Lewis strolls out to the middle of the clearing. "How did we survive?" he asks, sounding incredious about it as he turns to the others and splays his arms out wide. "This is paradise! Please, disembark your mecha, and stay with us!" he says with a smirk. "We can discuss everything once you are out in the open."
Stepping off of the Cyclone, James chuckles. "It really is pointless for you to remain in your vehicles anyway." he looks over at Rook. "Only twenty survived out of a compliment of three hundred." he comments. "We knew we were dead for sure when the Invid came. They wanted revenge for what we had done - we had taken out their hive. They took us apart one by one - until it was just me and Won. Then they made us an offer. They wished to make us /gods/."
"Lee didn't understand. He resisted the idea of infinite power. Spat in the faces of our benefactors until the end. And /still/, they made him a godling." Turning to the man, Won rises to his feet, the armor falling away from him until he stands there, the only thing on him is his uniform.. and the sabres of the Cyclone - which are permamently part of his arms.
"The Invid are our friends, you see! Oh sure, they mean to rule the universe - and now the area beyond the temple - but the chosen ones can rule right beside them!" Picking up the Cyclone he was on, like it weighed nothing, he hefts it up and to the side.
"They understand power. Power courses through their veins! The REF..." he starts to laugh. "The REF will never understand that! Admiral Hunter is a weak man who has never hungered for power! He's blind to it! He refuses it's taste! BUT! We have a chance now! They will make you a god if you chose to fight with them. Gods!" He throws the Cyclone off into the distance, where it slams into a tree.
Power you can only imagine!" he reiterates, with an insane chuckle. "I don't need mecha. I don't need a puny life support system to breathe the air." With a hand gesture, he looks towards Betty. "I can do what I want. And the Invid can bring us right back, just like dear, dear Betty.."
Betty reaches up, removing her helmet. Half of her head is clearly gone, her brain directly linked into the Cyclone's armor systems, one dead green eye staring out at the group as she gives a small cry. "..she's dead, and yet she still resists!" he crows. "But soon, she will give in, just as the rest!"
What rest? There's a bubbling from the lake as several forms start to rise from it - Invid troopers. CVR-3 armored troopers. Southern Cross Armors. Even a large Zentraedi body or two. Most of them it is clearly easy to tell they have been dead, and for quite a while. The Invid look new and whole, however. "...you see.. we took their Hive." Lewis says. "...I gave them bait for fresh recruits for godhood in return for them moving their hive /right/ here." He looks to the Archerfish meaningfully. "Last chance. Join us freely. It will be worth your whiles!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley says, "...Oh man, I knew there was something weird about those guys I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING WEIRD good god man that's just WRONG--" The rest trails into incomprehensible obscenities. Meep."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "Fools..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "They will be made to see the foolishness of their actions!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Roy Fokker says, "What's going on down there?"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray says, "I didn't think they'd actually..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley says, "Augh. God. GOD. /AUGH/. That's just... AUGH."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Lily Davies says, "What?"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "It seems this resistance cell has sold out to the Invid and betrayed their brethren."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Thraskar Davidson is silent for a moment or so. "...So blind." He sounds utterly disgusted.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt transmits the sound of his beam sword activating.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley says, "They're not ours, Commander! They're not anyone's any more!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "I will show them the error of their ways."
Nono...stays toward the back. She has relatively little to contribute, because she has no freaking clue what they're talking about. She keeps an eye on her cameras, and fingers the finger manipulators thoughtfully, causing the EVO-3's hands to clench and unclench slowly. "I can help carry--...no..."
Her hands twitch on the controls at the terrible power of this man, of the monstrous things before her. "This..."
She's not moving, breathing rapidly. She croaks, "U...Uchuu kaiju...Space monsters...!!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Goony Bird Nono croaks, "U....Uchuu Kaiju...space monsters...!!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley, savagely and disgustedly, "And I /wonder/ why I have no faith in people."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji says, "Huh? Space monsters?"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rei Ayanami says, "Space monsters...?"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley says, "'Monsters' is damn straight. And crazy goddamned fools!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji says, "Do ya need some help?"
Sanger Zonvolt is not a happy man. His dark eyes narrow as he sits at the controls of his Gespenst, and he regards the horrific changes that these men have accepted upon themselves. His lines forms into a tight and narrow line, before his machine takes a step backward. "You would betray your own people like this... and turn yourselves into the monsters that have conquered you. That..."
