Oct 08, 2009 09:58
CGI = fantastic. It’s probably one of my favorite aspects of the show. A lot of the time I can’t tell it’s not real. (I.E. the infirmary)
I remember watching this for the first time and how much it terrified the crap out of me at the start. How the Abnormal kid killed all of those people. Later, of course, we find out that it’s an accident and not really his fault, but still.
I really like the cast that they’ve gotten for this show. Granted, a number of them are from other SyFy productions, but I do really like them.
And Will so has an Abnormality of insight / awareness. He’s like Sean Spencer in that respect. He’s very aware of what’s going on around him, which is great. He’s definitely useful in that respect. I don’t mean useful in a bad way. Ooh! Mentioned Sherlock Holmes. Someone theorized that Will might actually be one of James’s descendants because of his Abnormality.
I really like that in this episode he continues looking for the cause even though Cavanaugh says that they’ve got the shooter. He knows something’s up and keeps looking for the why. And even when he sees someone walking along the side of the building he keeps trying to figure out what it is even though it’s clearly something nuts.
I realized that when Will walks out of the building you hear a motorcycle rev its engine. That is one of the little reasons why I love this show. You don’t know until about 30 seconds later that it’s Ashley, but it shows that she’s already on the prowl.
Poor Will’s backstory of nightmares. I feel really bad for him in that regard. But, it does bring Magnus into his life.
I also like how Bigfoot is Magnus’s chauffer. I think that is awesome.
I don’t like why Mrs. Petrova framed that guy, but I do understand where she’s coming from. She wants to protect her adopted son more than anything else in the world. At least she chose a guy with a lot of bad priors. I do kind of feel bad for the guy though. He’s very worked up over this because he knows he didn’t do it. He’s kind of crying. And Will’s super senses come into play again by realizing that she had no idea who the guy really is. Yay Will! It’s okay Will, Ashley will get the kid and it’s okay.
Yay for Magnus being all doctory! It shows that she does stuff outside of the Sanctuary as well. She doesn’t really get out much, just is in the Sanctuary. Well, she does do doctor stuff there, but when she leaves it’s usually just to find Abnormals.
And we get our first real introduction to Ashley, which is great because I love her.
AND JOHN DRUITT HAS ARRIVED!!! I really, really love him. Because he is sooo incredibly devoted to Magnus. He may be a little nuts, but he does love her. Granted, it’s his abnormality that sorta drives him crazy… Which I kinda stole from ellymelly’s fics. (which you should go read because they are awesome!) And I was in the process of writing my analysis of John only to realize that yes, he does care about his daughter…But while he’s still crazy!nuts he’s willing to sacrifice her to save himself. I so want to analyze him and compare crazy!John with electroshocked!John. The one thing that seems to translate across both is that he loves Helen. The intensity and sanity of said love changes though.
They do introduce everyone in these two episodes really wonderfully. They show exactly who John is and what he’s done, as well as how he’s obsessed with Magnus. Will is portrayed as the very awesome profiler, Ashley is the one who goes and catches everything, and Magnus is the one that runs the show. They’re really quite good at introducing everyone that’s going to be a recurring character. Henry doesn’t get introduced so well though. It’s more like he wandered on set and got lost.
What does DTCXB stand for?
I do have to say that I like that Magnus has fields keeping her ex out of the house. It seems like a very, very smart thing to do. And it also seems that he’s tried to “see” her recently (and by recently I mean while Ashley was little I guess).
I love Will’s expression when he sees the basement for the first time. It is a bit nuts in all honesty. And his expression when he sees Sally, not that she’s called that yet. I love all of his expressions. All of his reactions are wonderfully fresh. I love two-faced guy.
Yay for his reaction to Bigfoot. I love the Big Guy. Also because he’s Druitt, but that’s for another reason.
I love Ashley. I really, really do. She’s cute and bubbly and she’s a complete product of both of her parents. She’s quite fearless too. I love how Ashley has a gold gun. It’s very her. I really, really, really love Ashley. She’s very, very adorable.
Rewatching this is interesting. Right before Magnus says that there’s been fluctuations in the EM Sheild she looks away, showing that she does know it’s her ex and that he may know about Ashley and may want her. Totally awesome.
Helen does kind of guilt trip Will into going down there. And I do like Will’s approach to gaining the boy’s trust.
HENRY FOSS!!!!!!!! @ 47:22 I totally heart that. I totally heart Henry.
Henry is being very judgmental in this episode considering he himself is an Abnormal. Yes, the boy might suck brains, but you sort of are a werewolf.
Helen’s reaction to the hooker’s murder is awesome. Henry’s reaction is also awesome. Because he’s very confused. But it’s very telling.
I do like Alexi. He’s just a poor boy who’s been dealing with this problem all of his life. I think he’s adorable and I feel so incredibly bad for him. And I love how Will talks to him and helps him because he really is just a lost little boy who’s never had anyone truly look out for him and care about him since he left his birth parents.
And now we get back to Jack the Ripper who I really enjoy. Poor Magnus though. How do you deal with your ex fiancé being Jack the Ripper?
I really did enjoy Silvio as a character. He was great and totally amazing. I was not pleased that they killed him. Also did not enjoy that John attacked Silvio.
“I need to scream like a girl now. I don’t need witnesses.” - Silvio
“Okay. Understood.” - Ashley
I just love that.
Overall the episodes were great for introducing people who hadn’t seen the web series (such as myself) into the world of Sanctuary. The characters (excluding Henry) are displayed and introduced in a manner where you immediately get to know who they are and what they do around the place. The “monster” of the week was really great for a slow entry into the world of Abnormals.
discussion: sanctuary,
tv: sanctuary