action.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Hunter: Peace offering? action.
You successfully target Vincent Thompson with your Max: Nerd Oblivion! action.

...Well, /ow/. Stupid Roy. Stupid Gigantor. Stupid Veritechs. Stupid Macross. Stupid wanna-be Phoenix Hawks. Vincent is full of ow, as he's smacked with a bottle. Well, hmmmm. When in doubt...the Merc, with that, attempts to headbutt Roy, then smack his face into the bar. Hard. Just out of spite.

Martinez, for his part...is snoring. Wolf snorts, and goes back to first-aiding, then cheerfully pulls out a marker, starting to draw all over Dixon's face.

Who said Clanners can't be immature?

Katrina, for her part, huffs and goes and sits back down, sulking a bit, glowering as the older O'Riley snickers at her predicament.

Vincent Thompson gets a glancing blow on Roy Fokker with his Headbutting the Butthead attack.
You take 8 damage.

Roy gets headbutted, but he's able to avoid getting slammed into the bar itself. His hands catch on either side of the bar, and he looks over at Vincent with a smirk. "Nice try, but wrong." he comments, slamming out the side of his foot towards Vincent's knees.

And the fun would probably continue, but it's about this time that the local enforcement starts to arrive. In the form of some really bad dudes in white and black armor and carrying blaster rifles. Uhoh. One of them speaks into his radio. Secure the perimeters and exits, make sure noone gets out.

You hit Vincent Thompson with your Going for the Knees! attack.

Huh. Well, Vincent's feeling a bit woozy, and he doesn't feel like being beaten unconscious and hauled away to be executed by Roy's evil burecratic boss, which is why there's a set of brass knuckles whistling towards Roy's chest...and then stops as the Boys in White burst in, Vincent blinking at them, then glancing up at Roy.

"...Truce until we get out of here? I'm sure your boss doesn't want to fill out the paperwork to explain why you were arrested by Mos Eisley's finest, eh?"

Staring at the Stormtroopers, Roy pushes away Vincent's hand. "Truce." the Veritech pilot says. Flipping up a table leg, the Veritech pilot holds it much like a knight would hold a sword, and charges in, whacking it upside the head of the nearest trooper. "Skulls, scramble back to the Veritechs!" he yells.

As Hunter goes to try to haul up Dixon, finally, Max moves. He notices the Stormtrooper nearest him, and with a movement that many would not expect from the little pilot, he throws his palm up into the face of a Stormtrooper. The trooper's head cracks back, and Max grabs the blaster as he falls to the ground. Max adjusts his glasses, "We can go out through the kitchen, Commander!"

Vincent snorts, idly glancing at the little guy, and making a note to himself.

oO(Next time I get in a fist fight...bring a mech for that guy...creepy little nerds...)Oo

Still, the merc tchs, idly glancing at the Skulls. Well, whatever. They can take the easy way out. Vincent, for his part, casually pulls his sidearm, kneecapping the next trooper through the door. Hey, his sidearm can dent Toad armor, it can take care of Stormtrooper armor pretty easy.

"Wolf, grab Martinez. Katrina, call in our ride. O'Riley, pay the bartender. Fokker, die in a crossfire, but if you can't do that, take point through the kitchen. We'll hold them off for a few."

Ah, plans, and their coming together! O'Riley, meanwhile, has casually kicked a table up, diving behind it as Vincent and Katrina join her, Wolf starting for the kitchen with Martinez over his shoulder and a needler clutched in one massive hand...and, ummm, where O'Riley hiding that easily re-assembled shotgun?

Poor stormtroopers.

"Hey, Thompson? Get neutered." Roy shoots back, just as his little group heads into the kitchen. Unlike Vincent and his little vagabound group, Roy and his team do not carry sidearms.

Why would you when they don't do crap to Zentraedi?

With a wink at Katrina, the motley crew of Veritech pilots take the lead to head out through the kitchen and clear the way for the Vanguard.

Eh...Well...that'll do. There shouldn't be too many casualties behind in the Stormtroopers...so, once the Skulls saunter out, the Vanguard follow. ALSO unlike the dirty Skulls, they have an APC waiting, and get the heck out of dodge.

They do not offer the Skulls a lift. Neener-neener-neener.

Roy leads his Skulls quickly to the hangar where the Veritechs are parked. They hit the skies while the Stromtroopers chase and ultimately fail to catch the groundpounders. Neener.

vincent thompson, roy fokker

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