(no subject)

Dec 22, 2004 22:53

i feel like talking about my day =)

so there was supposed to be like 13 people going to the movies...but 3 went. haha [me, jayf, and cal] So we watched Spanglish, which was a good movie, but the ending sucked. so cal left. Me and Jayf went to the mall...well...RAN to the mall. [i am never running in 10° weather...ever...again] we walked, sat on a bench. and i dont wanna bring that up. i got hottt laces from spencers, then we got ROOTBEER AND FRIES! haha BEST comfort food in the world, let me tell you. damn salty fries. lol. so we saw Raul, and talked to him for like a second, then went down the elevator. we got out of the elevator and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!! we come across Ariana, Maren, Ben, GARRET, JOJO, Brad, and Matt. so we were talking. Brad left. then Ariana Ben and Maren left. and we were still talking. then JoJo Garret and Matt left. so me and Jayf walked in a circle a few times. then we sat on the bench again and talked. and then we sat in old navy waiting for her dad for like 45 minutes. then we went home.

i got home. called someone. talked...kinda. jenna called me. we talked. someone called me, talk..kinda. then my phone got put away cuz i was sick of it. so i went to blockbuster and rented napolean dynamite and i must say. thats one hilarious movie.

well yea. good night. [im probably gonna post again]

Day 5 ends.

I <3 THE Martin Alejandro
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