new SGU fic: Five things TJ loves about Everett

Nov 24, 2012 18:46

Title: Five things TJ loves about Everett
Author: Shenandoah Risu
Rating: NC-17
Content Flags: explicit adult subject matter
Characters: Tamara Johansen, Everett Young
Word Count: 758
Excerpt: She loves his body as much as she loves his mind.
Author's Notes: Written for the Giving Thanks Challenge at stargatecountry. The prompt was "Show us something that a character appreciates".
Disclaimer: I don't own SGU. I wouldn't know what to do with it. Now, Young... Young I'd know what to do with. ;-)
Thanks for reading! Feedback = Love. ;-)
Please leave comments at my LJ if it's not too much trouble.

Five things TJ loves about Everett

fic, tj, 12 in 12 challenge

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