Who: Shizuru Fujino, Jin Saotome and Midori Sugiura.
When: Sometime last week
What: Jin returns to Fuuka looking for a job
Over at the Ramune Stand, an unusual patron approaches. A young man in his 20's comes limping over, favoring his right leg. "Haven't had one of these in a very long time," Jin admits in a quiet, subdued tone. "I'll have a strawberry one, thanks."
He limps away from the stand with ramune in hand, pondering to himself as he eyes the neighborhood. Noting a school nearby, he ponders his chances of getting a job there. (Well, if it isn't a girl's school, maybe I could hide out here for a bit,) he ponders. (Until I can figure out how the heck to get back to the Cowboy Gate. I can't do it in the shape I'm in, no way.) His gut and thigh stung in painful protest.
If it's a job with Fuuka Jin is looking for, he certainly did arrive at a most opportune time. Heading towards the stand is none other than Shizuru Fujino, a simple high school girl who just happens to be head of the Student Council. Now if this was any other school, that position would not be nearly as major as it is here for Fuuka Academy is a school run for the students by the students. So it is with some curiosity that the girl looks at Jin. Her head cocked slightly, she orders a regular lemon-lime Ramune and just wants this strange injured men quietly for a moment, as if studying him.
Jin silently cursed the pain his gut and thigh were giving him. He wasn't used to feeling limited by pain. "Guess I'm going to have to drink this sitting down," he conceded under his breath, and he rather awkwardly lowered himself into a sitting position on the corner step of a nearby stairwell.
He rolled the marble around in the drink bottle for a while, staring at it, then suddenly, Jin looks around in suspicion, feeling watched. Noticing the schoolgirl nearby, he smiles in greeting, and feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. "Good afternoon, miss," he greets. "Listen, I was wondering if you knew who I might be able to talk to about employment at this academy? Maybe shop, or..." Jin blushes suddenly, remembering what a freak-out people had in this sector had over technology. "Wood shop! I'm good with...wood. Or groundskeeping." He quickly drinks his ramune.
With her own bottle in hand, Shizuru walks towards the stairwell with a noble woman's grace. She hmms? as she places a finger against her chin, "A job with Fuuka academy?" She smiles, "That's rather forward of you." The girl holds out her ramune bottle towards the older man as if indicating that he could, if he felt like, open her bottle for her. After all, a lady should never exert too much brute strength. It's just inelegant. "Why are you looking for one there Mister...?"
Jin is easily able to open the bottle, and he hands it back to Shizuru with a polite smile. "Here you are. Well, to be very honest, I have to be forward right now. There were some bad circumstances, I...uh...was in an accident, and ended up pretty badly injured," he said, wondering to himself if 'hospital' was an evil tech-related buzzword around here, too. He'd better not chance it; better to keep things vague, and take verbal cues from her. "I got some treatment, but...lost my job because I was injured, so I couldn't pay for more treatment." He sighed, and shrugged. "I just need a chance to get on my feet again," he admitted frankly. That wasn't a lie. He just left out the part about the feet actually being his mecha's feet.
"Thank you Saotome-han. I'm Shizuru Fujino." She bows slightly. Oh. A good sob story! Shizuru, while not exactly a sucker for sob stories, does always appreciate one and she sips her ramune in silence as she listens to his story, gauging his sincerity. "I see. That can be pretty hard on a person." She moves to sit next to Jin, "You said you were good in woodshop Saotome-han? We are a predominately academic school. But I am sure we can work something out. What other skills do you have?"
Jin grumbled inwardly. He was a *mechanic*, damn it. A mechanic of MACHINES. Big, metal death machines! And there was one particular machine he desperately wanted to get his hands on. (Easy, Jin...where there's a will, there's a way,) he thought to himself. "Well, admittedly, I never attended university," he said. "But I did complete studies at gakuen...I certainly could substitute, or a teaching assistant. If I were in better shape at the moment, I'd elect for physical education...but it isn't possible right now. I have a pretty well-rounded education. No particular specialties. I've just been through school and remember what it was like."
"I see." Sweeping her skirt out from under her, Shizuru takes a seat by Jin, "Well. We do need a new temporary coach for the track and field club. Would you be interested in that? It would not be too much physical movement. Of course, I would have to get Sagisawa-sensei to give you a look over to make sure you're fit enough to do even that." She pauses for a moment, now that she's closer to Jin and inspects him carefully, "... You do look familiar. Have you been here before Saotome-han?"
