[log] I Scheme, You Scheme, We All Scheme...

Jan 16, 2007 21:18

WHO: Mousse, Shampoo, Ukyo Kuonji
WHEN: January 16, 2007
WHERE: The Hub
WHAT: Ukyo is on the scene, serving up okanomiyaki. Then comes Shampoo. A 'friendly' conversation picks up, soon enough joined by Mousse. Ah, Nerima residents are funny.
WATCH FOR: Each person having their own evil scheme.

The rumble of wheels breaks up the usual humdrum of the terminal; however
it's not the rumble of a car or any other vehicle. It's the rumble of a wooden
yatai with 'Ucchan's Okonomiyaki' written in kanji on a banner that hangs
across the front. Honestly, Ukyo had only found out about the Gates recently
during a training trip, and while she isn't sure what to make of it yet, one
thing is for certain. It's the PERFECT place to take Ranma without those other
fiancees knowing about it! ... and she'd be able to advertise for her
okonomiyaki shop.
Okay, make that two things.
So far she hasn't been noticed - but she'll fix that right now! "Come on
and all, to Ucchan's okonomiyaki! One day only, one free okonomiyaki per
customer!" Promotinal gigs are GO.

Oh, if only she knew.

One of the other fiancees just happens to make her way back through another gate
in the Hub, finishing up a ramen delivery. There are plenty of boxes in tow
meaning there is good business for the Cat Cafe. However, Shampoo's expression
shows a childish pout as she rides flawlessly down the street on her bike. It
wasn't her fault she couldn't make it to the cooking contest now - all the new
deliveries and jobs made her extra busy! Now she'll never get to cook for the
judges. Or Ranma, for that matter!

Dark eyes then blink as she turns a corner, spotting the okanomiyaki cart in
the distance. "It can't be..." she murmured, pedaling faster toward it.

Hark! What's this? Shampoo won't be in the contest? That.. is..
FAN. FREAKING. TASTIC! *_* Of the trio, Shampoo was the only one who Ukyo was
really worried about, because..well.. let's face it. Akane's sweet, but
hopeless. ._. Ukyo's not sure even SHE would be able to get Akane to cook well
-- and frankly she's not sure she'd want to. Sure it would earn brownie points
with Ranma, but if Akane learned to /cook/ well, he wouldn't come to Ucchan's -
or even the Nekohanten. (Not that this last is a bad thing.)
"Yes, sir, yes sir," Ukyo is busily grilling up one of the okonomiyaki's as
Shampoo comes pedling towards her cart, "I'll be right with you! There's enough
for everyone!" ... she hopes.

Just as long as Akane doesn't win, Shampoo will be happy. Or if Ukyo lost,
that'd be good, too.

Or what if... nobody won? Oho.

The bicycle comes to a screeching halt, the little bell tingling as it rattled
from the stop. Long, purple hair sways before falling behind the Amazon, a
slippered foot stepping down to keep balance. Certainly the girl is keeping
herself busy, all right. "Long time, no see, Ukyo," Shampoo greets, a hand
supporting the weight of an empty ramen box.

No no no, if Akane didn't win, Ukyo would be sympathetic - but happy. If Ukyo
lost, she would be depressed. Oh so very depressed. For a bit anyway. It'd mean
her cooking wasn't good enough! That there was a flaw somewhere in her
personally, and she can't marry Ranma like that. Her grill's a sizzing, and the
spatula in her hands - the small one, not her battle spatula - neatly slides
under it, flips it up and onto a plate, which she catches in her offhand and
hands to the man in line.
And then she hears it.
The smug, cutesy, I'm better than you voice of that sweet Chinese Amazon, third
fiancee to Ranma, sneaky, conniving god I want to rip her hair out ..~!!!
"Shampoo!" Ukyo doesn't have to feign her surprise. Damnit, SHE knows about the
Gates? Who else? Turqoise eyes take in the sight of the empty box. Grunt.
"Making deliveries?" Smile smile. SO nice to see you dear, REALLY.

Well, Shampoo hasn't seen Kodachi around. Kuno, maybe, but not her. Good. The
smirk stays on the Amazon's face, somehow appearing cute at the same time.
"Why, yes, Ukyo. I see business good for you, too." Too bad Ukyo couldn't stay
hidden forever. That would have been nice. She tilts her head, letting out a
high chuckle. "How have things been, hm?"


