The producer (Mallozzi) wouldn't say who it was. Lorne, Zelenka, and Chuck were the three guesses I saw fans giving. Although Zelenka did seem to have that crush on Carter.
Meant y/n in your opinion, ya. :) Zelenka used to make eyes at Elizabeth, too, and Chuck -- well, we don't know as much about Chuck. But Lorne comes from San Francisco, and -- no, I'll stop there, because the rest is totally stereotypical.
I could dig it being Lorne. I have to say I was happy that Parrish showed up this season, because I had missed his episodes (or him in the episodes) and now I have a face to go with the Lorne/Parrish fics. : )
Seriously, he only showed up in one episode for like 20 seconds. I can't even remember which, other than it was season one, an early scene in the ep, offworld, and Lorne said something along the lines of 'time to go, something's up and we've got to keep you scientists safe.'
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