The beam sword activates with an electric hiss, the red blade of energy forming in the air. "...is something I cannot accept! I will bring you all to justice!"
The Gespenst moves in, quickly. As it charges - first towards the lake, Sanger comes for Won. The foot of the Gespenst is lifted. "Betrayal is something that should never be done lightly and dishonorably! HyaaaaaAAAAHH!"
Then, he slams on a foot pedal, and kicks hard - trying to knock his foot into the Invid Cyborg and kick him towards his masters rising from the lake.
Sanger Zonvolt hits Roy Fokker with his WON KICK attack.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley says, "We're good. Just... good god, I'm gonna need one hell of a shower after this... or maybe I'm just gonna be sick. I don't know."
Amuro and Hayato are both silent, at first.
It is Hayato that speaks first, shouting through his radio. He does not get out of his machine. "How could you sacrifice your own people-your own humanity-to creatures like that?! Traitors are traitors, whether they turn against other people or towards some...space monsters, like Nono said! How could you even suggest we join you disgusting monsters?! Turning people into...into things like those! I know what it's like to feel weak, but I'd never accept power like that!"
Amuro is still silent, clutching the controls and staring. It isn't the half-dead he's staring at. It's the speaking ones, and those who can see him in visual feed will note it seems as if he's not directly staring at them. Maybe through them. "They...are Monsters...like Haman...."
"AMURO, WAKE UP!" Hayato snaps up at the other young pilot, and Amuro seems to break out of his daze, letting loose a volley of heavy ammunition from the Guncannon into the Invid...things.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji says, "...Is this one of those things where people turn into giant creepy space monsters, or are helping the evil space monsters because they think it's the way to eternal life or something?"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rei Ayanami says, "... I... I am sorry, that I'm not there."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley, savagely, "Nail on the head, Daigouji. But it's never so pretty in person. Not when you could've known these people."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji says, "...Huh."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji says, "Crazy."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray says, "The ones talking are the monsters..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray says, "He claims that he found power with them..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray looks a little spaced-out, if horrified.
[OOC] Roy Fokker is attack okay, so open fire!
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Goony Bird Nono looks somewhere between horrified and...something else.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "Calm down and keep focus!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "Channel your anger and outrage... and give them no quarter!"
Amuro Ray gets a glancing blow on Roy Fokker with his AMURO WAKE UP attack.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray |Hayato says, "I can't forgive people who would accept that kind of power!"
Rook watches the others, but her expression slowly twists with Lewis' words. There's something subtly wrong about the things he's telling her, and the way in which he tells it. Very wrong. There's a shift in her expression as Lewis continues his explanation, and it culminates in a bright snarl from the freedom fighter.
This is /wrong/.
"Bastards!" Her voice is a hoarse cry, somewhere between outraged, shocked, terrified, and absolutely disgusted. It seems those four emotions vie for which is the strongest. "I hope you rot in hell, and we'll be the ones to send you there! You killed them, didn't you? All of them! Sacrificed them like animals to the Invid! Went against everything we're all fighting for!"
She's actually crying, even if she doesn't acknowledge it behind the visor. The former REF soldiers hit a raw nerve. Unfortunately, they also awoke a sleeping, wrathful dragon in doing so.
Quick as thought Rook jams the accelerator, engine roaring as the Cyclone leaps forward towards the offending half-human things. If she can even call that any more. It's just as well they're in a clearing, though, because that makes things so much easier to track. And she wants to keep track. She wants to be able to /hurt/ them in the most brutal way she can /think/ of.
...Tearing them into very small pieces would be nice, but she'll have to make do with burning holes into them with energy rounds. That she does, raising the Gallant, and firing off shot after shot even as the Cyclone kicks up dust, rounding a curve to keep them trained in her sights. "Hell won't even take you, you cowards! You traitors! /Monsters/!"
You miss Roy Fokker with your WAGE! attack.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rei Ayanami says, "To become a god, by throwing away compassion..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Goony Bird Nono says, "No...it's all wrong..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Goony Bird Nono does not seem to be totally 'home' right now.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley says, "Bastards!" The Cyclone's engine can be heard revving and roaring in the background. Picking up momentum. "I hope you rot in hell, and we'll be the ones to send you there! You killed them, didn't you? All of them! Sacrificed them like animals to the Invid! Went against everything we're all fighting for!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray |Hayato says, "Like the Major says, channel your anger! We won't die to them, today or any day!"