So very fake. Except to the NPCs currently standing on line waiting for their
okonomiyaki! Flip. "Next!" Okonomiyaki Ucchan chirps with a bit more bite to
her tone - her sunny disposition has a CLOUD hanging over it. A purple one.
"I'm so glad that you're doing well!" Not that Ukyo hasn't wished the Amazon
dead in a ditch somewhere on more than one occasion. =.= ..
Okay that's a bit excessive even for her. She doesn't wish harm on any of the
girls! Except maybe Kodachi. Just.. wishes them gone! "Oh things have been
great! I went on a training trip, and found out about the Gates. What about
you? When did you find out about them?" Is she a bit put off that Shampoo has
something to lord over her?
Yes. Yes she is.

Letting the box sit partially on her shoulder now, Shampoo moves her free hand
off the bicycle's handlebar, tossing some of her hair back as Ukyo finishes up
with her customers. As some shuffle past with their glorious food, the Amazon
answers. "Shampoo just go and see where Ranma went off to. He wasn't in Nerima
at the time, and gate was found on accident!" She sounds happy about it, too.
"I cheer for him during tournament! But now all that so far away."

Wait. Wait wait. Wait. Shampoo's been getting Ranma time? Damnit, Ukyo has a
lot of ground to catch up on here! Fortunately she has the best friend card to
play. Mwahaha. But she puts aside her irritation with the Amazon for genuine
curiosity, tilting her head, "Tournament? Did Ranma win?" Of course he did,
he's -Ranma-. But oh how it irks Ukyo to get her news from Shampoo! Even if
they did occasionally ally themselves for a common goal. It meant NOTHING.

"No, but he came close." A blur of motion, and a new challenger arrives at the
okonomiyaki stand: Relatively tall, bishie handsome, and wearing the ugliest
coke-bottle glasses this side of Velma Dinkley. Everyone, say hi to Mousse! "I
found out about the gate too late to enter the tournament and defeat Ranma
myself, but he lost in the final round to some guy named Masataka." In a motion
too fast for the naked eye, the Amazon pulls out a bouquet of roses for his
darling purple beauty. "Hello, Ukyo, hello, Shampoo, my beloved~"

You know Shampoo is reigning Amazon Queen. Love her. Bow down to her. The girl
haughtily tosses her head, her smirk growing into a wide smile. "Of course
Ranma win fight. He only win two, three battles, though. Too bad."

There's a visible twitch when THAT VOICE suddenly is heard. Shampoo quickly
turns her head, shooting stare-daggers at the Duck Boy. "Only if you didn't
interfere with one of the fights, it would have been better!" No regular hellos
for this one.

Ukyo is, once again, caught off guard by the new, and familiar, voice. Hi
Mousse! The Okonomiyaki chef snorts a bit; as if Ranma could be defeated by the
likes of Mousse! HA I say, and Ha again! "Ah it's you; hiya Mousse," Aw,
Shampoo, you should be NICER. He brought you flowers! Can't you see it was
meant to be?
An eyebrow twitches once, twice, as Shampoo's smirk grows smugger. Oh how she
hates this! "Wait - you interfered with a fight!?" Ukyo turns from Shampoo to
glare at Mousse now, "What the hell'd you do that for you half blind jackass!?"
Ranma could have won! And then he would proclaim to the world his eternal,
undying love for U- oh, wait, that's a dream. ._.

All the drawn aggro bounces off of Mousse like water off of a du- er-
nevermind. "Interfere? Ranma was getting a free ride the entire tournament,"
Mousse states with a vengeful gleam to his lenses. "I ended it in his last
fight by showing off his one weakness." OK, his one other weakness, as Ranma's
felinophobia isn't that well-known. "Too bad. Masataka had no problems with
hitting a girl or a boy."

Shampoo can do without the flowers. Only if it's from Ranma will she take them.
For now, she wields her ramen box as a potential weapon. Oh wait - they can't
do anything here, can they? Drat. "Free ride? Ranma is strong enough. He use
effort! Still, Mousse should have known better."

The amazon huffs, keeping to her bicycle and the boxes. Great-grandmother might
be wondering what is taking the girl so long.

Just you wait, that wrinkled old crone is gonna come hopping out on her cane
anyminute now. Yes. Any minute... now! No?
Ukyo glowers at Mousse, "Ran-chan could wipe the floor with you any day of the
week!" .. This is not a remote challenge to Mousse on part of Ranma! It's not!
Swear to Okonomiyaki gods. Glancing between the two Amazons, she rests a hand
on her hip. "So you two and Ran-chan know about these Gates - who else?" Give
it to her straight! She can take it!

