Feb 10, 2006 05:57
"It is the greatest houses and the tallest trees that the gods bring low with bolts and thunder. For the gods love to thwart whatever is greater than the rest. They do not suffer pride in anyone but themselves." -Herodotus
For some reason or another I remembered reading that when I was younger, after comming across it again in another book tonight. It's funny to think how much about me has changed since I was twelve, especially being that when I first read that I just thought it would be something cool for a Samuel Jackson character to say. It seems eerily appropriate considering my current condition. With finally moving out and on so close the gods in my life have been throwing nothing but sucker punches and low blows in the form of intense criticism (as dumb as it is, I'd rather have my teeth kicked into a curb than listen to someone pick out everything wrong with me) for feels like a pow's eternity.
If everything folds out the way I have it planned for the next month, then I can safely say the army will no longer be an option, something my pride could defiently use to stay somewhat intact.
Oh and the book, "The Rule of Four", I highly recommend it.