Crawley Town Football Club are playing Weymouth FC at the local Broadfield Stadium.
blaadyblah and
littlemissmadam have gone to the game, as has our friend Ross. I am at home unwell.
Ross (who is in the terraces) mobile posts to Facebook:
"Ross Crawley 3-2 weymouth at half time. Strange game. Great atmosphere".
gashinryu (who is watching live score on his laptop) replies to Ross' status:
"Raynor o.g. (own goal)? What happened?
Ross sends a text message to
blaadyblah (who is sitting in the stands):
"Your boyfriend can't spell our goalkeeper's name (it's actually Rayner)".
blaadyblah texts Ross back:
"Ask him if he's done the dishes yet".
Ross replies to my comment on Facebook:
"F says have you done the dishes yet"?
gashinryu sends a text message to
"This is *so* going to be an LJ post".