[Log] Another Day, Another Fall (fun)

Sep 11, 2006 22:18

WHO: Hanataro Yamada, Kitty Pride, Serpentina, Thomas
WHEN: This random time of day somewhere along the lines...
WHERE: The Place Where Everything Happens! The Hub!
WHAT: Kitty and Tina are out and about, running into Thomas and Hanataro on the way. Chatting ensues.
WATCH FOR: Thomas sandwich, Kitty phasing = good/bad for Thomas, Tina and Thomas, Hanataro's lesson for the day, Tina's misunderstandings, digital pictures, Thomas' rep is getting worse

According to the Tina-network - what Kitty fondly calls the phone calls between herself and Tina, the fashion show went off rather well! Of course, Kitty had her doubts that the people at the fashion show even /knew/ what the mutant cause was, since.. well, no one ever asked her about it. But hey, they got the proceeds, which were given to the Professor so he could pass it along to the necessary people. Unlike Tina however, Kitty wasn't exactly gungho about the guys featured in the fashion show - but it didn't stop her from looking at the pictures!
Curled about her shoulders is a hefty siamese cat, his tail twitching
contentedly as he peers at the pictures in turn. "I guess the Friends ofHumanity didn't know about the fashion show," Kitty muses, "So that makes it all the better." She grins at her friend as they enter the Hub.

Yup, Thomas is definitely getting stuck in the Hub more often than he needs to. Somehow, the youth always seems to be busy, even when he's not at home. Here he comes, walking along with some of the light crowds passing through, his sweatjacket strings flying behind him. Bumble, Thomas, bumble!

The Tina Network is only slightly faster than Reuters when it comes to fashion! Tina babbles excessively on eeeeeend about how wonderful the show was! That, and how marveled she was at the warm and welcoming reception! Not a single hiss or boo about the mutant cause! ... Which.. is probably helped by the fact that nobody knew what a mutant was. Eh-heh.
"SERIOUSLY, Look At This Guys Buns!" Tina punctuates every word as she taptaptaps a picture of Ling in his elaborate chinese crimson robes, "For serious! We need to toooooootally tackle Orihime and FORCE her to tell us where she found this guy. And see if he has identical twin brothers. Who are available."
She walks alongside her friend, grinning happily.. laughing once at the FoH, "Naaaaaah Nah. I was talking to some of the security people.. They said that, believe it or not, that like.. fighting is stopped here. In this place.." waving her hand in general to the Hub around them, "I guess some sorta security force.. stuff.. comes into prevent it from happening. Its kinda weird. I definitely don't wanna test it out tho.."

Kitty Pryde says, "I don't want to look at his buns." Kitty remarks flatly - but she looks anyway. It's instinct - sort of like when people say 'Don't look down', and you automatically LOOK DOWN. "Nice robes." Is her only comment. Frankly she wasn't terribly impressed by the guy. "The guy's all right too - but I've seen hotter." And she's not referring to Piotr either.
She makes a face, "Tina, it's okay if we just ask her normally, but let's not harass her about it, hm? If she doesn't want to tell us, we should respect that." She looks thoughtful for a second, ".. I wish I brought my computer."
Tch. She smirks faintly, in genuine amusement, "You're welcome to his identical brother, if he has one," she adds, "But he's totally -not- my type." She sobers again, nodding, "I think it's pretty cool - and clever of Hokuto to have hosted the show here. Man, if we had the hubs anti-violence.. thing.. everywhere, can you imagine? It would be the equivalent of world peace. Humans and Mutants would have no choice but to get along, because they wouldn't be capable of hurting each other." A perfect world. But she's certain it has it's flaws.
Juuuuuuust ahead, she spies a familiar figure, "Isn't that.." She pauses, then lifts her arm, voice raising a bit to get his attention. "Thomas?""

With the Gates, they've really become such small worlds after all. Thomas blinks and bwuhs, turning abruptly on a heel and taking a few steps to steady himself. "Wha - K-kitty?? Oh!" His face lights up, giving a big smile. Not big as in scary, but, like, glad. He weaves pass a few people before resting his hands on his knees to breathe. "It's been a while since I last seen you! How've you
been? An - oh, a friend?" His brown bangs are brushed back from topaz eyes.

