Yes, I know, it's about time for an update. FYI: it's getting really hard to type on a laptop. I have to prop part of the computer on my belly, up to my belly button, fold up the screen so I can see it, and it's a good thing my fingers know where the keys are, because I certainly can't see them!
Tomorrow is forty weeks, and Saturday is baby's estimated due date! So exciting. I posted a couple weeks ago about how baby had moved out of the birth canal, and it looked like things were not progressing as they should. Well, I finally let it go. I started keeping myself busy - Will's softball, Supper Club (no not the bar) with friends, hanging out with family, washing more of baby's stuff, and making plans to go to the Auburn game on Saturday.
That's right, if baby's not going to make an appearance on Saturday, I am going to go see my Tigers play! My dear hubby just sets his jaw and tries not to roll his eyes when it comes up. He thinks I want one of those crazy birth stories. I say I'm not going to sit around and do nothing but think about baby not being here, ya know? A couple of the wrestlers are going to be in town, as well as a few other friends, so I'm going to try to catch up with them if possible. (They'll probably have to come to me, though!)
It will be weird to have a "toned down" game day. Normally we hit all the bookstores, buy something Auburn (new shirt, new hat), hit up a couple tailgates, visit with friends, and all of that fun stuff - ALL DAY! Not happening this Saturday. Will and I will probably hang around the house most of the day before heading to my aunt's place in the afternoon to get the tickets. The game is not till six, so I'll probably hang out with the fam some until then.
As far as the baby goes, he/she IS moving. At the last doctor's appointment, he was at a -3. Check
this out. But he appears to not be in any hurry to go any further. I HAVE had contractions for the past two nights. Tuesday night they started about 10:00, but were not very hard and were pretty spaced out. They stopped by about 1:30 a.m. Then last night they started around 6:00, and I actually thought they might be getting close enough to start timing them, but they tapered off by 7:30. Will and I tried walking and other things to keep them going, but no such luck! My mom says I need to head out to the land and have my brother drive me around on the Razor! Hopefully some more swimming today and tomorrow as well! My mom is also coming up to visit today, so we're going to do some shopping/walking this afternoon. We're doing what we can!
I go back to the doctor on Thursday, September 10 - 5 days overdue - and I am scheduled for an ultrasound, non-stress test, and regular appointment. The ultrasound will be exciting - we'll get to see how big the baby's gotten since the last time we saw him/her at 18 weeks, as well as make sure that the fluid levels are still good, the heartbeat is strong, baby is still in position, etc. A non-stress test is where they hook up a monitor to my stomach to keep up with the baby's heartbeat and they give me a button to push every time he/she moves. This way they know that he/she is moving enough and still healthy. So after all this, we'll meet with the doctor and decide what our options are from there.
I'm not sure if I've talked about birth options on here or not. Will and I have done a lot of research on vaginal birth vs. c-section, natural birth vs. epidural, medical interventions, and other such things. Everyone thinks I'm absolutely crazy - I've had people actually laugh in my face, though most just make "that face" - when I tell them that I want a completely natural birth. No drugs. I'm not afraid of the epidural - I've actually had one before. There are a ton of reasons why I'm choosing not to have one, and that will probably have to be another post for another time, maybe on a day when baby's (still) not here!
So my doctor has been very supportive of all of my decisions so far. He wants me to have the birth I want to have, down to me refusing Pitocin. However, he did tell me that 42 weeks and 3 days is the longest he has ever let anyone go, and he made her sign that she would not hold him liable if the baby was stillborn. I've had two people in the last two days tell me how overdue they were - Will's boss was three weeks overdue and a lady in the salon yesterday had a baby ONE MONTH late! But doctors are very hesitant to let you go past 42 weeks now. I'm seriously hoping/praying baby will come on his own before we have to make that decision. But after our appointment on the 10th we may have to make some decisions about induction. I plan to avoid C-section at all costs. Anyway, if baby doesn't come on his own soon, I'll try to post some more about the reasons behind our choices and how/why they came about.