
Mar 04, 2009 15:52

Post a sentence from your works in progress. No context, no nothing, do as many as you like but only post one sentecne.

“You best be using the right stuff, doc, or else you’re going to be needing a doctor.”

“JEB!” DG screamed, so much for believing that Jeb would not harm his father.

Jeb vowed to honor his father and to follow in his footsteps.

“We’re going to have to tell her or else she’s gonna realize somethin's up when hundreds of men become sick like us,” Garrett added.

She watched the Uptown Girl dance with her Tin Man.

“Thank the gods for alcohol.”

“Adora, Young Cain, this is the Wizard.”

“Please, I prefer Mystic Man.”

“This is Magic Isle City, it’s covered completely by a glass dome.”

“Where’s your other shoe, Dorothy?”

“She took it, Mister Chopper.”

“Adora would have wanted it this way, if given a choice between you or her, she would have given her life for you.”

There was that one time when Wyatt came running from a line of trees screaming that the Wheelers were coming.

"Then it’s what I suspected with Cain…it’s a side-effect of the suit.”

I was also tagged by several people for that you make my day meme.

Pick 10 people and give them the "you make my day award". If you're picked, you are charged with picking 10 of your own. So if your name was chosen... come on down! You're the next contestant on the make my day meme.

I'm going to cheat and say that if you're here, you make my day. There was no way I could only pick ten. If you want to do this fine, if not, it's cool.
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