WHO: Crimson Dawn, Peleps Kaizoku Seki, Malcolm Reynolds, Jayne Cobb, Kitty Pryde
WHEN: December 16th, 2006.
WHERE: Mos Eisley Cantina, Sci-Fi Sector
WHAT: Crimson Dawn is out for a drink, Seki is out celebrating Grand High Larceny, Malcolm and Jayne are hunting for info on the missing River, and Kitty is slumming where people don't care about mutants or something.
WATCH FOR: Bar Fight Madness, Mistaken Identities, Jayne Being Helpful In A Barfight, EPIC RIVALRY, Talk of Seki's Mom.
GateMUSH3 - Saturday, December 16, 2006, 10:00 PM
Sci-Fi Sector - Imperial Mos Eisley
Mos Eisley Cantina is a seedy bar in the infamous hive of scum and villainy on the desert planet of Tattoine. It represents, by and large, the worst of the galaxy after the Galactic Empire took over: smugglers, criminals, bounty hunters, and Hutt operatives alike mingle in here. No man is safe, and every man is armed.
However, even in a border world such as Tattoine, the long arm of the Empire can be felt. Stormtroopers stationed on the planet often visit the cantina on their off hours, to enjoy a drink and mingle with the locals. Their eyes prove blind, however, to the criminal element here, owing to the Hutt Syndicates' alliance with the Emperor.
Often times, music is provided by a live band, which stands in stark contrast to the fact that most in this run-down, seedy establishment keep to themselves - and wisely.
Peleps Kaizoku Seki
Kitty Pryde
Malcolm Reynolds
Jayne Cobb
Obvious exits:
[S]tardock leads to Sci-Fi Sector.
You paged Peleps Kaizoku Seki with 'I am predicting a dual 'You!' 'You!' *DAIKLAVE DRAWING NOISES*'
Peleps Kaizoku Seki (Seki) pages: We'll throw aliens at eachother.
You paged Peleps Kaizoku Seki with 'I HAVE TWILEKCHUCKS'
Well! This bar is not really the sort of place that Kitty often frequents, but she had wanted to go somewhere where people who knew her weren't likely to find her. And this sort of place was the absolute last place someone would look for Kitty. Casting a glance around, the brunette narrows her eyes warily, then tugs her denim jacket closed, hands tucked into pockets as she saunters further into the bar. As they say, she bellies right on up to the counter, perching on a stool to face the door -- hope she doesn't get carded. NOt that she doesn't have a false i.d. in such a case anyway. *koff* o O ( Actually .. this looks JUST like the kind of seedy dive Logan would frequent... and that gives me an idea. )
It's been several weeks since the Serenity has seen hide or hair of River Tam. Just a cryptic note, with the words 'Too dangerous here. Alliance hasn't seen the Multiverse. Will bring back souvenirs.' Simon had been frantic. Jayne had been pleased. Malcolm had been bossy. Jayne was no longer pleased.
At least, that is, until they caught wind of a rumor that she'd passed through some place called Mos Eisley. They'd stopped at the Hub to look up information on the joint, and what came up was 'gathering place for several intergalactic species with a wide array of alcohol and barbecue.' Now to most people, aliens might mean multiple heads, slime, tentacles, and whathaveyou. To Jayne, it meant the possibility of three-breasted women. Add to that the promise of decent alcohol, that wasn't illegal or poorly made?
"Hold it, Mal. I'll go first," he bravely said, barring the captain's entrance into the cantina with a beefy arm.
Mal shoves Jayne's arm out of his way and stepped into the cantina. "I promise to leave all the three-breasted ones to you," he mutters as he quickly eyes the place. "Just remember we're here to find River, not what you're usually out to find," he adds as he steps inside. His gray eyes are alert as he looks around. Certainly an interesting place. Although he is starting to be less surprised at anything at this point, and his expression remains stoic as he walks to the bar.
Yes, well, you know, there is a problem with being in the service of some crazy Deathlord, y'know. It's ruddy hard to get a decent drink in peace. I mean, you can't wander out into public without all sorts of bowing servants and stuff, which is fun for a bit, but gets old eventually, and you can't just nip over to the nearest tavern in the Realm without causing all sorts of unpleasant results, and then this multiverse makes things so blasted efficent for just taking a trip away from home for a while......
And that is why there's currently an Abyssal deathknight, casually sitting in a corner in his usual 'low-key' gear, which really doesn't stick out tha tmuch in this cantina. He's just sipping a drink and relaxing a bit. Yeah, yeah, live things bad, dead things good, but whatever! Crimson Dawn doesn't mind. It gives him a chance to hunt around for information and stuff. Really. And maybe turn the Jawas into Creepy Deathcultists if he has the spare time.
Abyssals: Yeah, their vacations are weird.