Thraskar remembers the scuttlebutt, the rumors about the bodysnatchers in green ball-bearing ships who take the dead and force them to fight the living. His stomach twists in knots as panic, nausea, rage and disgust wash over him in waves. His hands clutch the bike's controls until the knuckles tighten; they sold them out, they sold them out for /what/ they sold /you/ out...
"They call us ghosts," says one of his own, a winged silhouette in a void-black jumpsuit, "And refuse to believe that we exist." EY391 8EUA (Jaishei Nei'sha) flashes Thraskar an eight-eyed smile. "And yet, I have gainful employment, and a future that doesn't involve huddling in in a mud-drenched hut on some forsaken jungle-world. You really should reconsider."
"Y...you're a /slave/," the memory-Thraskar stammers. "How can you...?"
Thraskar is utterly oblivious to the radio drama; his jaw has fallen open, and while he's trying to speak, no words come out. And then his hand falls upon the pocket with the rosary.
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle." Thraskar's expression changes to one of cold, calculating rage. The words are loud and clear; the skybike rises above the muck as the Invid goons emerge. "Deliver us from evil!" Thraskar leaps off the bike in one smooth motion; its autopilot takes it on a swift course away from here. He lands on a tree branch above the clearing, wings spread, leering over the 'humans' and their undead and their Invid like some kind of demented gargoyle. "There is no god but God, but there's a special little place in Hell for people like you," Davidson snarls. "Say hi to Judas, will you?" A hand darts for another one of those EMP-seekers, and a split-second later it's whirling right for the leader of this band of traitors.
Thraskar Davidson gets a glancing blow on Roy Fokker with his Indignation, Judgment. attack.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "Nono! Focus!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji enters Enthusiastic Pep Talk Mode. "Nono! Show them the power of Hard Work and GUTS! Compassionless jerks never win in the end as long as there's someone willing to stand up and punch them, right in the face! NOW! PUNCH THEM WITH YOUR SPIRIT! GEKIGAN PUNCH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji | Hot-Blooded + 10.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Goony Bird Nono says, "But he's...he's WRONG..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Thraskar Davidson sounds abnormally, dangerously calm. And /pissed/. "Kill him. Kill all of them. Death will be a mercy for the unwilling, and punishment for the traitors."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Goony Bird Nono says, "This isn't godhood at all..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Goony Bird Nono's eyes aren't focused.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley snarls into her radio. "A clean death is too /good/ for them!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Thraskar Davidson laugh-hisses. "Who said it had to be clean?"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray, silent.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rook Bartley just /leers/, and it shows in her voice. "I like the way your brain works, Davidson."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Gai Daigouji says, "Hey! Quit sounding like the villains! Just blow 'em up and put 'em out of their misery!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rei Ayanami says, "Don't..."
Rook's attack comes barreling down on the Judas. As Lewis turns to her, he reaches down with both hands, slamming them on the Cyclone as he strains to hold her in place, "..you reject this? I was hoping to make you my /queen/." he says with a sneering snarl as he growls, muscles rippling beneath the CVR-3 as he hefts the Cyclone, rider and all, and flings her towards the Veritech Alpha Fighter. He doesn't get much time to gloat, however, as Sanger's sword slams into his armor, sending the Invid taken Lieutenant flying towards the lake. He lands in the soggy marsh.. and despite taking a direct hit from a mecha sized sword.. he rises again, chuckling dementedly. "...you'll have to do better than that!"
Won leaps at the Gespenst, his legs just as advanced as his arms. With a powerful springing motion, the sabre arms of the reanimated Sergeant lashing out towards the mecha, attempting to cleave into it as the Saber!Zombie starts his own attack at Lewis's command. The helmet is still in placed.. and with the rest of the armor peeled away, it's easy to tell why. The helmet is /grafted/ in place.
As Amuro's Guntank rounds slam into the mass of Invid and undead that rise from the lake, several troopers in CVR-3 and Southern Cross armor fall back down, however, more continue to rise from the briny depths. They're decayed, most have been modified in some way or another. Grafted. Mutilated. Experimented on.. left to live while always dying. They shamble towards the Guntank, attempting to climb over it to start to destroy it and get to the pilots within.
Another group, moving with the Invid, and their own creatures - sleek, cat like creatures, clearly robotic, start advancing on the Academy Mech. With a leaping pounce, one of the Inorganics attempts to cling to Nono while rest of the undead and Invid start to pile upon the Mecha.
