Title: Phazon Cannon
Who: Ridley, Vincent Thompson, Dizzy, Kazuma Torisuma, Peleps Kaizoku Seki, Kai Ozu, Roy Mustang, Samus Aran, Monkey D. Luffy, Zorin Blitz (plus radio chatter)
When: Monday, October 09, 2006
Where: Mundane Sector - New York City
Summary: The Space Pirates have discovered a new and powerful substance called 'Phazon', and their new cannon is designed to take advantage of it. But as Samus and her allies try to take the cannon out and fights rage in the streets below, the Pirates find that Phazon is more dangerous than they knew...
http://www.forresterlabs.com/logs/GateMUSH/Samus_Aran_012.log Note: Vincent Thompson, Peleps Kaizoku Seki, and Zorin Blitz appear to need tags.