Peleps Kaizoku Seki is so drunk right now. Why is Peleps Kaizoku Seki so drunk right now?
Hours Earlier,
"Holy craaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!" Seki shouts as his ship, the Dumb Luck, crashes through the bridge of the Imperial Star Destroyer "]:(". Fortunately, Seki's crew have their prayer strips on, and do not die of being exposed to, well, space. Unfortunately, the magical prayer strips do not protect the Sekidan pirates from the wrath of angry extras with laser guns. So, really, as Seki later explained to an irate Sargent Sagara back at Mithril Island, there was only one thing to do.
The Dragon-Blooded calmly looked up at the shocked Imperial bridge crew, and jerked a thumb back to the rapidly charging Essence Cannon located at the back of the ship. "Hey guys! Gimmie yer wallets."
And it turns out, the "Empire" isn't just a Syndicate buddy, its damn rich! To think, Seki thinks, all this because of that rumor about some off-plane assassin chick rolling through town that the Mithril Alliance wanted me to check out. "Barkeep!" Seki shout-slurs, slamming his fist on the bar, "Gimmie...gimmie...damn, I can't read alien, gimmie one of everything inebriatin'you got! Ha! Outfoxed you, didn't I...crazy alphabet!" Seki shakes a gloved fist at the bar's "menu", sincerely believing, for a moment, that he has won a great victory against a worthy foe.
The bartender, a right monster of a man (but human) squints a beady eye at Seki. "One of everything. You have the credits to pay for all of that?" Because 95% of the menu causes intoxication. There's a reason why the bar's so popular with seedy types. And this whelp doesn't look nearly seedy enough, nor rich enough, to afford his tab. Flipping a towel over his shoulder, he turns towards Mal as the captain makes his way to the bar. "What'll ya have?" There's a pause, and the bartender looks at Mal again real hard, fixing a steely stare at the man. Now isn't /that/ interesting.
Jayne, meanwhile, strolls into the cantina like he owns the place. His expression remains fairly neutral, though the cantina band causes him to stare for a few moments longer than most the others. They have butts on their heads. Is that possible? Or is it just the shape? Too bad Simon isn't here. 'I found yer sister and the whole Tam fam'ly too! She looks better than ever!' he could have said. Oh well. He plops himself soundly on a barstool, conveniently next to the mutant. "Ahhhhhhhhh," he exclaims, slapping his palms together and rubbing them briskly as he eyes the rows and rows of shiny booze-filled bottles. He can put this on Mal's tab, right? "One of them," he decides, pointing to a poison-green flask. That looks good and stupid to drink. He turns his head, then squints at Kitty. "...You an alien?"
Kitty Pryde glances to the left at the drunken, raving Seki -- okay then! SOMEONE has been here for a while. Chuckling, she glances towards the door as more people enter, her interest simple curiosity. However! When Jayne flop onto a seat conveniently near her, he gets the lion's share of her attention. She has yet to request any of the alcoholic beverages, simply because she doesn't know what they are and she'd rather not get completely sloshed just yet. That's not why she's here (though she'll no doubt snag a bottle legally for later). "Me? I guess that depends on your definition of alien. If you mean am I actually a purple skinned, five eyed, three breasted creature that speaks four different languages and none of them English - no. If you mean alien as in someone that isn't from this particular place.." She holds a hand up and makes the GEEKIEST gesture EVER. The 'Live long and prosper' one. She only BARELY manages to keep from adding, 'Nanu nanu' which is so NOT Star Trek it hurts. "I guess I'd have to say yes." That's okay, right?
Near Crimson Dawn, a small group of reptillian beings begin to mutter to themselves, hunkering together conspiratorially.
Their heads are triangular in shape, with two large boneplates fanning out to either side, tipped with blood-red talons. The scales are round and bulbous where it shows beneath loose-fitting tunics of black, and they reach for their drinks with two fingers and a thumb.
"[[Looks like him...]]"
"[[Matches the description, no doubt about it...]]"
"[[Must be suicidal coming to Jabba's turf like this.]]"
"[[Let's bag him. We mess him up his face enough, won't make a difference if it's the guy or just some stupid look-alike.]]"
Mal watches Jayne and and decides it might be best to keep a close eye on him. Not that that ever isn't a good idea-- but Jayne is already around two of his three favorite things, which tends to get his brain turned off REAL quick. Mal eyes the bartender for a moment before looking around at what everyone else seems to be having-- no two people seem to have the same thing. So much for that idea. "I'll take one of those," he says, pointing to the dingy glass of the stranger sitting closest to him.
