Not really but these are just my two cents about a topic called fanfictions.
I hope many people in my f-list will read this because I want to know what your opinions are too.
here we go.
1) AU fics
I like AU fics (when they are well written...)
I remember an Arashi fic I read with my other account; it was AU and damn!
It was great!!!
I think AU fanfics should have:
- characters with personality [it doesn't matter if it's not the same of the original person (for example Arashi's Nino) but at least don't make him look like a 5-yr-old kid!!!!]
- A GOOD PLOT: it doesn't need to be the next best seller, but get your ideas together and decide what you want your characters to do, to say, to think, how you want it to end, what tricks/surprises you want to add and especially BE SURE THEY ARE ALL RELATED AND MAKE SENSE!
- someone who checks them aka a beta reader: I had the lovely
paranoiascreams beta-editing some of the fics I posted with the other account; if you ask around, there are people who can help you if English is not your first language (like in my case); I'm starting to get irritated by the number of mistakes I read around. I'm no saint, I make them too but I write non-fic related posts, mistakes may happen. Would you buy a book with lots of grammar mistakes?
2) OTP
OTP = One True Pair
If a pairing is your OTP is because you strongly believe/think/yadda yadda that this pairing works best/is the cutest/is the hottest and so on.
But if, for example, Akame is your OTP, don't say later on "Pin is my OTP".
Pin might be your favorite side pair but not your OTP, if you think that one of the characters is best paired up with someone else.
This might sound like a secondary thing, but it's just my personal opinion and I'm really confused when I read: "Akame is my OTP. Oh but Pin is my OTP too... and even KoyaPi"
Just pick one and consider the others as side pairs, FFS!!!
You can have more than 1 OTP but if the same character is in more than 1 pair, just pick your favorite!
3) Pairings
There are characters who can be paired up with so many others and it can work every single time.
There are some who don't.
The matter is not if they work or not; what irritates me is that some people get judged because they like a certain pair.
Since I watched "Rookies", I started shipping this pair because Yufune/Okada was just <3
My question is:
why do I have to deal with people going all "oh n03s, how can you like that?! Takeru is totally Haruma's bf!!"
wut? >>
Are Haruma and Takeru together for real?
Is there a contract which says they can only be paired with each other?
What happened to freedom of choice? >>
But "oh n03s" it's totally unbelievable to pair them up
"takes a few steps back before running and headdesking*
4) M-preg
I read them.
There are a couple of fics which are really hilarious!
But besides the funny ones (usually they talk about a moment or specific time of the pregnancy), there are other which are a big... No >>
Men can't have babies thank God, they'd be 10 times more bitchy than me when I'm on my period
So if you want to describe a m-pregnancy, is it too much to ask for a bit of pain? >>
Let me explain: giving birth is not easy, especially if it's a vaginal one.
You may scream and suffer and cry and whatever else.
Men don't have the same body parts down there, so a Cesarean operation would be necessary.
Still, this doesn't mean that after two days they are okay and say "yeah, I can come back to work in a week".
Yeah, like no... Srsly >>
I know these are fanfics, it's a work of imagination but asking for a bit of realism (especially if the fanfic is not AU, with strange aliens, mutants and such) should be okay.
Do I really ask too much? >>
5) Personality
Men are not women.
They cry but not as often as we girls do.
They talk about feelings and emotional stuff but not the same way we do.
How come half (if not more) of the people in fanfics turn into sissy little girls, who are passive in bed, cry, are extremely emotional and such when we all know in real life they are normal guys?
Akame (yeah, it's them once again) is a very popular couple.
Why does Jin always top?
Why does Kame always end up being too emotional?
Why is Jin often described as a sex god? (don't start with "because of the rumors" because that's what they are: rumors)
If it's an AU fic, where Kame is a shy student, not good with girls, called a nerd and such while Jin is the leader of a gang who rules half of the town, I can understand the Akame couple with aggressive!Jin/passive!Kame.
About me
- I like AU fics, especially if they are mystery related or historical
- My OTPs:
- JunToshi (Matsujun/Ohno)
- Kiyama/Misuzawa (Tumbling)
- JunDa (Junno/Ueda)
- Yufune/Okada (Igarashi/Sato - Rookies)
- TomaPi
- Shohei/Nissy
- Onew/Kei (SHINee)
- Yamamoto/Seto (Atashinchi, Tumbling, ecc..)
- Subaru/Yasu
- TakaHika (H!S!J)
- I love side pairings and angsty-fic; violence, suicide, murder and yadda yadda is perfectly fine
- Romance is okay but I don't wanna puke for too much sugar
- I also like real life/drama fic (example: 1 character from real life and 1 from a drama or movie)
- Crossdressing and genderswitch are okay but don't let the characters turn into a Mary Sue
- Third person POV = ♥
- OT3, OT4, OT5 = ♥
- Drama related fics and drama crossovers = ♥
So f-list what I wanna know is:
- What do you like in a fanfic?
- What do you dislike?