So, updates and stuff?

Apr 14, 2010 17:09

I think I need some stupidity to counter all that intellectual stuff in the last post. Handed in my last essay before exams this afternoon. It's a pretty special paper; it's an analysis of a chunk of the Malleus and... involves a pseudo-flow chart. I've never used a flow chart in a paper before, I'm wondering if it's totally out of bounds. I mean, the paper was 13 pages and only needed to be 8-10, so I'm not worried about the "you used a chart to take up space, what do you think I was born yesterday" reaction.

I mostly need it to go over at least SOMEWHAT well because otherwise asking this prof to supervise my thesis next semester will go something like, "OK so how do you feel about my writing an exploded version of the paper you hated so much? Sounds rad, right?"

Sigh. Onto talking more about Korea stuff, since I feel I have to catch y'all up on some level. And the beau is officially fed up of me yammering on about this, I think. :P

Started a more concentrated effort at learning hangul, thanks to Smart.FM (it's a neat site, really neat). I have all the consonants down just fine and have since forever (though I doubt I could pronounce them all adequately, especially tensed ones... will have to get CDs or podcasts or something), but the vowels! OH THE VOWELS. WHY DO THEY ALL SOUND EXACTLY ALIKE? WHY DO THE LABIO-VELARIZED ONES NOT SOUND LIKE A+B SHOULD? So anyway yeah, the vowels are giving me some difficulties. And then I move on to reading whole syllables at a time, which I can presently do at the speed of a geriatric snail climbing the Grand Canyon.

I'm excited. It's like the universe keeps plopping Signs into my lap. Like trying on a dress in Zara and SNSD's Chocolate Love (?!?!?) comes on, then I come out dumbfounded as to why Zara would have a song, a Korean pop song, recorded to advertise a cell phone, on their mix. And the girl working the changing rooms laughs with me and explains how weirded out she initially was, too. She's from Seoul, has been in Canada 4 years, and says that visiting Montréal felt "just like home" to her, which was encouraging.

And then having a nice chat with my dental hygienist (whose Taiwanese fiancé's best friend is Korean) about her time there, and how much she enjoyed herself, and she soothed some of my "oh god I won't be able to eat anything" worries. Next step on that front is to visit as many Korean restos I can find and try to figure out which dishes are typically meat-free.

And striking up a kind of LiveJournal pen-pal-ness with a really lovely girl who is living and working in Seoul right now, who is straight up sweet, whose entries make me want to go, and who is also an Honours Classics grad, guys WTF, we're a dying breed, you don't realize the incredible odds on this. SO I'M STOKED.

Lastly, and the apex of the dumbness of this post, I found yet another crush, and this one is vicious (like, pops into my head at random points in the day for no good reason vicious). His name is Lee Joon. I won't otherwise get into it because, if I do, I will never shut up. Seriously. :Q_______
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