Hmmmmm. Crimson has a problem. And that problem is an Out of Booze Error. Crimson's not nearly drunk enough yet. Just...pleasantly buzzed! And, as such, calmly stands, walking up to the bar, and then frowning slightly at the drunken sot who's wasting time that could be better spent in the pursuit of DELICIOUS BOOZEAHOL. As such, Crimson goes for the old Plan B, turning slightly and leaning against the bar and waiting. A small tendril of metal snakes out from under his cloak, slowly coiling around the neck of another patron's bottle of whatever, and then retracts, all on the sly, leaving Crimson with a drink to be had later. Still, he'll wait a moment or two. Maybe he can get a /better/ drink! I mean, hey, if you've got superhuman endurance and a resistance to the effects of toxins, why not USE IT to get drunk, hmmm?
And, oddly enough, he is completely and utterly not paying attention to the aliens. Not his problem.../yet/!
Not as long as he gets his drink! "Bartender! Another round!"
Seki stands up to his full height and looks, for a moment, like he's just going to reach over and bite his row of sharp, jagged teeth into the bartender's face. He's seriously tempted to shove a knife in the mortal's eye for daring to question the integrity of a Dynast...
...but, well, he's off his home plane. And thirsty. So the Kaizoku just smiles with those sharp, sharp teeth, and pats the bartender's shoulder. "Just came inna a load of money friend. In fact, hell, let me be a little more reasonable...spread my order out a little." He's always wanted to do this. "Gimmie the best one, a'right, and as for the rest..." Seki raises his voice, as is bar tradition, "ROUND OF DRINKS ON ME, FOLKS! AH-HA HA HA!"
Crimson Dawn may well know that cackle, its the one Seki uses when he sends whatever survivors of his raids on the Silver Prince's ships slowly floating back to the Skullrock Islands, all tied up and wearing ladies undergarments.
"...Huh." Jayne continues to squint, looking about as thoughtful as Jayne possibly can. "...You over the age of eighteen?"
At Seki's announcement, the terse expression fades. Well that's all right, then. If he's promising to pay for everyone's bill, and fails to follow through on it, they'll eat him. Course it'll be a big waste of money since there's still the matter of having to cover the charge, but...hell if it wouldn't be worth it. At the offer of free booze, there's a sudden stampede to the bar, mashing people against it as arms in fur, slime, scales, and leather all gesticulate wildly demanding a cup of 'the good stuff.' But it's first come, first serve. He nods to Mal, filling a small glass and sliding it towards the captain. "...I advise you to drink it quick," he mutters, and shoots Mal a vaguely dirty look. "I don't want no more trouble from you this time, you hear me? I don't care who shot first."
"PFEH! Was him that done it!" a double-jawed alien guffaws. "I saw the whole thing! OOF!"
Removing an elbow from the speaker's ribs, a silver-furred eight-eyed creature huffs. "It most certainly was NOT. He defied the very rules of etiquette, letting that blaster go off, they're strictly forbidden here!"
And THAT alien gets shouldered aside by a doe-eyed midget. "Shut yer buttpipe! He did it!"
"No way! Greedo!"
The bartender's words go unheeded as the first punch is swung. Right at the back of Mal's head.
Mal's chin drops as he is punched, and he doesn't lift his head for a moment. His lips purse tightly together as he looks at the bar. "Now, that was just rude," he says, grabbing his drink and downing it. No sense wasting free booze, after all. He stands from his stool at the bar and turns to glare at the person he thinks threw the punch. "What'd you go and do that for?" Still confused by the bartender's warning not to cause trouble 'again,' he is hesitant to start swinging just yet.
Warning! Warning! Danger Miss Pryde! Jayne's question sets off a number of warning bells. He could be some kind of pervert - or maybe an undercover cop. Or any other reason for wanting to know if she wasn't a minor, essentially. "Hm? Yes, I am - why?" But it would seem that she won't get an answer to her question! She hadn't been paying attention to the muttering between Jayne and Mal, as her hearing perks towards the brewing shouting and shoving grudge match between the aliens. "Oh this just figures.." She hisses under her breath. No matter what bar she goes to, a fight always breaks out! At least this time it isn't anti-mutant garbage - "I think you should take shelter," Kitty calls over to the bartender.
Oh God No.
Crimson Dawn's eye starts twitching as he hears...THAT LAUGH. Sure, Crimson Dawn hasn't ever personally encountered the owner. But he's heard /stories/ from some of his subordinates as they float back to Skullrock, and then he has to go to the trouble of rehabilitating and/or punishing them. And it's SO DAMN ANNOYING. The Dusk caste just starts twitching, and then eyes the crush surrounding Seki. Well, hell. Might as well get started. It's so much easier to duck out of a fight if one can claim self-defense, specially as this place either doesn't know about Dragon-Blooded and the like, or doesn't care, to judge by the amount of deference Seki got.
