Arrrrrrr Matteeyyyy

Apr 17, 2008 00:34

ARG! our lives are so small and only fake important. really. I have an annoying anthropology exam tomorrow that I could really care less about. Why am I doing these stupid classes that don't mean anything to me and that Idont care about and for what when I could be ABROAD and just macking the world?! 
Really, I want to know everything about everywhere, it's far more interesting and fulfilling than conducting statistic confidence interval tests for three hours on a piece of paper that mr man over there has to mark so he can make his money and he doesnt care and I write it and I dont care and neither one of us wants to be there SO WHY ARE WE THERE HUH? Why are we there?
I don't care about University. Education is pretty falsey important in my opinion. Not knowing about foraging societies and chi squares would really spare me some meaninglessness in my life. I was thinking today about people talking about their GPAs. I don't even know what thats good for or what the purpose is, really. what the fuck? "omg my GPA is only 2.5....." if people say that. what an exiting life you must lead. you must be really fulfilled. BAIL
For the love of fuck for the sake of peeeeet
I'm even over Vancouver, bail on that, bail on everything, I'm going everywhere else. The world is SO huge! and different! It's all very interesting.
Far more interesting than this anthro book beside me which I cannot bring myself to continue reading.
I, am too cool for school.
See you in Brighton and Reading and Penzance and Glasgow and Sicily and Fiji and Honalulu and Italy and New Zealand and California and London and-
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