Tina giggles impishly at the 'robes' comment. XD Buuuut, as Kitty seems to dismiss the Chinese hearthrob Tina seems a bit miffed! Her lips contorting into a pout as she pulls the picture away from her, hugging it to her shoulder, "Well geeeez Missus Hoity-Toity!" Tina teases as her grin returns, "I'm sorry every man can't be built like Arrrnooold with a chizeled jaw, lickable biceps and-"
Buuut.. before she can pursue such trains of thought, the comment about the Hub makes her think pretty hard. Her eyes narrow as she gets a rather distant look.
On the surface, yeah. World peace overnight would be pretty awesome. But then you gotta ask yourself.. How truly 'impartial' are those Hub defenses anyway? What if whomever is running them decided how things should be run..

But before such sobering thoughts can be formed into a question, Tina blinks as Kitty seems to notice someone, "Hrm?" Looking over towards this new arrival with quizzical jade eyes.

Kitty Pryde shoots Tina a pained look. "Tina." Her parting with Piotr wasn't exactly on sunshiney terms, and the last thing Kitty wanted was to be reminded of him. In a sense she still held a torch for the guy, and always would, but..well, /he/ cheated on /her/. And it still hurts. She gives her friend a light shove, though she's thought of the same of someone taking controlling the Hub's defenses. Not a pretty thought. SO instead she smiles, motioning Tina to follow her. "It has been a long while, Thomas. This is my friend, Tina." she gestures
at the girl, then motions back to Thomas, "Tina, Thomas. I met him the very first day I discovered the Gates, in fact." That would be when the Professor had asked her to check the Hub and it's connecting worlds out to see if they posed a threat.

"N-nice to meet you, Tina," comes the automatic and genuine greeting from the castle master, bowing his head a little. He doesn't notice Kitty's true feeling at the moment, but he still can look sort of quizzical during the exchange between the friends; she hides it well, in fact.

Tina exhales at the shove, lips contorting downwards and she speaks no more. Her opinion on the matter? She doesn't buy Piotr's affair for an instant. He was in the middle of something she can -barely- understand, that whole Battleworld nonsense makes Tina extremely skeptical of his state of mind. Her opinion? Total mindcontrol. Piotr loves Kitty, she knows it! She's -seen- it.
But that'll be a thing to fix another day.
Otherwise, Tina quickly follows in-step and grins to this normal looking fellow, "Oh hey! Nice to meetcha Tom!" Reaching out a hand in a bid to shake his own. ^.^ "Don't be so nervous, buddy! We won't bite!" She then immediately questions, "What planet do you come from, Pal?" Heee.. she's always wanted to say that. XD

Mindcontrol. Kitty would LOVE to believe that, really she would. But if that had been the case, Piotr would have regained his senses when the alien healer had died. At least, that's usually how it happens. But Tina and Illyana both understand Kitty wanting not to think of him and such, so. Well, anyway. Tina's remarkably /normal/ greeting to the young man gets a faint exhalation from Kitty herself, who chuckles at the follow up question.
Glancing at Thomas, the young mutant smiles, "How have things been back at the castle? Are the repairs finished?"

Planet? Oh. Thomas laughs - nervously, since he can't help it. "Ah, well, um, it's a place called Budehuc - a castle, like Kitty says - somewhere on the borders between the Grasslands and Zexen territories." He also extends his own hand, shaking Tina's lightly. "Oh, Budehuc has been running on its usual energies, Kitty. Busy as ever. I feel that I haven't paid enough attention to the place lately, but half of the rennovations have been made."

He smiles again, happy about the slow accomplishments. "What about you two? Doing anything special?"

Tina listens to the details a bit.. Grinning brightly as she listens. Oh, so he's from Budapest? In the.. oh, wait. The blonde slowly begins to realize that he doesn't seem to get it as she shakes her head politely, "Oh! No no. I mean.. Plaaaneeet. Not town. I mean, you know. Planet! Round thing. Lotsa stuff on it. Spins around the sun. Galactus eats 'em. You know.." Demonstratively making her fist revolve around her other fist, representing something vaguely resembling an orrery, "Like this!" ^.^

Kitty Pryde grins faintly at Tina, "Nevermind, T- it's not important. I don't think all the planets in the Gates are Named anyway." She muses. If she had heard Tina's thought about Budapest, she probably would be laughing too hard to even say that much though. "I'm glad to hear it. I'd love to see the place when it's completely finished. In fact, if you need help, I'd be happy to give you a hand." She almost flinches even after saying that. Ahaha, between X-Men missions, college, and work, plus the Relief Society, should she really be
offering aid? Well too late now. She meant it anyway.
"Us? Mm, not really. There was a fund raiser in here the other night - a fashion show actually - and Tina here attended. She says that it was pretty good - frankly I'm amazed she's coherent after seeing some of the models."
She'd offer the pictures to Thomas, but.. he's a guy, and guys generally aren't interested in clothing.
Unless they're gay.