As such... Crimson calmly secures his stolen drink, eyeing Seki, and then, with great subtlety, puts his cloaks semi-motile nature to good use. A tendril (Really, a coiled group of soulsteel chains) slips down and wraps around a patron's ankle, then /yanks/, hard, afore retracting. The patron in question, a large, green, smelly pig thing, is pulled off balance, and then caroms backwards, looking to slam into Seki's lap. And, of course, it looks like someone pushed him in the crush of patrons jostling for free drinks.
...What? Crimson's planning to kill Seki, honest. He just doesn't want to start a fight until its on HIS turns. And then when the melee starts, he can work on /keeling Seki/. No, not killing. KEELING.
Peleps Kaizoku Seki is totally shoved in the back by a...
"What the Malfeas /are/ you?" The Peleps asks, scratching his head at the.../weird/ alien in his lap. "I...I'm not even mad, I'm just /curious/ now. Can you speak? Do you have a spine? How does that.../thing/ work?" Seki pokes it, obnoxiously. As if asking for it.
Mal may have reservations. Jayne does not. Not when it comes to barfights. "Aw shiny, that's what I'm talking about... Duck your head, little lady," he pushes Kitty's head towards the bar in order to avoid someone's tail whipping viciously overhead. Jayne waits a moment, then removes his hand and launches himself off of the barstool. Where to start? Eh, who cares. If it were manly to frolic, than that's what Jayne would be doing as he stalks his way into the part of the fight that looks the thickest. "Hey, no punchin' the captain," he grins toothily. That's what HE wants to do. But since he has no interest in getting spaced again, he doesn't. And if Jayne can't punch Mal, NO ONE can punch Mal. He seizes hold of the Death Knight's shoulder, and aims a meaty fist at his face.
Did Crimson Dawn even punch Mal to begin with? Of course not! But in a fight like this, WHO GORRAM CARES!
Jayne Cobb gets a glancing blow on Crimson Dawn with his Hello My Name Is Jayne attack.
You take 22 damage.
"What?" But - but she would have been fine! "Who-" Kitty doesn't even get her surprised noise out as she's abruptly shoved down, needing no further encouragement as she drops lower to duck a lizard tail. "Every single time -" she grumps, staying low and putting her back to the counter. Quick! Someone save the booze!
Mal feels another blow glance off of his arm as he is trying to keep himself away from trouble and keep an eye on Jayne. So much for finding out what happened to River. As a fist once again flies toward his head (at least this one had the good grace to come where he could see it), Mal takes hold of the offending hand and shoves it, and the rest of the person, backwards as hard as he can. "Not causing trouble, just avoiding it," he mutters, whirling around into the fight again.
That is a meaty punch. Damn Heroic Mortals, thinking they can compete with the big dogs, so to speak! Sigh. The worst thing is when they get away with it. Ah well. Still, the punch doesn't, y'know, snap the deathknight back as far as it should. Frankly, there's a meaty *THWAK* of fist meeting face, and Crimson's face is turned slightly, his eye twitching.
"If it isn't one thing, it's another. Blasted /INSECTS/!"
Annnnnd, that's when a fist is whipped BACK around at high speed, Crimson trying to retaliate on Jayne around the full-blown melee that's prolly going to break as the fists start flying. After all. If Crimson misses, he's likely to slam another patron into one of his fellows with /extreme prejudice/.
Course, he's also cheating. Sure, his fist isn't quite as meaty. He does, however, have a few small plates of soulsteel sewn into the knuckles of his gloves, for Even More Punching Action. "By the Frozen Tits of Mela, someone is going to DIE tonight!"
You critically strike Jayne Cobb with your Nice To Meet You. Die plz thx attack.
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "...Huh."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "Seki."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "Invoking Mela's Frozen Tits makes attacks more powerful."
[OOC] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Yes, yes it does."
[OOC] Jayne Cobb says, "What good are they if they're frozen?"
[OOC] Jayne Cobb punchad.
[OOC] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "You'd be suprised. But, to posing!"
And the alien doesn't say anything.
The alien that's been in Seki's lap for a while now...
"Oh, hey." Seki realizes, perhaps telling just how drunk the pirate is, "You're sucking my blood." Seki turns to Mal, by SHEER CONCIDENCE, and says, "He's sucking my blood. 'cuse me." There's a faint outline of blue-black energy around Seki...
...and the alien monster is suddenly flying through the air, having been hurdled by one Peleps Seki, and because Exalted is cool like that, the sinister leech-man bounces off of a wall, another wall, and a stray Hutt before flying neatly out the front door.
And then Seki hears /that/ curse...and looks up to see a man that, to Seki's honed senses, is just a little too dead to be walking around and taking Mela's name in vain, punching a guy in the face. Similar outfits..."He yours?" a suddenly sober Seki asides to Mal, horking a thumb at Jayne.
