This was literally me yesterday afternoon when I finished handing in my two essays. The mister was hugely amused. He made himself busy heading to the store while I went up to campus. And ended up cooking me one of my favorite meals and piling me with liquor all night to celebrate. It was amazing to just have time to RELAX for a change. To run around the flat fooling around and being suitably ridiculous without the pressure and stress of two essays breathing down my neck. - HELLO REAL LIFE I SEE YOU THERE.
I slept in this morning. IT. WAS. AMAZING. There are really no words for a good lie in! The mister made to get up but I hooked him back down in the sheets. He was like: "BEBE I NEED TO PEE!" - I WAS LIKE: "LOL NOPE." My next essay is due May 1st so I am sluffing off for a few days to recharge. It is a 30 page essay but SHHHHH totally no thinking about it yet.
But a few hours after I woke up I realized that I suddenly had no idea what to do with my life after so many weeks of having my arse to the essay grind stone. - And unfortunately I made the mistake of looking through some of the pages of the essays I just handed in but had to stop, because I was kind of like this. - Which in turn made me a little stressed about what I had handed in, thus I decided to throw myself fully into the world of fandom for the day. - NO REGRETS.
So I figure it's time to get my arse moving on a few of my Walking Dead and Primeval WIP's and some new story idea. I haven't have time to stretch my fandom wings in what honestly feels like AGES. Hopefully I haven't lost the mojo.
TL:DR: I have decided that today is for fandom! - NOW KISS DANCE with me!