Goodbye Ten!
The woman in white could be Susan or it could be Romana. I'm still hoping for Susan.
So James BondTimothy Dalton was Rassilon, very interesting. Hated the glove of doom gimmick.
Too bad we didn't make watching this a drinking game between the Star Wars, Stargate SG-1, and Star Trek references. At one point we were humming Star Wars music and saying Han Solo lines. So, the Ascended beings were almost Time Lords? ;) Daniel could have been a Time Lord - awesome.
The end DRAGGED! We were like: "Get on with it already!" When the regeneration cycle began, it was pretty cool with the TARDIS getting banged up. Guess that will be the excuse to change the inside with the new Doctor (whom I still don't like).
I like the fact that Martha and Mikey got married and Mikey turned out totally kickass! That makes me happy because I still don't like how Rose dumped Mikey and treated him. Now Mikey is happy with his own kickass doctor. *nods*
And GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, that was my Being Human moment. I'm glad I stayed away from spoilers, seeing him with Jack made me HAPPY!
Wilf is still awesome.
So, if Ten went back and talked to Rose, why didn't she recognize him? I mean, c'mon, her memory can't be THAT bad.
What I will like to see with Eleven more pinning or lost-puppy-eyes for Rose...please. That ship has sailed to another alternate reality. Drop it already.
"Still not ginger." - I thought was the best bit from Eleven. Still don't like him. Did I mention that? Yes. Right.
Will give him a chance of course because it's Doctor Who. But I'm not head-over-heels for him like I was for David or even Chris. I still would have preferred an older actor like Bill Nighy (he was my personal choice).
The diamond made an awfully big crater and an even bigger comet.
All the weepy moments were giving me a headache. It was too much.
That's all I can think of.
Because my expectations were pretty low, I thought this was better than I expected. This isn't the best regeneration episode though. That belongs to The Caves of Androzani.
EDIT: Go Gators! WOOT! I need something to cheer about this bowl season since the 'Canes blew it... :(