Title: Two for the Price of One
Author: SGAtlantisLight
Characters: Carson, Elizabeth, John, Kavanaugh, Miko, Radek, Rodney, Ronon, Teyla
Relationships: Zelenka/Weir, McKay/Beckett, others I won't ruin the story by putting here
Rating: G
Warnings: Gloopy romantic stuff
Spoilers: None
Summary: It's Rodney's birthday and Carson's arranged a small, private party that turns out to be more than a birthday celebration
Author's Note:
lillyjk said she needed happy, non-angsty fic. So, I wrote this. This uses the same restaurant set-up as
The Entrepreneur and is, therefore, theoretically a follow-up to it. However, I hope it's readable as a stand-alone. If you haven't read that, the basic concept is that Radek and Miko are running a small, private establishment for individual couples to have something approaching a normal date on Atlantis. It's also, occasionally, used for private parties.
Disclaimer: The characters, the setting, etc. are NOT mine, even if I wish they were.
To the story