What the HELL, Universe

Jun 05, 2012 18:05

So... All I can say is...

Oh, for fuck's sake.

The never-ending drama of what happened at Pendant seems to still be lingering and getting harsher, but now I've had a point where I'm totally ignoring everything I can from every bit of media I can. There's positive stuff, but overall, it's sort of just stabbed my creativity in the gut.

So I turned to my fanfic. Mirrors and Dread is now up to Chapter 10, and I'm excited, because I'm FINALLY ready to post the pentultimate chapter. There's a slight bit of sexual situations in there (that I describe incredibly vaguely) and we're about to get the crux of an Erzebet Bathory story, which means I was planning on some pretty violent stuff as we got to the end. It's rated M, and their M rating enforcement on FF.net is spotty, at BEST. Weeell, apparently they're doing another crackdown, so now I'm sitting here scrambling and trying to figure out what I will or won't post on there. I'm also looking to make sure I set up my new account that Julia got me an invite to for another Fanfic archive, and Teaspoon maybe, too. Either way, it's pretty much gutted the REST of my creativity.

This fucking sucks.

I am so fucking sick and tired of shit telling me what I can and can't put out there for people to enjoy. And it's just... I'm over it. I just want to fucking put something out there so that people can ENJOY it.

Like, this makes me want to stop writing. Everything. Avalon, my fic, fucking everything. What's the point of writing if no one can enjoy it?

*Rages around*
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