Aug 01, 2009 18:44
It's been a while since I made a post. I've mostly been on Twitter, since it "Journal Lite". My id there is the same as it is here.
So what's prompted this is that I got a new phone recently, and wonder of wonders, it is NOT an iPhone. I'm still a happy Verizon customer, so I've stuck with Verizon. I did go for spiff though, and upgraded to a Blackberry Tour world phone. The world part means that it's both GSM and CDMA so it ought to work darn near anywhere in the world that has cell coverage. I just need to start visiting those other parts of the world.
When I decided to get a new phone, I backed up all my contacts through Verizon's backup utility. What I didn't know was that the backup utility does not work with a Blackberry. (sigh) I've got the old phone on "airplane" mode, no cell service, and I'm going through the slow process of writing down all my contacts on a piece of paper. Next comes the fun process of retyping them into the Blackberry.
Fortunately, I have found that Google has a sync module for Blackberry's. Cool deal! So rather than entering all that into the phone, I'm going to transfer it all to my Gmail contact list. A bonus is that that the gmail contact database has much more information in it that an older LG phone is capable of. I finally have exceptional motivation to update and consolidate my address book. I used to maintain it on a Palm Pilot, but that is long since gone. I'm discovering the Blackberry has just as good an addressbook, and it's not a separate device to carry. I think this solution will allow me to have a backed up address database, and automatically sync it with my phone every two hours. Bonus! I just have to populate it all...