and 7 weeks later...

Jan 04, 2009 10:17

Well hey there!
Sorry for the really extend absence, but I have many things to say [or in this case write]. It has been im assuming a month or so since the last time I’ve updated the LJ but lets start.
For starters my computer has a pretty nasty Trojan in it. Yeah Limewire kinda hurt me, but I shoulda known better; right? So im writing on Microsoft Word and I’ll just copy and paste this on a safer computer.
But moving on; well classes have been completed for the most part. Im on break till the 12th of January I did pretty good this last quarter. I got 4 B+’s and an A. Yup an A in History of Western Art.

I did good in Marquette though, B+ says something especially when 5 of your classmates failed and like 3 or 4 probably got the same grade as you. Not to mention the fact that I was able to complete my project with two weeks to spare. Yeah im gloating but I should be allowed to. Because I got my ass kicked when it came to Intro to 3D.
My project came out good [more or less] but this one guy who has been sitting next to me since day one. Completely killed us all with amazing final. To put it into simple words, it was beautiful, and also motivational.
Once I get back into school im going to be having classes from 1-5 except one class from 8-12. But with the extra time I get before classes start im going to be working on re-making my intro final to beat my friend’s. It’s a side-project so more or less you’ll be seeing some progress on how it’s developing.

These past few days, I’ve been sick. I’ve been pretty sick, but I’ll get back to that after I tell you about my trip to Orlando.

So at the start of my winter break [well the second day] I was on a trip to visit Orlando and just basically have a good time.
Yeahhh right. The trip was horrible, thankfully I had my Gameboy or else I would have gone insane. The only reason I went to Orlando was because I wanted to go at least spend one day at one of the parks. Never happened, it pisses me off so much because this was something I was looking forward to after working my ass off going to school the 24 weeks. It really does disturb me how pointless that trip was for me. The four days spent there were only for sleeping, we were basically traveling to Tampa and St. Augustine and you can imagine that the majority of our trip was spent on the road.
It really does make me angry still, but whatever.
It’s around 55 degrees up in Orlando and northern Florida in general, that’s how I think I got my flu.
The only thing I picked up was the flu, which was something else that ruined the first few days of my break. Once I got home I had a 103 fever my throat was swelling up, and I was spitting out blood. I was a mess. The doctor helped but he’s pretty weird, he was basically telling me it was tonsillitis or mono. Which I knew in my mind that couldn’t have been possible, but basically I got these magic pills that made me a heck of a lot better within two days.
Somehow on the second day I had bloody eyes, like my eyes were the color blood. It wasn’t painful or irritating. But it was pretty cool to have eyes like that for a day. The next day I got handed these drops for them.

So that’s basically that’s how my first few days have been, today thankfully it’s gotten better.

Tonight I went to go see the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, it was a fantastic movie. I was so nicely produced, the actors and the story work so well. I cried, I’ll admit towards the end of the scenes. That movie though connected with me to a certain degree.
Throughout the story Benjamin, meets all sorts of different people. People who have affected his life. Benjamin Button was a man, who as a baby had the physical appearance of an old man, so basically throughout his life he grew younger instead of older.
Anyways, threw out his life Benjamin has met many different people, he’s gone out to the world and met people with many different points of views.
And I don’t think I live my life too differently than he did.
All of the people that I have met and the friends that I have come to know and love. Have all affected me, each friend I have as a certain characteristic that just makes them who they are. Like my old computer graphics teacher Mr. Fish [his real last name was hard to write]. He would have something good say, in the sense that it ended up being meaningful. Subtle, but had meaning, and he would have a big grin smile on his face. Brandon Cohen’s ways of always working in a professional manner, and sometimes going into a random character and acting. Or Sara’s ways of speaking intelligently, and having that quite and wise look, with a dash of being a girly-girl. I could go on, but all of my friends they have this quality that brings more into my own life.
My buddy Erine, from Miami, he knows how to enjoy life, and he knows how work hard and crack down when the times comes. Aside from the times he smokes and completely forgets.
You’ll never forget who your best friends were, because they’ll always have a piece of themselves that you’ll always carry around.
But anyways in the movie there was a point made on how magical the night time is. When your awake and everyone else is asleep in their beds. I did once or twice stop to wonder what could be going through the thoughts of my friends? Are some of them sad, because things have been going bad? Are some of the scared, because they think they’re growing up too fast? Are friends in a safe place even? Is the girl I had a crush on in middle school, living okay? Is she happy? Or is she wishing into the night hoping things will get better?
Or what about the friend I made for a few short weeks, was he ever sent to Iraq? Does he even have a bed to sleep in?

There are a lot of things in life that happen the way they do, doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad.
But keep in mind, if you can go back and see yourself; that if you could change one very small detail you have just created a brand new future for yourself.

Im saying that to my friends that ever wished something in their life didn’t exactly end up the way it should have. Pull back the clock just 5 minutes and you would have completely given yourself a brand new future.

Alright well im sure this was enough reading for today.
But I do wonder what some of my friends are doing now, hopefully they’re all dreaming peacefully in their beds.

thanksgiving, christmas

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