Mal nods at Seki. "He is. It's likely I'll need to help him here shortly," he drawls. "Anyone here yours, or can I punch at will?"
See, the GOOD thing about having intangibility for a power is that.. Kitty can literally walk out of bar fights unscathed. And in the chaos, people won't even notice, which is a bonus. The boys seem to be able to handle themselves perfectly well on their own, so Kitty crawls along the floor until she's reached a clear space. Getting to her feet, she dusts herself off - then YEEPS as a body is sent flying through her. "HEY! Watch it!" HMF. Well, nonetheless, she trots out of the bar.
Jayne goes flying. He seems a little surprised at this, arms hooked in the air, legs spread and bent. And so it happens, that Jayne butt-slams Malcolm to the ground, the two men ending in a sprawling pile of brown and limbs. "Oof. 'Scuse me," Jayne grunts, an elbow digging into Mal's ribs as he wrestles himself back up to his feet. He thumbs his lip, and looks down to see that there's a good reason why it's been aching. Blood! His eyes widen, and he staaaaaaaares at Crimson Dawn. "Who you callin' a gorram insect, you piece of fei-oo! Comin' through," he grunts at Seki, punching him out of the way so he can launch himself bodily at the Death Knight.
Kitty Pryde takes a flight from the stardock off Tattooine.
Kitty Pryde has left.
Jayne Cobb hits Malcolm Reynolds with his Fangirls Go Wild jab.
Jayne Cobb misses Peleps Kaizoku Seki with his Comin' Through attack.
Jayne Cobb gets a glancing blow on Crimson Dawn with his WHEE! attack.
You take 17 damage.
Malcolm Reynolds hits Jayne Cobb with his YOU'RE ON MY SIDE!! attack.
Twitch. Crimson Dawn just wanted a drink. He really did. But nooooooooooo. Now he's going to have to kill someone. Sigh. His life is /so/ hard. Emo emo emo angst angst angst. Right, that's out of the way. ON WITH THE FIGHTINGS.
And then this damn mortal is /tackling CRIMSON DAWN/. He's so surprised, he actually goes reeling backwards, slamming into the bar nice and hard, grunting at the impact. Still, Abyssals are made of tough stuff! He attempts to grab Jayne, then, quite simply, slam him face first into the bar. HURRAH FOR BAR FIGHTS!
Seki is totally ignored. Hah.
You critically strike Jayne Cobb with your Hey, Jayne. Meet the Bar! attack.
"Ugly guy's from my plane, but he works for the other side.." Literarly, Seki thinks, but no need to freak out the noobs. "Syndicate. Not the biggest fan of law and order, but that's just bad mojo, y'know? Rest of my crew's restocking, so punch away, man. I'll see if I can't give that lug someone else to hit." Seki winks at Reynolds, using a gorram free reflexive to duck out of the way of Jayne's punch.
Yep, Seki thinks, I knew I'd find Mithril material here. I'm so smaaarrrrt~!
Hrm. The guy looks vaguely familiar. "Have we met before?" Seki asks, kindly, weaving through the crowd like he was used to this sort of situation. He pulls a thin cigar out of his coat pocket, sticking it in his mouth and proceding to light a match on Crimson Dawn's face, puffing slightly as he lights up. "Mmm...satisfing..."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki gets a glancing blow on Crimson Dawn with his Playing Dirty feint.
You take 15 damage.
"What are you doing?" Mal hollers, pushing himself to his feet after Jayne. Cursing under his breath, the captain winces as Jayne's face meets the bar rather abruptly. Mal grabs an arm on one man standing between him and Jayne and whirls him away. "I don't believe I've met you before," he says, ducking below another blow aimed at him.
Hello bar! Hello shotglasses! Would you like to shatter apart and embed deeply into Jayne's face? Of course you would!
Several gutteral, masculine grunts sound from the beefy thug as he's slammed, over and over into the bar. "Nngh...that hurtsh..." Jayne grumbles with his mouth mashed into fish lips from the pressure applied to the side of his face. He rolls his eyes back to peer at his opponent. Normally he wouldn't do this, but...he can't really punch, and the guy DID break glass with Jayne's face. So he swings his leg backwards at the Death Knight's crotch. Maybe it'll hit. Maybe it won't. Here's to hoping aliens got their genitals in the same general area.
Jayne Cobb hits Crimson Dawn with his Don't Wanna Know attack.
You take 21 damage.
......... Okay. That's it. SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE NOW.
In this case, seeing as how some jackass just attracted his attention with that little trick. You know. With the cigar lighting? Yeah. ANGRY DUSK CASTE. Who just turns towards Seki, twitching slightly. Oh, this is going to be fun. Twitch twitch twitch twitch.
