Doctor Who: The Beast Below

Apr 11, 2010 11:03

"Once every five years everyone chooses to forget what they've learned. Democracy in action." This line made me giggle because it is so true! And politicians HOPE you either forget or are too dumb to remember and do research.

Sorry, didn't mean to get into that rant after all the stupidity I've seen lately...

Spoilers under the cut and most likely in comments.

The episode was fun to watch. I'm getting used to Eleven's manic behavior (which reminds me of a few of the classic!Who Doctors mixed into one including Ten). Amy is awesome and she's quick to figure things out and act on them regardless of what the Doctor says.

I hope Amy is getting cold feet for the right reasons and it's not because she's falling in love with the Doctor. I've had enough of that nonsense already.

The spaceship city was a nice idea and so was the Star Whale. It reminded me of the cash cow in Torchwood (which did look more like a whale). A story based on the space whale (which was a script scrapped for S20) will be released as a Sixth Doctor story for Big Finish.

Amy making the recording before she hit the forget button showed how quickly she can think on her feet.

I'll never look at those carnival-type machines the same way again.

In a weird way, I loved the 'vomit' scene. The Doctor wondering how he can maintain dignity while the beast 'tosses' them out and then yells 'Geronimo' during the...uh...process...made us laugh.

I was actually surprised to see Amy still in her pajamas.

Her floating out in space in the beginning is something that I probably would not do. And I do like the added feature of her voice-overs. This makes it more personal and I like knowing what the companions are thinking.

I really think I'm going to like this Doctor (at least he's not emo, which is a big relief). Two episodes in and I'm not disappointed.

And still no mention of Rose. *three big cheers from me*

Winston Churchill called the Doctor on the TARDIS phone. Brilliant! Talk about your connections.

"Which Prime Minister?"
"The British one?"
"Which British one?"
"Winston Churchill."
"Hello, dear, what's up?"


LizTen - I hope we see more of her. (Hair of an idiot - ha!)

The crack in the ship, Amelia's bedroom had the same kind of crack in the wall - will another prisoner escape?

Well, we did moan when we saw the Daleks again.

I'm sure I'll watch this again with Chris since he didn't see it last night. I'll probably have more thoughts on this during the re-watch.

tv: doctor who, discussion, fandom: doctor who, episode review

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