Title: Ardhanarishvara
Author(s): Auburn & Mona aka
auburnnotlisa Timeline: Pre-The Long Goodbye 2x16
Rating: hard R
Characters (in alphabetical order): Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, plus supporting cast
Pairing(s): Something for everyone...no, okay, that's a filthy lie. But something for most of you. At some point. Promise.
Warning: This fic does *not* contain BDSM, incest, bestiality...or wait, the last one needs a caveat. One of them might end up as a penguin, perhaps. The fic's not done yet, after all.
"Tell me, Colonel, did you take a look around and think, hey, it's the Planet of Sex Changes?"
Ardhanarishvara, Part One Part Two Part Three Gratitude heaped upon:
z_rayne, and