Odi Et Amo - SGU fic for January 2013 "Beginnings" challenge

Jan 15, 2013 23:41

Title: Odi Et Amo
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: NC-17
Content Flags: adult subject matter
Spoilers: none/ pre-series
Characters: Destiny, other original characters
Word Count: 6,732
Summary: She can feel the tears on cheeks that aren’t there, pain in a heart that doesn’t beat, ecstasy in a body that will never know love.
Author's Notes: Written for the Mini!Bang challenge at stargateland. Vaguely inspired by the prompt SGU: Destiny - Fall from Grace (Red Alert, Stargateland). A strong resemblance of original characters to actual SGU characters is entirely intentional. This is a story about Destiny's early days, about how she became who she is.
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with...
Thanks for reading! A comment or feedback at the story post (on AO3) would be much appreciated.


Odi Et Amo


destiny, fic, 2013 january challenge

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