"He would, would he?" Mousse adjusts his glasses with an evil grin that just
keeps getting wider and wilder as he raves, "I've been travelling the gates,
searching out new worlds and new weapons, just for that moment!" The glasses
come off, so the burning fiery passion in the boy's eyes can be seen by all.
"This time, I can't lose!"

An NPC in the okonomiyaki line asks, "Are you done shouting now? I'm hungry!"

Oops. Duckboy returns the glasses to their rightful place on his nose with a
polite cough. "I think Upperclassman Kuno's found out about them. And nobody's
seen Ryouga for weeks, so he might've become lost somewhere out here for all we

Meanwhile, Cologne sits on top of an empty table in the cafe, sipping some hot
tea. Huge eyes close to enjoy the silence.

"Well, Akane apparently knows about the gates, too," Shampoo replies flatly,
disregarding most of whatever Mousse shouted earlier. She then blinks, her tone
changing back to a jumpy happy one. "There's a cooking contest soon, yes? Akane
might be there!" She then pouts again. "Too bad I can't go."

The NPC that shouts gets a quick glance from Ukyo - oops! She completely forgot
about her customers! "Sorry sir, right away!" Fortunately she can multitask! As
she sets to work on another okonomiyaki (because she would have a fit if they
decided to have ramen instead), Ukyo eyes Mousse when he begins ranting and
raving. "Huh!" Scoffity scoff! "If you can beat Ranma in a fight, I'll give you
free okonomiyaki for a week!" Such is Ukyo's belief in Ranma, that she would
put business on the line! But surely Mousse won't accept the deal, right?
Right? ... "So Kunou and Ryouga - and Akane-chan? That's just about everyone in
the ol' crew huh? Thank god Kodachi doesn't know yet." NO ONE would be safe.
"Cooking contest eh?" There's that ol' fire in Ukyo's eyes. She is SO signing
up for that. Especially if Ranma is the judge. And the pouting Amazon; awww
poor thing! (Inner Ukyo is doing the HAPPY dance of JOY.) "Really? /Gosh/
Shampoo, that's just /too bad/." Her voice is just syrupy with false sympathy,
"Why aren't you going to compete?" There's just a teeeeny bit of suspicion in
her voice here.

"When I beat Ranma, I'll have all the reward I need in Shampoo's hand in
marriage." Who needs okonomiyaki when you have love! The kind of love that
brings little pink hearts floating and popping about Mousse's thick head. "But
I'll take that bet because mom told me never to pass up free food." Or to
forget to have his glasses prescription updated.

"Wha- What!? You're not going!?" The hearts change to sweatdrops as Mousse
zipclings to Shampoo's hand. "You can't miss the tournament! Who'll defend the
honor of the Nekohanten!?" Ping. "I know- I'LL do it! I'll enter the Steel Chef
tournament and win it for you, Shampoo!"

EXACTLY. Keep Kodachi on a leash, plzkthx.

Shampoo places a hand to her cheek, giving a small sigh. "Oh, it's too bad,
because Shampoo suddenly have much work to do with all these new people
ordering from Cat Cafe! I go back and forth through gates all the time now!"
Feign sadness and despair here as her hand is also taken up by Mousse. Add
another twitch of annoyance. "Still, Shampoo wonder about the competition
taking place then! Hopefully everybody else have fun!"

The Amazon then blinks, looking at Mousse. "You sure...?" Although looking
innocent, she's being sort of manipulative. *koffREALLYMANIPULATIVEkoff*
Underneath, she's giving a wicked smile, her eyes glinting. Ha - we'll see who
wins by then. That is, if they win. Shampoo already sent a notice to Orihime
that she'd help in supplying the ingredients. Fufufu....

