Mar 22, 2012 09:44
- Light laundry load
- Put laundry away
- Make bed
- 2 laundry baskets downstairs
- Laundry sorter put back together
- Office supply rolly thing back together
- Binders need a home
- Makeup all put away
- Target purchased items put away
- Desk tidied
- Pictures/Posters to a home
- Dresser moved to get coupon
- Dresser tidied
- Partially worn clothes need a home
- Sweaters/sweatshirts dealt with
- Vacuum
- Rugs placed
- Trash downstairs
- Paper recycling downstairs
- Shoes put away
- Snacks back on shelf
- School shelf tidied
- Candles downstairs
- Wash mirror
- Order Riordan books off of B&N
- Burn 19 for dad
- Burn 21 for dad
- Babysit 7:00 - 10:00
- Once Upon a Time story typed up
- X-Men First Class fic worked on
- Research Netflix costs
- Update history flashcards
- Work on next source for history homework
to do