What is Reki & Reki Qualification

Jan 19, 2021 12:04

Wikipedia Defines Reki as:

"[...]A Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is said to be  transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in  order to encourage emotional or physical healing."

There is no set religious practice that Reki is affiliated with. It, like Acupuncture is an alternative method of healing body, spirit and mind. Through the use of the body's Chakra points, one can get aligned or attuned. While specific parts of the body can be focused on and cleared of negative energies.

There are many forms of Reki that are practiced and may even vary from Master to Master. I was instructed in Usui (pronounced ew-soo-ee)  Reki and am an Usui Reki Master since 2019.

Reki Teacher Lineage: Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi,Hawayo Takata, Phillis Furomoto, Claudia Hoffman, Mary Shaw, Christine Hnderson, Bruce Way, Airane McMinn, Mona Khalaf, Dharmadevi, Melissa Crowhurst, Ro Ridout

There are 5 founding principles of Reki:

  • Do not be angry
  • Do not worry
  • Be grateful
  • Work with diligence
  • Be kind to every living thing.

While having an attunement you may see the Reki Master use sigils to aid in the attunement: Cho Ku Ray(Power Symbol), Sei Hei Ki(Emotional Symbol), Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen(Distance Symbol)& Dai Ku Myo(Master Symbol)

What does all this have to do with my jewelry?

I make sure that any jewelry that I make is also cleared and cleansed with Reki energy so that you can be sure nothing negative has attached to the piece. As well as coming from a smoke-free and COVID-19 free environment.

Please note that I am not legally claiming that any of my jewelry will heal any ailments or fix any emotional issues. Please see a licensed medical professional for these issues.

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