"Ah, right, that's so right," Ukyo is nodding, inwardly relieved that Mousse
initially dismisses the bet! .. until he finishes that thought. CRAP. "O.. oh?
Fine then, you're on! And if Ranma wins!.." Um. Hrm.. if Ranma wins... what?
Tell Shampoo to give up on Ranma? Pff! That'll happen. Stay away from him for a
week? PFFFT, that'll happen. Hrmm.
Flip! Sizzle! The smell of okonomiyaki wafts about in the Hub - and if Ukyo
gets this kind of crowd at her shop in Nerima, she's set for life. LIFE!
Chibi Ucchan dances about in that happy thought bubble, waving 'Shampoo's Not
Competing!' and 'Yatta Yatta!' flags in either hand. Until a Chibi Mousse pops
over in a bubble of his own, raises a bazooka and fires. The Chibi Ucchan
bubble blows up, leaving a smoking mini Ucchan, and a momentarily stunned and
horrified Ukyo behind her yatai.
"Y... you're.. competing -for- Shampoo?" WOE. WOE!~ So much for her easy win.
Eyes narrow as she glances at Shampoo. There's just something -funny- about
this.. "Oh-- OH yeah!" Ukyo recovers quickly, as a Chibi Ucchan miserably
sweeps the remains of her dreams T_T "Well that's just GREAT." See that big
smile? It's totally sincere. Really. Stop laughing. "I'd have hated for you to
miss out on it, and even though Shampoo can't make it..it just won't be the
same without you." It'll be a -fair- fight now! Oh wait, a fair contest that is.

"Of course I'm sure," Mousse answers unhesitantly, as he's now down on bended
knee. "I'll win this contest - for /us/!" And if Akane's cooking turns out a
little more poisonous than usual and Ranma keels over... heh heh heh. The
Hidden Weapons style is not just for martial arts, you see. There will be
/plenty/ of surprises in store. Of course, the Amazon looks just as sincere and
honest-looking as the two girls as he looks up sparkly-eyed at Shampoo.
Devious? Perish the thought! Fufufufu.

The pose betwix the two Amazons stays for at least ten more seconds. Shampoo
then blushes, replacing her hand with the empty ramen box as she clasps them
together, looking skyward. "Thank the heavens!" she cries, her voice lilting,
laughing evily inside her head. Surely this will be interesting. And it will
not bode well. Another thought floats to the surface, a reminder that she
should be getting back to the cafe soon. "Aiya! So sorry I have to cut
conversation short! Shampoo must go back to great-grandmother for more orders!"
She straightens the bike's handlebar, checking everything before leaving. "I
know you two will do well, ne?" She adds a wink.

Shampoo is CLEARLY plotting something. But what? And Ukyo has no proof
naturally, beyond that usual, 'what's she up to?' sense. And that's generally
on 100% of the time when Shampoo is around. Another quick glance shows that the
crowd has thinned out a bit, but there are still a few people on the line. Time
to doubletime it! Speeding up her cooking, Ukyo glances up only when Shampoo
excuses herself, "Ah, sure Shampoo~! See you around!" Unfortunately. ... ahaha,
she's going to have to let Ranma he's due to have a fight with Mousse isn't
she? eheh!

Its hard to tell behind those glasses, but Mousse has his eyes closed for the
romantic kiss - of the ramen box. Smooch. "Shampoo, your skin is cold-" Oh.
Quick as a flash, the Amazon's back on his feet with the box now on his own
shoulder. He may or may not be blushing. "Are there any other deliveries that
you need to drop off, Shampoo? I'll do them for you while you head back, its
the least I could do for you~" Sorry, Ukyo, you, everyone else, and even a
wandering Darth Vader have faded off into Mousse's background for now!

Ukyo Kuonji shakes her head. Mousse is so predictable! But that's fine, because
now Ukyou can catch up on fixing the okonomiyaki for her very patient
customers! As Mousse kisses ..delivery box, Ukyo glances up again with a faint
sigh. What a /sucker/. And to think, in another life, another upbringing she
might have been just like him! Or very close to it.

Shampoo stops with one foot on her pedal. She then maneuvers her arm to pick
out one of the many boxes set behind her. "Here," she replies, tossing the box
at Mousse. He'll catch it, right? With that, Shampoo nods again, smiling away.
"Yes! I see you again! Bye bye!" In an instant, the Amazon rides off through
the masses, the chirring of her bike bell resonating.

As calmly as this ended, who knows what the day of the contest will bring...

"Got it!" Mousse has his glasses on, of course he can catch it! He even
catches it on the run, dashing off into the crowd with the box held high and a
sprint to his step, oblivious to everything up until he's halfway to the
nearest gate when it suddenly hits him...

"Where am I supposed to deliver this to?"

Ukyo needs tag!!!! :D

ukyo kuonji, mousse, shampoo

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