To celebrate the Winter Solstice last night, we went to Zoo Lights. They had karaoke, Carolers, snow making machines (which had kids running around laughing at the falling 'snow flakes'), food, cool 3-D effect glasses (ours last night showed us snowflakes in the lights - each night has a different theme), and some of the smaller animals were
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-your friendly neighborhood Wiccan
I'm one of the few Christians who knows the reason for season is actually Saturnalia. ;)
Sorry, I get emotional and passionate about religious freedom and inter-faith stuff like this. One of my pet causes, heh. But yes. Thank you for being amazing.
Oh I agree whole-heartedly that most right-wing Conservatives who like to call themselves Christians would greatly disagree with Jesus if He came back. Or if they even read for themselves what He actually said. Such as, that He represented a new covenant with God so that the covenant with Abraham was rendered null and void, effectively making much of the Old Testament inapplicable and at best a collective history and lesson in context as far as where Jesus was coming from with some of His teachings. Because so much of the hate that is supposedly supported by scripture, has nothing whatsoever to do with Christ's teachings. I love a quote attributed to Mahatma Ghandi, "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." That's unfortunately far too true.
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