iTunes used to 'just work', that's what made it neat. It did neat stuff and worked and it was great. yay.
Itunes is now full of hate. Hate for my laptop. It's a bit over 1 Ghz, with have a gig of RAM. Not a shabby machine, but not spectacular either. iTunes freezes HARD when I open it, because it really wants to "Determine Gapless Playback Information". This feature allows iTunes to 'seamlessly' move from one song to another. This is nice in theory, but the execution is horrible. Upon loading the program, it goes through every track to find figure out when the song ends. Normally this wouldn't be so bad, but the program becomes unresponsive when it does this. Unresponsive enough that I can't cancel its processing. And because I can't cancel the processing (which starts automagically on loading the app) I can't get into the options menu to turn this damn thing off! Turning it off includes heading into the options menu, turning ON crossfading [whether I want that on or not] and unchecking "Part of a gapless album" on EVERY track.
Since the app seems to have lost it's 'just works' quality, I think I'm done with it.
For a sleek music player,
foobar2000 is pretty nice. I've been happy with it so far, and it feels a bit like Winamp used to (back in the early 2.x days before the bloatware).
And while searching the interwebs I saw a link to an iTunes like player written in Java, built on Mozilla, and it's GPL'd for extra coolness.
Songbird is its name and it seems pretty neat so far.