Apr 15, 2005 10:33
...aqui fica uma pequena amostra de calão Mexicano.
Term Definition
Ay Te Watcho - Used when you say good-bye to someone. Literally translates into "watch yourself."
Ay Te Miro - Same as above. Literally translates into "see you later."
Al Rato - See you soon.
Barrio - Neighborhood, hood, etc.
Calo - Language or slang of the cholos and pachucos.
Chalé - Used to tell someone to "keep cool" or "be cool", also used to indicate disagreement with something said.
Chinga(s) - To f*#k, bitch, complain, bother.
Chingaso - Fight, hit, blows i.e. "throw chingasos".
Chingon - A bad ass, the top dog, cool dude.
Chisme - As many of you know, Eskimos have well over a dozen words to describe "snow". Well, we Mexicanos have almost as many to describe "gossip". This is one of the many variations.
Chismoso - One who engages in chisme. Check out Chismosos Corner.
Cholo/a - Raza on the street (also modern day pachuco).
Chones - Loosely translates into, ummm - shall we say, your underwear.
Corazon - Heart.
c/s - Con Safos - literally translates to "don't mess with this/me/etc.".
Drape - The name for the style of pants worn by the Pachuco.
Esé - Used instead of "homeboy", "dude", etc. (see Vato below)
Firme - Cool, just swell, etc.
Ganas - Guts, drive, motivation, balls to do something
Huero/a - Individuals from the Caucasian persuasion. (Or light skinned individuals.)
Huey - Pronounced "way" - loosely translates to "idiot".
Lana - Money.
Mero Mero - The boss.
Onda - Though there's no literal translation that really works, it loosely translates into trip, way of thinking, gig, thing, etc. Often used in asking what's up? "¿Qué onda?"
Oralé - Another version of saying "What's Up?" (see Q-Vo below). 2.) Also used to indicate agreement with someone.
Orgullo Pride.
Pachucada - Lifestyle of the Pachuco.
Pachuco - Old school term for Chicano zooters - the dress, attitude, language, culture, etc.
Pedo - Well folks, the literal translation of this multipurpose word is "fart", and it's often used in this regard. However, it is also used to describe the stages of inebriation toward the further end of the scale. It is also used to describe pretty much any situation that is rather, ummm... unsavory (i.e. fights, etc.).
Pegged - How the pants are tapered and fit tight around the ankles.
Pelon - One who is, shall we say, "hairline challenged."
Pinche - *@#@%$
Plieto - Struggle, argument, disagreement
¿Qué Onda? - "What's your gig?"
¿Q-Vo? - Another version of saying "What's Up?", "What's Happening?"
Respeto - Respect.
Ruca - A fine looking woman with a lot of orgullo.
Simón - Used to signify agreement with someone.
(also known as Spectators) - Stacy Adams® is the name brand of the distinctive patent-leather wing tip (often two-toned) shoes worn by the Pachuco.
Tando - Broad-brimmed hat
Trapos - Clothes or outfit.
Trucha - Means keep cool, be safe, watch yourself, watch out, or check yourself.
Vato - Used instead of "homeboy", "dude", etc. (see Ese above)
Veterano - Literally translate to "veteran". Also reflects on the elder in the community, the Latino version of an "OG".
Vieja/Viejo - Old woman/old man, wife/husband, etc.
Watcha - Look out, watch yourself, check yourself, etc.
¿Y-Que? And what?! - Said with attitude - don't know how else to say it.
Zoot Suiter or Zooter - Name of a person who wears Zoot Suits (and is just generally a cool vato.)