The Dusk Caste just twitches, smiling behind his facial covering scarf of chainmail, and then several tendrils of soulsteel arc out, attempting to entangle both Jayne and Seki by the throat. The bad thing is that it then hurls them against the bar. The worse thing is that the Abyssal then reaches back and rips a pair of daiklaves from sheathes on his back, previously concealed, and lunges at the pair, looking to stab them. With /gusto/. Did we mention that the daiklaves were glowing a bit?
So very much gusto.
Course, by now, there's a bit of blood runnin' down the Abyssal's face, and a slight aura that feels, well, wrong starting to coalesce around him. Good ol' Entropic Anima Flare!
You hit Jayne Cobb with your One Snatch and Slash For you! super.
You hit Peleps Kaizoku Seki with your And One For You! super.
[OOC] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "well damn."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "...I don't understand."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "My supers NEVER hit."
[OOC] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Stunt Dice."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn fingersnaps. Forgot about those.
Mal winces along with every other male or vaguely male thing in the bar as Jayne's kick lands. He shakes his head and aims a punch at the first person who'd hit the back of his head. Payback's not a very nice gal, after all, he thinks, as he punches him again, trying to move closer to Jayne.
Jayne...isn't quite sure what to feel. There's pain. He feels that. He feels a lot of that. But he's more shocked that someone pulled a knife on him in a barfight. It's the SECOND time he's been slashed in the chest by a gorram nutcase. And he's getting really SICK of it!
Pulling curled fingers away from his chest, his upper lip curls back, and his nostrils flare. Jayne's eyes are wild, just before his brow beetles. He pulls up his leg to plant a boot in Crimson's chest and push him away, giving him the leverage he needs to hoist himself upright. And to grab a chair. And to swing that chair with all of the might he possesses in those sinewy arms at the Death Knight's head.
Jayne Cobb misses Crimson Dawn with his Chairs: They're Not Just For Sitting super.
Jayne Cobb hits Malcolm Reynolds with his Here Comes Mr. Chair's Dooooooog super.
"Shi-" Is about all Seki gets out as he's grabbed by the throat, torn up in the air, and stabbed so hard he's pinned to the bar for a moment or two. Ow ow ow soulsteel SUCKS to get hit with, Seki is again reminded, as he feels all new kinds of pain. Well, only one way to handle that.
"Right." Seki grunts, spitting blood at the bar, "My name's Peleps Seki. That's reversed, like um....Asian folks do. I think that's what you call em, but my brain's working a little slower than usual, on account of this hunk of soulsteel in my gut." Seki struggles a little with Crimson Dawn's hold, glaring at the filthy Anathemia. "Now, this guy's what we call a deathknight. That's...about as nice as it sounds, and he wants to kill us now, so I suguest we finish our conversation somewhere else! With less dead people. Anyway!" Seki grabs Crimson Dawn's stabbin'arm, grins at the Abyssal, and /shoves/ his body to the side, forcing the Daiklaive to turn just so, in order to allow Seki to cut himself out of Crimson's pin.
Moving like he was made out of water or something, the pirate keeps his grip on Crimson Dawn's arm, twisting his whole body around to send a double-kick at the Abyssal's face and spin Seki to the ground. He follows this up with a quick slash from his own sword, a black cutlass-sized weapon made out of jade, while Seki's /other/ hand twists around to where he hopes Crimson Dawn will be in a moment or two, in order for that hand to shove Seki's still smoking cigar into the deathknight's eye. Either one will do, really.
"Don't worry!" Seki shouts to the two Serenity crew members, "I know you probably hear this alot, but I think its safe to say that in this case, the dude who's face is bleeding from sheer hate and glowing with palpable evil power is the bad guy, so...go for it!"
Jayne blinks stupidly in surprise as the chair misses...and smacks Mal instead. "Oh, uh... Oops?"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki juggles Crimson Dawn with his Kung Fu Pirates Are Awesome combo.
You take 15 damage.
Peleps Kaizoku Seki juggles Crimson Dawn with his Kung Fu Pirates Are Awesome combo.
You take 23 damage.
Crimson Dawn breaks Peleps Kaizoku Seki's combo.
Mal glowers at Jayne once he can focus his eyes again. "Do you see me glowing with palpable evil or bleeding with the hate or whatever he just said!?" He yells. "What the gorram hell do you think you're doing?" He swipes the back of his hand over his mouth and tries to push himself to his feet.
"Your eyes kind of glow in the right light." Seki points out, helpfully.
Jayne Cobb looks at Seki, then at Mal, and nods vigorously in confirmation. "Uh. Sometimes it does! You look real mad now!"