"Actually, that would be great, because there's warm-up sessions for track and field," Jin recalls. "And strength training, too. Sure, if everything checks out okay, I would certainly be willing to do that." He can't help but think apprehensively as Shizuru mentions the 'look over'. (What passes for medical treatment in this zone...voodoo? Do they shake bones and chant or something??)
Jin sweats slightly as Shizuru mentions that he looks familiar. "Oh, I'm told all the time I look familiar," he laughs. "Must have that 'familiar-looking' face! No, I've never been to this academy, ever." Well, that wasn't a lie! Where did he make that tremendous scene where the Gestapo responded....down the street, right? Not at the school! So far, so good.
Voodoo? Of course not! Bout Shizuru notes the tiny bit of apprehension from Jin and she chuckles, "Don't worry. Sagisawa-han is a very skilled woman. She's actually a full doctor, but Fuuka Academy demands only the best so we pay her a doctor's salary to be the school nurse." She notes the laugh and giggles herself, "Aah. Then perhaps I was mistaken. Forgive me." She bows again slightly, "There have been odd things popping up here and there and I've been terribly busy trying to contain it all. So what drew you to Fuuka Academy of all places?"
If you think the only one watching this is Shiz? There is another! Midori ha been watching for a little bit and now he's comming up. "So whose this and he doesn't look too good either." oO(It wasn't an orphan attack was it?_
Jin smiled, and felt a little bit more at ease. Even so, as he looked at Shizuru, he realized that this wasn't the girl he directly encountered when he was in full frontal fury, cursing-and-screaming mode. What would he do if he encountered *her* again? He would just have to play dumb. Really, really dumb. He'd have to practice his clueless face in a mirror.
"Fuuka Academy has an outstanding reputation," he replied, "And I've always wanted to be a part of that atmosphere. My own gakuen was...you know, just *okay*. It was adequate. But it wasn't the same as here. Word spreads."
Before Jin can ponder how well his drama club participation served him in this situation, Midori comes over. (Ack! Another one!) "I don't look too good? Well, I hope to look better, eventually...just trying to recover from an injury that's made it hard to get around, miss."
"Ah! Sugiura-sensei!" Shizuru smiles and lifts a hand in greeting to the teacher, "This is a pleasant surprise." She bows her head slightly, "Saotome-han here is looking for a position within Fuuka Academy until he is able to get back on his metaphorical feet." She smiles, "I hope you will look after him?" What's this? Shizuru is hiring STAFF now? Girl must be really trusted by the board.
Natsuki would completely freak out and probably yell at him in public before going off to find Shizuru to yell at her behind closed doors about hiring a Robot Pilot. Of course the nice thing about being a semi-mundane is that Shizuru can always feign ignorance and Natsuki is less than willing to share anything that's out of the ordinary that could get Shizuru involved. "Ara ara. Saotome-han is really very flattering."
Midori Sugiura contiunes with Jin for a moment. "We should take you to the nurse to get a look at you." She smiles at Shiziru and says "Oh? We been short in a few things hummm?" She nods "What postion is he looking for?"
"Well, wherever I can be useful," Jin said, squinting in pain as he slowly eased himself to a standing position to address Midori standin. "Shizuru-san suggested track and field...not all the assistant positions involve running. Academically, I could assist other teachers, proctoring tests and the like."
"Just a few suggestions. Fuuka can always use a spare teacher ne Sugiura-sensei? Especially with the rash of unexplained attacks going around campus lately." The council president sounds just clueless enough to indicate that she has no idea what's really going on around the town. Shizuru then smiles slyly, "And I am sure some of the female students, especially in the high school, would be happy to know that such a strapping young man is around to ensure their safety." Not that Shizuru is interested.
Jin smiled at Shizuru's glowing endorsement. "Oh, absolutely! If there's local security problems...I can definitely help." He looked to Midori respectfully, bowing his head slightly.
Shizuru chuckles. It's so good to see the help being so enthusiastic, "Well then! Since it's settled." She stands up and brushes off her skirt for a moment before discarding her empty ramune bottle, "You do have an apartment in town no?"
