♥Tonight is Eureka! Yes.
♥Sneezing fit is over and now my head hurts from sneezing so much. :/
♥Have one load of clothes done, one is in the dryer, and one is in the wash.
♥The 'Birthers' crack me up.
♥Tom Baker is reprising his role as the Fourth Doctor for some
audios and Richard Franklin as Mike Yates is back as well. YAY!
♥We've decided for our Disney to just stay at the camp grounds. There's so much to do there and that way we can just relax and enjoy ourselves. To anyone on my flist who want to meet up, just let me know and I'll add your name to our guest list.
♥I've got another plot bunny that needs wrangling and this one may not be an easy one to write. :/
♥It's time for tea.
Edit: Is it me or is LJ experiencing a meltdown? It's taking forever for pages to load and sometimes, they don't load at all.