
May 14, 2011 10:13

In my dream this morning I was lost and trying to get home and I was in a carnival of a tourist town. I wanted a phone, I wanted a ride, and I wanted a cigarette and I asked around everywhere. I even explained that I hadn't smoked in years and that I only wanted one - I was not going to take it up again. When things started looking up (at least I was talking to people who knew people who could help me) I got my cigarette. Well, first I got one of those fake cigarettes, but since my brain doesn't know what those are like, I mostly got a tube that you could get something akin to steam out of. One of the nice ladies I was talking to went to a stand and BOUGHT a pack for me (even in the dream, I hoped they weren't menthols). OF COURSE they were menthols, (Marlboro, long) but I smoked it anyway. It was sadly not what I'd hoped for.

I know brains do weird things, but MAN! It's been 8 years and I wanted that cigarette as badly as I'd ever wanted one. That's a crazy addiction.
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