He really doesn't know how to respond for a moment. He blinks at Tina, nodding slowly. "...right. I'm sure the planet is the same as yours, in a way." He's still confused. It'll pass.

Thomas glances back to Kitty. "Oh, I'm sure we'll be fine with the rest of the work, but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks." His head tilts as she mentions the fashion show stuff. "Fashion show?" He certainly sounds interested since he doesn't really know what that is exactly. He wants to see piccys!

Wait - he was interested in the pictures? Kitty looks a bit surprised, but she smiles, reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out the digital camera that Tina had taken pictures with. Hopefully Thomas has seen these before! Or at least, he won't think they put tiny models in a tiny box and trapped them in one position for eternity.
"Basically men and women volunteered to show off various outfits designed by people. I think one of the designers -- no, two of them actually -- are in the Relief Society. HOkuto Sumeragi and Ishida Uryuu." She offers the camera to Thomas mildly, leaning over to point, "The pictures show up on the screen here," tapping at the central part of the camera, "Just tap this arrow pointing right to see the pictures in succession."

So, just push this button - oh! Neat! Thomas stares in awe at the digital pixels in his hand, seeing how nifty and....*cough* interesting some of those outfits really were. Nice costumes, really. Um. "Wow...this is similar to regular costuming, is it not? Like in a play?" He can't help but laugh a little. He missed this? Heh.

Kitty Pryde can't help but grin at Thomas as he inspects the pictures, "Well, I guess, only they're not playing roles. THey pretty much just walk down that platform there, show off their outfits, introduce the next group and go back to get another outfit. I think I saw that girl," she points at one, "At least three times, so they changed at least that many times, I think."

The uber blonde nods with a great smile, "Aaaah! Same planet! I see!" Tina nods once again, seeing as how her first hunch was correct afterall! She then listens a moment, looking between Kitty and Thomas happily.. again nodding as Kitty pulls out the camera and begins to show, "Yeah! Oooo! Lookit the dress Origami wore that Ooyoou made! It's -awesome-! I toootally did mean to ask what gemstones they used.. I mean, wow, lookitthat!" The girl walks over to stand behind Thomas and look over his shoulder. o.o "Yeah! Totally! C'moooon.." The
girl then moves to shake the guy's shoulders playfully, "Don't tell me they don't have fashion shows in Budapest!" ^.^

"Whoa." The pictures still change as he taps the button, seeing each person as Kitty said. And...he feels weird having someone looking over his shoulder, but hey. He clears his throat and then gives the camera back to her gingerly. "Very nice. It's good to have fund raisers. And...I-I d-don't think w-we do..."
Thomas straightens up again, pulling on the sleeve of his jacket while the last part of his sentence sounds warbly from the shaking. "W-wuh, Budepest???"

Kitty Pryde says, "... Orihime. Uryuu." Kitty corrects, her tone one of
resignation. She's had to correct Tina on the pronounciation of those names SO many times. ;o; They WILL sink in, she swears it! And when Tina mentions Budapest, Kitty almost chokes on her giggle, slapping a hand over her mouth, "B..b...Budehuc.." She corrects. Again. But she has to bite her lower lip to keep from giggling. Castle Budapest. Snerk.

"Oop! Right! Ori-Hi-Me! Ur-Yuu!" Tina quickly blurts out with a surprised look, snapping out of her momentary laps. Darn those Japanese names, they're sneaky like that in their unpronouncability.
Still... The girl pauses a moment as she blinks to Thomas.. then to Kitty.. noticing the disquiet of one and the mirth of the other. "..Yeah...Buda..pest?" Her voice trails a moment as she looks to Kitty, settling her hands on her hips! "Yeah! BUDAPEST. You said Budapest! Although.. I didn't know there were any castles in Budapest.." Tapping her lip with her finger as her eyes roll upwards, "I thought it was full of Temples and Free Tibetan Concerts
and stuff.." o.o

Ah, he's let go of! "Um, it's Budehuc. BUdehuc." Even he got it wrong before. Thomas grins awkwardly, noting that Tina's enthusiasm relates to Cecile's. Scary thought, that. "It's through another gate....and I don't think there are any temples. Just...a ship." He then quirks a brow, still getting confused by the spiel.