The chair? not really worried about. I mean, the deathknight just sidesteps it, blinking slightly, and watches it hits Jayne's buddy in the back or wherever. Y'know how chairs are, right? Yeah. Chairs. He just blinks, and is about to point at it and ask if Jayne meant to do that when OGODPAINDAMNYOUSEKI. Thankfully, the cigar does not go into an eye. It does, however, end up being shoved into his face. That burns. It hurts. A lot. And the stabbing-cutting. Damn pirate exalted. WHY ARE THEY USING CRAZY MARTIAL ARTS? THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DYING. Grumble. The Abyssal grunts a few times as Seki pummels him with gusto. The Abyssal recovers from the pummeling, then casually attempts to slam a soul-steel sword hilt into Jayne's face, hopefully pitching him over the bar and into that huge display of glass bottles and mirrors and whatnot.
Yes, Crimson is planning something. Something EVIL.
As for Seki, well, no witty battle humor for him. Instead, there is only a series of quick, graceful, and vicious stabbingeses, followed by a heavily booted foot coming up and attempting to slam straight into Seki's breadbasket. Stupid Seki! You make Abyssals unhappy! Die plz!
You hit Jayne Cobb with your Nappy Time For You. Hopefully. attack.
Jayne Cobb has been knocked out!
You miss Peleps Kaizoku Seki with your Unexpected Booting Of Chakras Technique! attack.
Well...at least it was the hilt. If it was the sharp pointy end, Mal would find himself lacking a thug-for-hire aboard his ship. Simon would be pleased. So would Wash. Possibly Zoe. Hell, the only one who might actually be sad is Kaylee! Fine, then. Rut in hell, the rest of you, is what goes through Jayne's mind as he's flung over the bar, legs careening over his head as he slides limply onto the ground, facefirst into a puddle of booze. That's gonna smell real nice there.
"...well, that's kharma for you." Seki notes, as nature takes its course, and Jayne gets beat up. On some level, the Peleps may realize just how much Jayne deserves the occasional sword pommel to the noggin, or he might just be more concerned with ducking around that big ol'leg of Crimson Dawn's. "Y'know, man." Seki points out, sending a lightning fast sword swipe at...something, along Crimson's waist, "I'm with you, here. I mean, if /my/ name was 'Bringer of Darkness in the Crimson Dawn', I wouldn't try and be witty either. I mean, you're literarly a walking oxymoron..." Seki's hand darts out. Why?
Because he just tried to slice off Crimson's money pouch, along with, y'know, cutting him, that's why. "You know what? I'm going to give whatever's in here to a hospital for baby orphans, just so you'll have to live with your silver goin to a good cause."
Peleps Kaizoku Seki hits Crimson Dawn with his Seki Went To Epic Hero College To Learn This Trick jab.
You take 22 damage.
Mal is able to get to his feet as he sees Jayne hit again. And sees fly over the bar. And sees him hit the floor. "Great," Mal mutters, moving as quickly as he can around the bar to his prone crewman's side. He reaches down and grabs Jayne's arm, pulling him up a little more roughly than is strictly necessary. "Time for us to make our exit, I believe," he says as he begins dragging Jayne toward the door.
...Sigh. Dammit. It's not his fault, honestly! The damn Malfeans came up with his name! Really! I guess they thought it'd be amusing or ironic or something. Y'know, Dusk caste named Dawn? Bah.
Regardless, the Abyssal takes stock of his situation. The idiot who started this? Ker punched. The repair bill? High. And the fact that his money just got stolen? Annoying, but at least there was some satisfaction tonight. Still, the Deathknight replies to Seki's taunts in a calm, mature manner!
Namely, he gives him the finger and politely informs Seki that, according to rumors, he fornicates with fish. Not some crazy freaky fish person who is disturbingly attractive (YOu'd be surprised. Creation's full of 'em), but honest to god fish. Sturgeon, according to scuttlebutt.
And, with that, the Dusk caste vaults backwards over a few of the customers and bursts out through a window, Epic Villian style, afore swinging himself up onto the roof and retreating.
On the bright side...this leaves Seki with the bill! He did offer to pay for ALL the drinks, after all, and that's a lot of drinks that just got used and spilled!
A small, dark little corner of Crimson Dawn's heart is full of amusement at the idea of bountyhunters hunting Seki because he owes a bar tab. Mmmmm. Hee hee hee.
...and the insult was that SEki is the one doing the fornicating. No freaking using your crazy pirate grammatical logic style, Seki!
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "REVENGE! By the Dragons themselves, we'll finish this, Anathemia!"
"What the-MY MOTHER WAS A SAINT, YOU!" Seki shouts, shaking a fist at the retreating Epic Villain, cause that's how its down.
This is about when he notices the mess. "...ah-heh..." Seki grins, a little. "You guys...take a check?"
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "Oh, go tell it to your sturgeons, you inbred son of a barnacle licker and a Raksha."
