READING UPDATE ONE -- Several Hours in!
Currently Reading: There is No Me Without You by Melissa Fay Greene
& Sex, Power, & the Violent School Girl by Sibylle Artz, Ph.D.
Total Pages read so far: 81 (what was left of Mazzanoble's book) + 63 pages of Greene's.
Total Time spent reading so far: Unknown...
Other Readers I have visited:
Kanaye44 Finished Books: Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress by Shelly Mazzanoble (YaY!)
Comments: After breakfast I got some more reading in. I was obliged to switch books later when I went upstairs to make lunch, as well. My husband roped me into logging on to
EVE-Online, and for the last hour I've been in a directors/CEO meeting on TeamSpeak rather than reading. I wish I was better able to keep track of how much time I'd actually been reading... :-(