last essay procrastination of the summer

Jun 16, 2008 22:14

Sometimes I feel my blanket and think that it is you. Only to realize I am petting a gloming mass of fabric and not fur.
My foot played with a ripple in my comforter (much to my comfort) on the suspect that it was your tail, only to be dissapointed to realize I had sent you off one second earlier when you would not stop neading my right typing arm.
I looked out the window and watched the sun set, thankful that my bedroom window faced the west, not too dissapointed that I can never see the moon at night. regretfull that half my view is a suburbia; I can critique peoples life achievements on what type of fuel economy car they drive or light suv.
back to the point at hand, I wonder if everyone is like me. people like sitting on docks and being alone with their thoughts, that type of thing. they like looking at sunsets too. You hear of people saying "I like sunsets: corny", but you dont even register it, until now, when you just finished watching a sunset from your bedroom window and you realize you are one of those people who like sunsets too.
If the majority of the people like sunsets around here and sitting on docks and playing with their cats imaginary tails, why is it that the normal majority cant stop bitching about 'those people' who irritate and anger them at their day job? man, what story, that shitty customer. Are they not normal and dont like these things either? who are 'they' anyways. I suspect but dont register (like sunsets) that everyone feels the same way but we are also the shitty customers without realizing it. and the shitty writers who think they have anything interesting to say.
In english class...i forget where it was from, perhaps this book  I am suppose to be writing an essay on this very minute... (or should have finished many minutes ago...) Let me find it.I can't find it. It goes along the lines that everyone is a poet whether they like it or not, everyone has something to say. etc etc even hicks and taxi drivers but Im sure you can appreciate it is much more resounding in Maxine Hing Kingstons paraphrased words and not mine. Anyways, where was I... shitty customers. I have decided that things I really like in life are driving in the summer with the windows down (preferably with someone, prefereably without), and having a beer and smoke (in the summer) ((night/day)). These are domestic and normal pleasures. key word being normal, key word being shitty customer. I think the mistake I have been making all along is assuming I am in some way differentiated from 'regular' people, and being dissapointed that life has not alloted me some sort of reward for feeling different than the mass. No one, wants to be in the mass. Maybe its the good weather today (as the ortho assistant noted, the change in mood of people is remarkable in warmth), maybe its reading all the softer worlds over againt that makes me want to write like this, perhaps it was a good party. But, I am particularily willing to accept that I am a normal person. (a sarcastic Hurrah feels neccesary). Maybe I just felt like I needed some sort of conclusion to my (normal person having) blog post so you have no wasted your time reading garble. If I have to summarize what the point of all if this has been, there hasnt been one, I just wanted to write down all of my thoughts. For no one, I'll leave it at that.
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