Clearing out my challenge cache. ^_^ All will eventually get crossposted to
FYI I am going spoiler-free -- stopping at Return I. Community announcements will likely dry up; you're welcome to
stalk me via my "fic" tag. Ta!
Tin Roof Rusted [
Author: Liondragon
Rating: R; 369 words.
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala/Cameron
Warnings: Pregnancy.
Author's Notes: Requested by
aphelant. Tin roof rusted?
You might've heard the song.Summary: Not quite ready for
Under Intense Circumstances [
Author: Liondragon
Rating: NC-17 ADULT; 717 words.
Pairing(s): John/Teyla/Rodney
Warnings: Drama. Sex stops short of climax.
Author's Notes: Requested by
fairestcat. Title taken from a quote in the movie Speed. Summary: "In sleep, or half-sleep, a lot of things became clear ... How the jumper bay doors were closed, so if the central tower was breaking up, they wouldn't know, they wouldn't get out."
The Big Red Chair [
Author: Liondragon
Rating: NC-17 ADULT; 895 words.
Pairing(s): Vala/Sam, implied Sam+Jack
Warnings: PWP with a touch of angst. Uninvited coda.
Author's Notes: For
ajora. I really, really wanted to write this ever since seeing Vala shake her booty over the chair, and realizing after a spate of reruns that Sam really does have an Issue about this. Summary: "I see you haven't gotten over your phobia of sitting in General Landry's chair." - Uninvited