Kitty Pryde almost falls into another fit of giggles. Instead she clears her throat fiercely, "Tina, the Professor would have an aneurysm if he heard that."
Ahem. And did Kitty just subtly move so that poor Thomas was between her and Tina? Thusly putting him closer to the Danger of Blonde Enthusiasm? Why, yes. Yes she did. "I don't think Budehuc is anywhere on Earth, alternate or not," she adds for her friend's benefit. "Don't worry about what planet it is anyway." Then to Thomas, curiosity in her voice, "What kind of a ship?"

The blonde indeed has let go of the trembly guy. FOR NOW.
"Huh.. Wait, a ship?" Tina puzzles over this new piece of information as she taps her lip again, "..But.. I think Budapest is like in the Himalayas and surrounded by ginoooormous mountains!" Waving her hands upwards in a vague facimile of something mountainous, "How in the world did you managed to drag a ship aaaaaaall the way up th-"
Once again Tina snaps to attention as Kitty sharply clears her throat and invokes the name of The Prof! She backs away a step with her hands raised wardingly as the Illinoian moves up behind the poor mousey fella, nearly sandwitching him between the ensuing verbal melee.
"But.. But.. But! ... He said.. you said.. Ooooooo." >.< These crazy people and their geographies. She wants to know the name of this silly planet and she'll get it even if she has to beat this dude over the head until all the marbles roll out. >.<

Awwwww shoot.

When did Kitty get closer to him? This is odd. Ack. "U-uhm..." He pauses to think. And his mind starts to reel a bit. "W-w-well, you see, the ship was stuck on the side of the castle before I even got to the place. It's become an outdoor bath house, along with having several rooms on the lower decks." Or was it upper? "It's there to stay...and...yes, w-we're not mountain people..."

Yeah, there's no way he can bring up the fact he's stuck, literally. Now what. GAHH!

This looks like a call for a SUPERHERO! Thomas will just have to settle for an undersized soul reaper instead. "Anou... Hi Thomas!" Hanataro walks up to the party with a cheerful wave, as he too had been in the area coincidentally enough. He remembers the one girl, and frankly hopes she doesn't remember him well enough lest he start sweating up a storm again.

Kitty Pryde says, "BudeHUC, we said, Tina," Kitty grins, "Not BudaPEST." She lifts her hands, seeming to weigh the words in either hand, "Totally different places. Different worlds even." What the heck was the importance of the name of the Planet anyway? Tina would never remember it anyhow! Lifting her arm, she boldly means to /lean/ on Thomas as she looks past him to Tina. "....Brad Pitt."
What this enigmatic name might mean? Well! Tina might have an idea. >:3
And then in comes SuperHana! .. or is is Hanataro, the Boy Shinigami? Hm. Recalling the fellow from the convenience store, and the beach - where she discovered whoooooooole lot of shinigami (like WOA mang), Kitty lifts a hand, moving away from poor discomfited Thomas. "Yo~. Hanataro, right?"

The Blonde Hurricane moves yet closer as she looks over Thomas' shoulder, her expression frumped as her jade eyes drill into her mutant compatriot, "Buda.. Heck? What kinda place is Buda-HECK? ..Is it like some kinda low-rent district of the Himilayas or something? And.."
Oh No. She -WENT THERE-, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Tina blurts out as she quickly reaches forward to GRAB Kitty's shoulders! ... Having the unfortunate side-effect of pinning Thomas in her arms and shaking him about the same as she shakes Kitty, "OkayOkayOkay! BUDAHECK! BUDAHECK!" ;_; Yielding her side of the argument.. even as she doesn't yield an inch to poor Tommy.
However! As another voice picks up, Tina turns her jade eyes over to the dour dead-guy, "Oh! Hey! It's Hamtaro! Hey Hammy!" She beams brightly, holding her position (and the captive Thomas) for the moment. Clearly seeming to recognize the cutie-pie. ^.^

Thomas can just die. Right there. But he doesn't. Everything seems to happen -too- fast around him. His eyes start spinning if it were manga-styled, words turning into sounds as he tries to speak up. No use.

But then! A ray of light! Thomas shoots his gaze over to the little shinigami. OH THANK GOODNESS HANATARO HELPHELPHELP PLEASE I'M STUCK GET ME OUT OF HERE NOWWWW Certainly he can regain his senses ACKACKACK by now.

The little shinigami's face just lights up. It... it can't be! But it is! SHE REMEMBERED HIS NAME. Kitty's about to get a happy joyous bow, when he's abruptly blindsided by the power of Tina. "Anou... it's Hanataro. Hanataro Yamada. It's easy to remember," he pleads, trying both to look helpful at the enthusiastic girl as well as sympathetic to Thomas's plight. If the little bead of sweat on his bangs is any indication, he's failing miserably.