As Midori leaves -- probably in a hurry to attend to some business -- Jin looks toward Shizuru. "Thank you for that, I appreciate your endorsement," he says. "Especially at a time like this. Actually, I'm staying with a friend, so at least that isn't a problem." Come to think of it, it was pretty nice of that stranger...the one who shared his name Saotome, of all things!...to allow him to stay with him free of charge. Provided he make himself useful by fixing the guy's mechs, of course. "So you mentioned some problems around the school...security problems, then? How bad have they been?"
"Hmm. It would depend." Shizuru smiles, "There have been reports of random perverts prowling around campus stealing girls' panties and bras. We never did catch the panty thief. So he might still be around." Though Takeda was taken in. Poor boy. "There have also that explosion like the one a few months ago at the Lindenbaum. But I suppose it couldn't be helped. Broken gas mains, while they happen rarely, are truly devastating. And people have reported hearing about a mysterious stray dog that's been wandering around. So far it hasn't hurt anyone, but we can't be sure. No one's ever seen it. A mystery no?"
Jin nodded, and frowned slightly. These were at least problems that occurred at most every school. He pondered the explosion. Could that possibly have been when he fired upon that rogue mecha just as they passed through the gate into this realm? Well...at least he wasn't the panty thief. He wondered, briefly, if the Gestapo here came out for all types of crime, or just tech-related 'crimes'. At least gas mains weren't evil. He'd have to remember that. "That *is* pretty strange. I can certainly patrol around the grounds at night, if that becomes necessary."
Shizuru bows, "That would be helpful. I will be sure to introduce you to the Student Council Executive board. They are the ones who are really in charge of student safety, but I'm sure Suzushiro-han would not mind having an extra hand. She can be a bit ah.... enthusiastic though." Somewhere, the blonde bombshell sneezes loudly and mumbles, "Is something tempting about me?" Next to the blonde, a mousy girl in glasses sighs, "That's talking Haruka-chan."
But back to the real world! "If you like, I can introduce you to our chairman right now Saotome-han."
"Sure! That would be great," Jin said cheerfully. He took a moment to check himself over. He wasn't wearing his usual tell-tale mech pilot's outfit, in a bid to be less conspicuous. His clothes were much more blue-collar...an inexpensive work shirt with collar, and dark work pants. And they were clean, so he didn't look too much like a bum. "Lead the way, and I'll follow along as best I can."
Shizuru nods and begins walking towards campus proper, "I will give you a tour while we're at it." It's not too far before the duo reaches the school gates, "This is the entrance to our school. For students who do not live in town, we provide on campus housing. The many of the students choose to stay here due instead of renting an apartment in town due to the fact that it's closer to campus and also considerably cheaper without the hassles of having to worry about bills and the like. We don't really have a curfew for the students who stay on campus unless the Executive Committee has decided to place one in effect due to whatever emergency." She chuckles, "I believe we have have had one during the panty thief incident."
"Can't blame them for making that an emergency, actually."
Jin looked around with interest, taking in what was considered 'normal' and what was conspicuously absent, once they were inside...he was trying to keep a mental inventory of what kinds of technology were present and which were absent (Clocks? Watches? Calculators? Lights? Communications/Intercom?). As he walked along with a limp favoring his right leg, he nodded slightly. "This is a great campus, do you know offhand how many students attend?"
"Between the elementary school, the middle school and the high school, we number around 1600 students, though we have many more students who apply and do not make it past the various entrance exams." As for level of technology, you're looking at standard 20th century things. Digital wrist watches, street lamps, cars and motorcycles (which were found off campus). "As you can see, we are a fairly large private school. Every year we have two festivals as well. The cultural festival and the founder's day festival."
The pair passes by several more buildings and a large courtyard, "Of course. Due to the fact that we are not actually located IN a large city but rather Fuuka itself was built around the school which was built around the shrine." With this, the council president points up a massive hill where there is a long strip of barren land. She then smiles back at Jin, "We have a large amount of land. The chairman herself actually lives on campus."
Jin relaxed, glad the technology was only slightly primitive by his own standards, but nothing he couldn't live with. He recalled his mother telling him something about people in the US who lived without technology...'Amish' or something like that, and the thought of living in such a way chilled him to the core. He didn't think he could handle that level of unsophistication.
"Wow, this is pretty impressive, it's like a miniature city of its own," Jin remarked. "Kind of like the town center, since the town was built around the school and shrine."