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "-man, seriously, my mom'll kick /both/ our asses. Can we avoid that?"
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "I can. Sucks to be you, though."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "..."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Dude. Wait!"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "I looked it up. I know how this one goes!"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer flipflipflip.
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer ahem. "How appropriate, you fight like a cow."
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "You'd know, considering your mating habits."
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Kinda fixated on that, ain't ya."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "..."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer | OW!
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Fine! I challenge you to TELEKINETIC PING-PONG!"
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "But it's unfair for you to give me such a handicap as to use your mind! Will you be borrowing someone else's?"
Jayne, obviously, offers no protests to this. He does, however, drool on Mal's shirt. He's a jerk like that.
It's not going to be a clean getaway for Mal, though. Those crimson-scaled reptillian guys shove themselves away from their scuffle, lunging after the captain. "GET BACK HERE, SOLO! You're not getting away so easily! Every bounty hunter in the system will be after y--hurk!" Felled by a doe-eyed midget.
The bartender twitches. And breathes heavily in an intimidating fashion. "No credits...?" The dishtowel is flung at Seki's forehead. "Dishes! GO!"
Mal drags Jayne out the door, pointing his sort of free hand at the bar. "I would like to point out I did not start this," he said before walking around the doorframe. "Can't believe," he mutters to Jayne's prone form, "I just can't take you anywhere."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "...Hey, that is totally a mysticality test, you can't go on your buffed moxie!"
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "But I just did."
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "Therefore, I can."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "--"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "Wait. I know."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "It just so happens that, because I went and SAVED AN ENTIRE HOLIDAY AND ALL."
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer says, "That I am in possession of a time machine. I am totally going to back in time and, instead of arguing with you, kick your ass. One moment!"
[Citizen's Band] Turtle Tamer bzap, jingling noises.
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "Oh great."
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "He /just stopped/ doing that. I hope you're happy."
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "Does it cause annoyance to you? Yes? Then, yes, I am content."
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and hide from your mother. Have fun convincing her you adequately defended her honor against an insulting Anathema without a corpse to back it up!"
Peleps Kaizoku Seki quickly tosses Malcome the bag.
Its filled with for reals silver.
"For the medical bills!" Seki shouts, "We'll talk later, as I've got..." Smack. Dish cloth, over his head. Seki sighs, "Dish duty..."
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "I-"
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki |Thunder crashes, in the background, as if a massive hurricane's abruptly started over the ocean.
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "I have /dishes to do/, I can't talk to any fatty deathknights no'mo. ...yeah."
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "Yeah, it'd be a shame. You having to do Dishes in the MOS EISLEY CANTINA on a planet called TATOOINE! Yep. Be a shame if your mother found you there."
[OOC] Jayne Cobb says, "Anyone object to having a bounty for an aftermath?"
[OOC] Jayne Cobb says, "Seki does dishes, so he's excused."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "I think I'm shoot on sight with all IPA troops anyways."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "And definitely with the REalm."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "And the Solars"
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "Well, most of the Solars."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "And the Lunars, when they can get away with it."
[OOC] Crimson Dawn says, "...so, yeah, what's one more bounty? :D"
"Thanks," Mal says, looking down at the bag of money. He is glad then that Jayne is unconcious, because it wouldn't last long with him able to grab at it. "I'm sure we'll see you some other time," he adds sympathetically as the towel drapes over Seki's face.
[Citizen's Band] Peleps Kaizoku Seki says, "I am seriously going to set your manse on fire, dude."
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "Good luck with that."
[Citizen's Band] Crimson Dawn says, "Yep. Just because you couldn't defend your mother's honor against the insinuation that she kissed a barnacle, with tongue, is no reason for you to get so het up, y'know. I'm sure she'll understand that you had dishes to do for some mortal tavernkeeper. She's a reasonable woman, right?"
(New BB message (10/7) posted to 'News Broadcasts' by The Associated Press: More Mos Eisley Bounties)
============================== News Broadcasts ===============================
Message: 10/7 Posted Author
More Mos Eisley Bounties Sun Dec 17 The Associated Press
[Image of Crimson Dawn]
WANTED FOR: Wanton destruction and violence of the Mos Eisley Cantina. Two customers complain of blood stains on expensive garments.
REWARD: 5,000 Credits
[Image of Jayne Cobb]
WANTED FOR: Destruction of chair, alcohol, and shotglasses; unnecessary violence towards bar patrons.
REWARD: 3,000 Credits
[Image of Malcolm Reynolds...but the name under his picture reads 'Han Solo' instead]
WANTED FOR: Disposing of cargo in a cowardly fashion, shooting Greedo first, destruction of chair, starting a bar fight
REWARD: 500,000 Credits
See Jabba the Hutt with bounties to receive reward