So, instead, he goes back to Kitty. "You were... anou... at the beach party! I remember now!" Now he can give the joyous happy SOMEBODY REMEMBERED HIS NAME bow.

Kitty Pryde lets out a startled EEP! when Tina womanhandles her, squishing Thomas right up against her in the process. "Whoah! Tina, do you MIND?" Augh!
Poor Thomas! Kitty glances around quickly, and promptly phases, at the same time stepping to the side. This has the effect of Thomas no longer having anything /solid/ to be squished against, so he might just fall backwards if he's not careful!... oh wait.. Tina's ..going to fall too. Oh this might make for an embarassing fall if one or both is careless!
... my my my. o/~
Of course, to anyone who /doesn't/ know about Kitty's power, it might just look like she slipped free of Tina's grip and stepped to the side. 9.9 Hands clasped innocently behind her back, Kitty smiles at Hanataro - wow, all she did was remember his name! She muffles a giggle with a little effort, and nods, "Right. It was a little chaotic there, so I wouldn't have been surprised if you had forgotten. It's Kate. Kitty to my friends."

OH NO he's pressed against - wha -

Good, so he's not squished against Kitty. He still does have Tina on the other side of him though, and it seems that he's apparently falling forawrd for some reason. His view is turning sideways...wait. Is that suppose to be happening?

The ground...it's coming closer...

The blonde wonder concurs with the reluctant Hammy as she echos to Kitty, "Yah! See? Hamtaro! Easy to remember.. HamtarrroooooooooooooooooOOOIEEE!"
Tina's commentary transforms into a squeal as she topples forwards as Kitty deigns to make herself insubstantial! Naturally, the girl was leaning heaaaavily in Thomas' direction and down she goes! She reflexively wraps her arms around him in a bid to hang onto something as she collapses to the ground on top of him! "OOPH!"
... A voice lilts up from the tangle of limbs, "...So your fault, Kitty." Tina mutters as she blinks her jade eyes, which are roughly three inches away from Thomas' on the ground as she queries, "Hey, you alright?" She seems completely unhurt.. unconcerned even. Although, hopefully poor Tommyboy didn't hit his head or anything. o.o
We did mention she's extremely pretty, right?

Hanataro can only stop and stare at the carnage, his jaw drooping even further than his eyes. Poor Thomas. Poor poor Thomas. You were a braver man than Hana, and Hana's dead. Oh the humanity. There's only one thing to say in a moment like this: "Hanataro. Not Hamtaro. Hanataro."

"She's not good with names." Kitty asides to Hanataro, "I'm sorry." Leaning down, she plucks the camera up from where it fell when the two toppled over, checking to make sure it wasn't broken. Looked okay to her. While Thomas and Tina weren't looking, she took a few steps back and .. -click-ed a silent picture. Glancing at Hanataro, she chuckles lightly, "I couldn't resist." ^.^
"So how are things going back in Karakura? I mean aside from...well.." She grimaces, gesturing slightly. She heard about the business with Aizen from the post Orihime made.

Wincing, Thomas' eyes are still clamped shut from the impact. It feels like the wind's been knocked out fo him. And why does he feel like his chest is being crushed by something....?

He opens his topaz eyes slowly, finding that he's staring directly into Tina's.

Oh. Shoot.

"........I....I...I'm fine! Fine! Y-yeah! Ahhh~" The castle master struggles with his mindworks, trying to get up and get Tina off of him. And how he's going to do that without touching her is harder than it looks. Man.

Without touching her? Buddy, welcome to thirty seconds ago. She's all over him! Infact, quite literally. Her legs straddling his. Her arms still wrapped around his middle as she grins happily to him. ^.^ Well, he looks okay to her!
As Kitty quickly begins to snap a few photos, the blonde tilts her head and quickly adds, "Oh! Wait wait!" She turns on he side to properly lounge on Thomas' chest, moving an arm to wrap around his neck so she can rest her cheek to his forehead. Her other hand moving up in a 'V' as she smiles!
She's never one to pass up a good photo, see.
"Cheeeeese!" Tina echos. Pausing a moment as her jade eyes slide over to the guy in her grasp, and his look of mounting panic, "Hey smile! .. You sure you're okay?" Reaching over to clasp his chin in her own so she can get a closer look at him, "..You're all panicky and stuff. You sure there isn't like.. a mugger chasing you or something? You look totally distracted.."
Tilting her head to eye him skeptically.