Thraskar's blast comes flying out, slamming into one of the Invid that actually moves in front of James to protect him as one of his own. Remember Betty? She's still standing there, looking torn. "..k-kil.. kill.. me.." she whispers, before raising her right arm. From that arm, a pair of missiles leap out, streaking across the sky towards the alien creature and his bike.
Roy Fokker misses Rook Bartley with his Accept this Proposal, Then! attack.
Roy Fokker hits Sanger Zonvolt with his Slicy Dicey! attack.
Roy Fokker hits Amuro Ray with his Piling on! attack.
Roy Fokker misses Thraskar Davidson with his Eight Eyes X Two Missiles = Sixteen Candles? attack.
Roy Fokker hits Nono with his I'm in love wif a stripper~ attack.
Nono's eyes aren't focused. This is...wrong. Something instinctive and visceral inside of her tells her - it's not right! And she has to...has to...! She reaches out with one hand to grasp the cockpit open lever, and it slides open. She yells, "YOU'RE WRONG!!" but only gets that much out before an Inorganic pounces upon through the cockpit and gets to Nono, thick claws tearing at her tender flesh, and...doing no harm at all? Although to others, surely, it must look like she's being totally mutilated. Others begin to pile on. "No!" she shrieks. "NO!! LET ME GO!! LET ME GO, I HAVE TO TELL HIM! I HAVE TO...to..."
Her voice falls silent. Nono's EVO-3 is not moving.
Rook manages to disentangle herself from the Cyclone just as she's slammed into the Alpha. The Cyclone itself falls and slides down the side of the sleek fighter, landing in a heap. It seems undamaged, though, and she slides down after it, twisting to hop off the incline and land on the motorcycle, kicking it back into ignition. Neither one seem worse for the wear, beyond a new set of striations through the red of the Cyclone's body.
Snarling, she kicks off, revving the ignotion and taking another charge directly at Lewis. But instead of shooting at him, her aim this time is to simply run him over, and drive the weight of the Cyclone over his smirking, armored self. Why, yes, as a matter of fact; Rook Bartley is quite pissed off. What was the first clue?
"Out of my way!" she growls, even as the other undead warriors rise from the lake. She cuts the wheel left and right, zig-zagging around them even as she picks up speed. "/Move/!"
And hopefully, her advance brings her close enough to do some serious rearranging of Lewis' face. Well, what he's got left, anyway. And hopefully, that'll be some permanent rearrangement!
You hit Roy Fokker with your WHUMP. [3 attack.
Hayato grits his teeth, thrown about in the bottom cockpit as the Guntank is smashed about by the oncoming...whatevers. "Amuro! You need to shake them off! I'm doing what I can here!" And indeed, he's simply trying to jostle them away by moving the Tank's tracks about.
Amuro, meanwhile, is holding his head. 'Just kill them and let them rest.' 'But rest where?! You don't go anywhere when you die!' 'Does it matter? You've killed lots of people like yourself! People others would call kids! You can put a few walking dead to rest, right?' 'JUST DO IT!' 'Show pity on them and help them die!' 'But-'
He is conscious of one of them tearing at Nono.
"...that's ENOUGH!" He turns the Guntank's turrets around, firing about with quick reflexes at the shambling creatures trying to surround him. "You can die here! You don't have to listen to him anymore! He isn't a god! He's nothing ilke a god!"
He wonders, briefly, why he is addressing what amount to zombies.
Amuro Ray critically strikes Roy Fokker with his ANGST POWER attack.
Sanger grits his teeth and first hits his thrusters to move backward, as the blades slash gashes into the armor on his Gespenst's legs. The vehicle flies backward, and then goes diving forward. The beam sword first slashes out right in front of him - and the pilot tries to catch Won in the chest with the blade. The immense energy sword is swung out hard, his thrusters powering the hit - he wants to do more than knock him away, this time. He wants to cut him in /half/, if he can.
His eyes shoot to Nono's mecha, and narrow. He grits his teeth, and slams on the brakes - thrusters fire from the chest, and dust is thrown up behind the Gespenst as the thing comes to a stop.
"Nono!" he shouts again. "You have to bring yourself under control. Remember what you said. Show that determination, here and now!"
Sanger Zonvolt hits Roy Fokker with his Cleaving Blow attack.