Don't worry, Kitty. "Anou... that's a camera, right?" Hanataro marvels the modern invention, looking it over much like one would expect someone from medieval Japan to look over a fancy toy from The Future. "They're how you make pictures on the... anou... computer? I don't have one of my own, they're too expensive even with both of my salaries." Its then that he looks over at Tina and Thomas, then at Tina again, then at Thomas again, then turns back to Kitty with a red flush to his cheeks. "Anou... can people do that... in public?"

Oh dear. Thomas' brain just went out. Nobody has done -THAT- to him. All the while the pictures are taken, he stares vacantly, his mouth twitching. His own face is a shade of red, as well, trying to comprehend these strange feelings and actions. As his head is turned to face Tina again, he blinks, his tone stuck on a vowel. And she took pictures?!? Thomas snaps out of it, still red, squirming a bit. "Ahhh!"

Kitty Pryde nods at Hanataro cheerfully, offering it to show it to the
shinigami, "Yeah. Tina took a bunch of pictures of the girls and guys at the fashion show on it for me, since I was..." erm. "Occupied." with her team, doing battle. And as for Hanataro's innocent question, the blue eyes of the brunette mutant dance lightly. She leans over to the shinigami, "Well, generally you could get arrested for that kind of thing. But there are certain places where people look the other direction." Poor Thomas' scream causes her to put a hand over her mouth. "Tina, come on, up, before you give the poor guy a heart attack, Oh Heartbreaker."

Tina blinks with a curious expression as Thomas seems to be a little out to lunch right at the moment, "Hey Kitty.. Lookit this.." She muses as she tilts his head over while her hand is still on his chin. Gently using her fingers to work his mouth open and closed as she grins mischieviously up to her compatriot, "Heee, Just like a fish!" ^.^
However, as reality sinks back into the boy's addled noggin and lets out that cry of shock, Tina YEEKS! The girl immediately releasing his head as she sits up.. merely straddling his middle with her arms up and away as if recoiling from a squirming mouse in the kitchen! o.O
"Hey! Hey! Calm down Calm-"Tina again looks up and over to Kitty's
suggestion as she exhales, "Oooh. Alright." ._. The girl then immediately rises to her feet, stepping over Thomas The Speedbump as she self-consciously readjusts her shorts on her hips. "C'mon buddy, on your feet!" She announces as she then turns around and reaches out a hand to him. ^.^

A gasp comes up, relieved that the girl moves off of him. He quickly sits up, eyes still wide open. He looks dumbly at Tina for a moment when she offers her hand to help him up, but he catches on, taking the offer. When on his feet, the youth clamps his mouth shut, now looking at the ground and raking back his bangs, making part of it stand up funny.

"Ahh." Thus concludes today's lessons in the continuing education of Hanataro Yamada. He's going to have some whoppers of stories to tell the rest of the Fourth Division! "I missed the fashion show," he admits. "I had to work that day." Real work, actually. Some shinigami spend their days fighting Hollows, others spend them asking what flavor slurpee. "I haven't heard anything about it either." Fortunately. If anybody told Hana about Rukia and Renji, he might
just faint right then and there.

Kitty Pryde says, "Neither have I, but I expect the juicy stuff will be
floating around and about eventually." Sooner than most she'd bet. If she put Tina on the job, she'd have tons of rumors and gossip to listen to and laugh at! She casts an amused, though apologetic glance at Thomas as he's helped up, "It was nice seeing you both again," she adds to Hanataro and Thomas, "But I've got to get going. I have night class tonight," she hates night class. And tonight was Ladies night at the bar too ;o; "I'll call you int he morning Tina; I won't be getting home till two or so tonight.""

The youth glances up roughly at the three. He nods vigorously. "...I-I gotta go, too. Got to do...stuff. B-bye." The last words are rushed, and when he ends it, he turns and starts walking off oddly, stiffly. Oh, his rep...what rep. Like he had one. But...it might end up bad.

Don't worry, he go back to normal.

After helping the boy up, Tina continues smiling to him. ^.^ Just in case he thought there was hard feelings or anything! She then regards Kitty and nods, "Aw.. Well! We'll catch the next one then. Might as well head back and..Yeah!" The blonde waves to the other two, "Nice to see you again Hammy! Take it easy Tom!" ^.^ As she likewise begins to head back in the direction of the gate they came from.

The meek boy waves limply to the departing girls. "Anou... It's Hanataro..."

kitty pryde, thomas, serpentina, hanataro yamada

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