Murdered, and defiled in death. The rumors are back again, whisper-soft voices talking about something they found on Arist, something /helping/ the roaches... For a moment, Thraskar's expression turns to one of pity, but that's still very much a live target. Killing Betty will be a gesture of mercy.
The bike continues to speed away from the engagement zone, taking a few scrapes as it gets too close to a few tree trunks. Why is Thraskar sending his ride elsewhere?
The answer to this becomes apparent as the sesheyan ducks behind the trunk of the tree, hopping to another branch, and disappearing behind an outcropping of leaves. The missiles detonate, sending a spray of splinters everywhere. Wood cracks, and the upper half of a rather large tree comes tumbling to the ground.
And then, utter silence from the Lieutenant.
Movement, from the bushes three meters away. Something flies out from among them, twirling discus -like through the air before landing at the zombified woman's feet. She will have a precious second or two to react before it explodes in a spray of fire and white-hot shrapnel.
Thraskar Davidson critically strikes Roy Fokker with his This is Diane Duane's schtick. And you, Lewis, are no Diane Duane. :( attack.
With Nono down, the Invid are clearly taking advantage of the situation. The Cougar Inorganic attempts to claw and rend at her, completely oblivious to the fact that its attacks seem to be damaging nothing but clothing as he snaps and gashes at her.
Even with the EVO-03 down, the Invid are ruthless in their assault on the young woman, planning on purely and simply ripping her apart - and then when that is done, they will take her broken body and put it back together as they see fit.
Amuro cleaves a path through the zombies that are attempting to overrun the Guntank. Several of them are alienated in the blast, lifeless bodies finally finding peace as they fall into the soggy marsh. However, several of them are still moving on the Guntank.
One of them, a Zentraedi, hefts his GU-11 Gunpod, and starts to open fire on the Guntank, spraying it down with autocannon fire as the giant advances, providing cover for the smaller units that are attempting to get to the Guntank and the /brains/ inside.
With Rook thrown to the side, James was starting to turn his attention to Sanger to assist Won with destroying the mecha.. when he hears the whine of the Cyclone charging down on him. He takes the hit head on, dragging him beneath the bike and tossing up muck and marsh as it does so.
Rising to his feet, Lewis reaches up, and with a sickening /krack/, he twists his neck back into place in order to face the woman. "..do you even know the powers of that vehcile? You are a fool, woman. I shall show you true power!" And getting aboard one of the Cyclones, James charges towards Rook, transforming the vehicle to it's Battloid mode.
Launching into the sky, the shoulder ports of the vehicle open. Inside, a dozen missile warheads peek out into the darkness, before being launched, screaming and corkscrewing across the sky as they barrel down on the Red Warrior.
Thraskar's grenade has an immediate affect. Betty is blown aside, armor ripped and shredded by the blast. However, it is this very same armor that saves her life as she rises to her feet. Blood is seen staining the white plating of her right leg as she starts to walk towards the Archerfish. But, there's still plenty of troopers for Thraskar to worry about. Such as that Shock Trooper that raises his plasma cannons. The tips glow white for a moment, before they fire off a blast at the Alien Creature.
Things are starting to become chaotic. And across the Archerfish, lights start to come on as the ship is alerted to the fact that it is in immediate danger. Parts of the armor flake away, exposing the yellowish honeycomb hive that lie beneath it.
With the strike on Sanger, Won bounces off, moving backwards quickly. The mecha sword slices into the man, drawing blood, but he's still on his feet, even if he is rather wobbily. Moving forward, Won attempts to parry back the sword.
If he manages to get close enough, the transformed creature will attempt to dig his blades into the wrist of the mecha and rip Sanger's hand apart.
Roy Fokker misses Nono with his Horror Movie Cliche 1: The Cute Teen With No Clothes At The Edge of the Lake is ALWAYS the first to die. attack.
Roy Fokker gets a glancing blow on Rook Bartley with his Horror Movie Cliche 2: RUNNING OVER THE VILLAIN NEVER WORKS. attack.
Roy Fokker misses Thraskar Davidson with his Horror Movie Cliche 3: There is always one in the enemy ranks that is sympathetic! attack.
Roy Fokker critically strikes Amuro Ray with his Horror Movie Cliche 4: ...Zombie Rush, Kekekekeek! attack.
Roy Fokker misses Sanger Zonvolt with his Horror Movie Cliche 5: ...someone always has a bladed weapon. Jason had a machete. Leatherface had a chainsaw. Freddy had gloves. Won has SABER arms. attack.
From within the pile tearing at the EVO-3, there is a stirring. A quiet, brief shuffle...
...and then an eruption. The Inorganic unfortunate enough to be next to Nono actually goes flying off into the distance, impacting about half a mile away and very possibly exploding when it gets there. The EVO-3 is then suddenly SHORN IN HALF...and not by the hands of the Inorganics, oh no.
Nono stands on her pilot seat, The star-shaped pupils glowing a deep, terrifying red. She is holding the entire upper half of her machine aloft. "I WON'T LET YOU HURT THESE PEOPLE ANYMORE!!" she roars, in a voice that could beat down a storm. She throws the top of her machine aside like it was made of cardboard. "I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY FRIENDS!! YOU ARE NO GOD!! YOU ARE A MONSTER, AND WE WILL DESTROY YOU LIKE A MONSTER!!"
She moves to leap...but can't. She looks down. She's...stuck on her control sticks.
Nono scowls, then reaches down and grips the front of her uniform. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" she shrieks, and with one enormous tug, rips the entire chest area of her uniform off, freeing her. THEN she leaps, bellowing, "I'LL SHOW YOU HOW A NONORIRI DEALS WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOU!" as she bounds across the heads of enemies and dirt toward the discarded top of her mech. She stops there, grips the armored metal block that seals the cockpit off from the outside world, and with one, mighty PULL, rips it off...and begins to spin.
She then throws it, and it whips through the air. There are several consecutive thundercracks, as the spinning block of solid titanium completely shatters the speed of sound as it tears into the enemy lines. Any foe unfortunate enough to be in its path will discover that it is not merely travelling fast - Nono has imparted it with so much spin that it is effectively a flying buzzsaw.
Both Guntank pilots are knocked back as the Zentraedi's Gunpod fire pours into Guntank itself, peppering and denting the armor and leaving one gun nearly inoperable. Hayato narrows his eyes, pounding a fist against the console. "How can we fight something that big?!"
"...Easy, Hayato," Amuro answers. "Just...press on the gas pedal."
"...Right." Hayato suddenly feels a little more inspired again, and it has nothing to do with Topless Nono giving a true expression of Hotblood that his old judo sensei would appreciate. The diminutive pilot reaches his foot down, shoving it against a pedal as he forces a lever all the way forward. And the Guntank starts charging at the fallen Zentraedi at full speed, right through the swamp, the tracks mowing over anything that gets in its way.
"You think you can match me with blades? You will need far more skill to ever come close to my level!" Sanger shouts. He draws his sword backrward, quickly, denying Won that parry. The red energy sword flies away, before Sanger brings in the other fist. Won may notice something about the fist of the Gespenst. Three stakes are lined up on the back of it, and each begins to glow blue.
"I will show you the power of a warrior... who doesn't surrender to any enemy!" Sanger shouts. "Stop holding back, and /FACE ME/!" He then hits the thrusters and goes flying forward. The Gespenst rotates around, moving in a circle as the rockets fire.
The fist suddenly glows blue, a brilliant energy field expanding over it. The stakes explode with flame, throwing the fist forward in a final punch - which is easily the size of Won's machine, given the relative sizes of the two mecha.
Amuro Ray hits Roy Fokker with his COMING THROOOOUGH attack.
Sanger Zonvolt misses Roy Fokker with his Jet Magnum super.
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Amuro Ray |Hayato says, "Wow, miss, that was really something!"
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Rei Ayanami says, "Is..."
[Y-Black Sheep Squadron] Sanger Zonvolt says, "She is finally beginning to realize who she really is."
This is probably a good situation wherein the use of certain phrases of slang would be both very fitting and called-for. That would be why, when Rook glances up and sees the glow of twelve missiles jutting out of the Cyclone's forward bay, only two words can really come to mind.
"...Oh, /snap/!"
There's a scramble as she jams the lever on her own Cyclone, forcing it into battloid mode. She lunges aside and rolls, several of the missiles spinning crazily away, but a few of them do strike at her armor, burning partway through the heavy armor. Yelping, Rook brings her attention next to the thrusters, flipping the Gallant in her hand and aiming a shot at Lewis.
"You don't know what the hell power is," she grates, using her other arm to steady the shot, backing up and landing on a low-hanging bough. Crouching, she fires off several shots towards him. "You're not even human any more!"
You switch armor modes to Cyclone Battloid.
You hit Roy Fokker with your Eat Energy Rounds, Fiend! attack.